why do muslims never rally against terroism??


Sir Vincent, knighted by HM
Registered Senior Member
i here many people say you cannot say all muslims are bad fine

so why do not some i mean 10 or 20 even rally against terroism.
many people here say there are good muslims also, why do they not hold a mass rally to tell the terroist there actions are not supported by them

other faiths have held these type of rallies

in ireland after the real ira bombed omagh, and a lot of people were murdered by these terroists including kids

there was a mass rally of nearly a million irish people catholics and protestants together marching against terroism

and it worked never again did they mount a similar attack

so we can establish that when the people come out in mass too demonstrate against terroism, the terroists take note

so why why why
do not muslims ever demonstrate against terroism, because by not doing so you are sending a message too bin laden that you either agree with him or you are not bothered by his actions because he is not blowing up your family

these terroist are making a mockery of the peace islam is supposed to be a bout, so in order to rescue your religon from these terroist loonies, the time is long overdue for good muslims too let there voices be heard in the street in worlwide mass rallies, if this were to happen, i am 100% certain that wayward muslims would know that too be a terroist is not cool, but being a idiot

by muslims staying quiet all the time, you are supporting bin laden indirectly.

only when muslims unite and hold protests against terroism, will the terroists stop. because then they will know there actions are not appreciated
and they do not represent the muslim majority

As ive told you before that those types of rallies get no press here and when Al Jazerra or somebody covers it the Western press usually downplays it




Notice how that one was in Iraq


Notice the picture in that link shows IRANIAN'S lighting candles for american lives lost on 9-11
The majority of the estimated 250 in attendance Sunday night were not Muslim. They were people like Michael Fischer, 18, of Glendale, who wanted to denounce the stereotyping of Muslims; and Grace Clark of Apache Junction, who wanted to promote peace.

ok i checked your links out the above was pointless

the rally in iraq was in the hundreds

and showing support and lighting candles after sept 11
is a very basic emotion of a humanbeing who can show compassion
it is not a rally

i was refering to the 1 million people who rallied against terroism in ireland after the omagh terroist attack

if muslims can demenstrate in hundreds of thousands or millions the terroists would have to take notice

remember before america invaded iraq, christians and catholics in the west demonstrated in the millions against it

however these terroists are poluting islam and poisoning the views of non-muslims about islam

so if muslims want too end terroism the best way is mass rallies against them
with men in the rallies too i notice the women tend to be the ones lighting candles in support of sept11

around the world muslims have there head in the sand like a ostrich
ignoring the root cause of terroism, which is to ignore it. its a western problem not mine

however if catholics started blowing up mosques would they not demonstrate then
yes they would

its time muslims grabbed the nettle of terroism and pulled it from there soil
instead of letting the nettle grow and flourish by ignoring it
vincent28uk said:
The majority of the estimated 250 in attendance Sunday night were not Muslim. They were people like Michael Fischer, 18, of Glendale, who wanted to denounce the stereotyping of Muslims; and Grace Clark of Apache Junction, who wanted to promote peace.

ok i checked your links out the above was pointless

the rally in iraq was in the hundreds

and showing support and lighting candles after sept 11
is a very basic emotion of a humanbeing who can show compassion
it is not a rally

i was refering to the 1 million people who rallied against terroism in ireland after the omagh terroist attack

if muslims can demenstrate in hundreds of thousands or millions the terroists would have to take notice

remember before america invaded iraq, christians and catholics in the west demonstrated in the millions against it

however these terroists are poluting islam and poisoning the views of non-muslims about islam

so if muslims want too end terroism the best way is mass rallies against them
with men in the rallies too i notice the women tend to be the ones lighting candles in support of sept11

around the world muslims have there head in the sand like a ostrich
ignoring the root cause of terroism, which is to ignore it. its a western problem not mine

however if catholics started blowing up mosques would they not demonstrate then
yes they would

its time muslims grabbed the nettle of terroism and pulled it from there soil
instead of letting the nettle grow and flourish by ignoring it

First of all the Iranian peace march was 10's of thousands of people. 2nd their have been millions of muslims worldwide that have been condeming terrorism. If you expect to hear alotta muslims protesting against Israel....well forget about it. Most muslims see that as a illegal occupation and enslavement. If you expect most muslims to speak out about Iraq.....forget about that also because that is a war remember. Are you also outraged that the West supports terrorist regimes? Are you also outraged that the West themselves commit terrorism on a regular basis? Ending this hypocracy would have a two-fold effect....first it would end the hypocracy that the rest of the world sees in the Western foreign policy and 2nd it would not give the terrorists a leg to stand on. Remember only after the Wests desire for global dominance did terrorism become widespread(if it really even is) Muslims Jews and Christians lived peacefully for hundreds of years before today.

