why do muslims never rally against terroism??

vincent28uk said:
at last path i agree with you this is a very close likeness to a average muslim

but a even more evil looking picture is needed to get a accurate likeness
Yeah she isn't quite evil enough is she.
but i think you should not be posting pictures of yourself here

i have already forwarded your previous picture of yourself to the fbi
so they can check it against there known database of terroists

is that someone knocking on your door with a net
mi5 hq just received these pictures of path, this man is a wanted man, a man of many disguises, agents are being despatched as i type.
the path to justice will be short
path: Look how cute vincent got himself a sock puppet to play with.
M*W: Hey, path, when MI5 comes around to net us, we shall offer them a spot of tea and a scone while they deport vincent28uk back to his filthy yellow home country.
Medicine Woman said:
path: Look how cute vincent got himself a sock puppet to play with.
M*W: Hey, path, when MI5 comes around to net us, we shall offer them a spot of tea and a scone while they deport vincent28uk back to his filthy yellow home country.

Sounds downright homey :p
vincent Muslims rally all the time i dont know what your talking about.

even in Iran after 9/11 people demonstrated (iran has had a mini 9/11 of its own just as Spain has when Ameriaca "accidently" shot down a normal flight path, on Iranian airspace Passenger Airline killing 400 hundred or so.)

if this was the other way around (Iran shooting at America) you'd be screaming "Muslim terrorism" and "child killers" etc. so i guess i should do the same to America.

Is all of Christianty reponsible for this? is it the hate passages in the Bible inspirng this??? is Democracy repossible, is the West responisble or are white poeple responsible???
Registered User (615 posts)

Today, 09:18 PM
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vincent Muslims rally all the time i dont know what your talking about.

yeah preacher (darth Vader)

muslims do rally all the time but they are usually burning uk or us flags during these rallies

muslims never rally against terroism no only effigy and flag burning

vader you are my father please turn away from the dark force (islam)

xxx luke