You yourself Vincent are at all interested in peace...in an earlier thread even when you agreeded with me you signed your post with "that doesnt mean that we are kissing cousins" so you really have no interest in furthering Muslim and non-Muslim dialogue and understanding
When the muslims speak out against terrorism they meet such a fate with such an excuse :

The heavily-armed ultras forced their way into Anwer Hussain Gujjar's house in remote Dera Bangla village in Bhudal tehsil of Rajouri district in the early hours and took him and his son away with them.

A few hours later, the militants returned and dumped the bodies in front of Gujjar's house. The militants warned the villagers that they must not help the security forces.

- http://in.rediff.com/news/2004/aug/04kash.htm

On Sunday, a group of nine militants barged into the home of Mohammed Shafi in a remote village in Rajouri district and beheaded him, a police officer said. They also killed his 22-year-old son and 15-year-old daughter, the officer said.

"The militants thought he worked for security forces in the area," he said. The village, in the rugged mountains of southern Jammu and Kashmir, is a five hour trek from the nearest road.

Militants fighting Indian rule in Kashmir have in the past killed men and women they believe to be working for the Indian army, along with their families, to deter others.

- http://www.almuajaha.com/newswire/display/6306/index.php

They too are victims of terrorism.
"First of all the Iranian peace march was 10's of thousands of people. "

iran is the terroist nation of the world they do not march against terroism, they march with terroists

there tourist attraction of a flag 60 metres across and 60 metres long
with the words down with america and bombs falling down clearly state that they are a terroist nation

please do not compare iran with a country of peace marchers
the only rallies muslims seem to have are the ones were they are burning us or uk flags

then they can march in there hundreds of thousands for this noble worthwhile cause

but if you ask them too march against terroism, its not our problem, i dont want too know
vincent28uk said:
"First of all the Iranian peace march was 10's of thousands of people. "

iran is the terroist nation of the world they do not march against terroism, they march with terroists

there tourist attraction of a flag 60 metres across and 60 metres long
with the words down with america and bombs falling down clearly state that they are a terroist nation

please do not compare iran with a country of peace marchers

I am indeed sorry if the facts confuse your sterotyping brain but its the truth. But Iran was very much against the 9-11 attacks.It is common thinking in the West that Islam threatens nonmuslims(or infidels as you like to think we call you) but muslim religious extremists kill a heck of alot more muslims than they do westerners

Of course Muslims rally against terrorism, there was a large largly mulim rally in Moscow and even in chechnya
Registered User (24 posts)

Today, 07:56 PM
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Of course Muslims rally against terrorism, there was a large largly mulim rally in Moscow and even in chechnya

would you not rally in russia if you did not want your house burned down in revenge
russians are hardly known for being gentle in response to such attrocities

and if you did not want some vodka swigging ruskie lynching you would be out on the street distancing your religon from these attacks
but it is sad that they are only marching to save there own asses from repercussions from the russian people and not out of any moral beliefs
would you not rally in russia if you did not want your house burned down in revenge
russians are hardly known for being gentle in response to such attrocities

So in other words, it's a Catch 22? There will never be an answer to your question? You will always be right in thinking there are no Muslims that rally against terrorism because if one does rally, it's just to cover their ass, but if one doesn't, it's because they love terrorism? Damned if ya do, damned if ya don't.

At least with your thinking (which hurts your cause and point), it makes those that don't rally against terrorism seem less "for" terrorism because rather than lumping them all into the "for" terrorism group, we're now able to divide that group in half between those "for" terrorism and those that are just not rallying because they don't want people thinking they're "against" terrorism because it'd mean they're just "covering their ass". I mean hey, they don't wanna look like peaceful sell-outs, ya know.

- N
Rallying could be seen as tantamount to admiting that there may be a more of a problem with islamic doctrine than anyone is willing to admit (not saying this is the case just giving a possible explaination). I understand the haste to rally when the west, particularly the US, does something seen as hostile against the muslim world, I really do. They are the traditional bad guys to muslims in general, in recent history.
I am more surprised that there are not rallys by muslims against what is happening in Darfur. There should be some jihadists in Darfur defending their fellow muslims being ravaged by fellow muslims on a much greater scale than is happening in Iraq. Now that would really be showing that you mean to prevent injustice at the cost of your life if need be. But then I think the islam the jihadists follow may have more of a problem when it involves killing fellow muslims.
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Registered User (467 posts)

terrorism and those that are just not rallying because they don't want people thinking they're "against" terrorism because it'd mean they're just "covering their ass". I mean hey, they don't wanna look like peaceful sell-outs, ya know.

why does it take a terroist attack in a country to gage a response from muslims

so if they bomb the uk next week the muslims there will respond with a anti- terroist march
hoping uk citizens will not hold them responsible

as they did in france with the anti-scarf rule
2 french hostages are threatened with death and suddenly the muslims in france are quiet about the new law, knowing that if the french hostages die there businesses and people will be attacked

now these terroists are putting islam in a very bad light and have hijacked the good name of islam
so instead of waiting for a attack, how about muslims pre-empting them and holding rallies against terroism before it happens, and also in the countries not affected by the terroist action

so when theres a bombing in russia how about malaysians showing there disaproval at these attrocities and demonstrating against it, or another non affected muslim country
why does it take a terroist attack in a country to gage a response from muslims

Why does it take a terrorist attack in a country to gauge a response from non-Muslims?

People don't really care about events unless it specifically effects them. Most people have more important, time consuming, normal day things to do just to survive themselves let alone having to worry about the survival of other people. Sure it sucks when a terrorist act (or anything bad for that matter) happens, but it's soon forgotten and people head back to their every day lives.

You also have to realize that it's not as easy as it seems to have Muslims rally against terrorism when such a high number of them are for it. It's not as if they have freedom and can go out and protest safely, they'll most likely get killed for doing so. Look at the Muslims that are targetted in terrorist attacks, Iraqi policemen or those that like the Western world. Some may not like terrorist acts but like I said earlier, they need to survive themselves and protesting/rallying isn't going to help them.

Now for places where there is freedom to rally and protest safely, it's still not that simple. Racism towards Muslims increase each time a terrorist act occurs. Go out and protest and then get beaten up, your house screwed up, or something else bad. Rally against terrorism may make non-Muslims feel better, but it's stupid to do so as a Muslim when nothing but bad things will happen to you. Why bother? And then as you said earlier, when Muslims do rally, you say it's all just to cover their own ass. Even more of a reason not to rally.

- N
BTW Vincent This is not exactly a street demonstration but I think it is more important, a bit of soul searching can go a long way.

School siege prompts horrified self-criticism in Arab media

By The Associated Press

CAIRO, Egypt - Muslims worldwide are the main perpetrators of terrorism, a humiliating and painful truth that must be acknowledged, a prominent Arab writer and television executive wrote Saturday as Middle East media and officials registered their horror at the bloody rebel siege of a Russian school.

Unusually forthright self-criticism followed the end of the hostage crisis, along with warnings such actions inflict more damage to the image of Islam than all its enemies combined could hope. Arab leaders and Muslim clerics denounced the school seizure as unjustifiable and expressed their sympathy.

Russian commandos stormed the school Friday in Beslan, Russia; it had been taken over apparently by rebels demanding independence for Chechnya. Death toll reports ran as high as 250, with twice as many wounded. Many of the casualties were children.

Images of terrified young survivors being carried from the scene aired repeatedly on Arab TV stations. Pictures of dead and wounded children ran on front pages of Arab newspapers Saturday. "Holy warriors" from the Middle East long have supported fellow Muslims fighting in Chechnya, and Russian officials said nine or 10 Arabs were among militants killed.

"Our terrorist sons are an end-product of our corrupted culture," Abdulrahman al-Rashed, general manager of Al-Arabiya television wrote in his daily column published in the pan-Arab Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper. It ran under the headline, "The Painful Truth: All the World Terrorists are Muslims!"

Al-Rashed ran through a list of recent attacks by Islamic extremist groups - in Russia, Iraq, Sudan, Saudi Arabia and Yemen - many of which are influenced by the ideology of Osama Bin Laden, the Saudi-born leader of al-Qaida terror network.

"Most perpetrators of suicide operations in buses, schools and residential buildings around the world for the past 10 years have been Muslims," he wrote. Muslims will be unable to cleanse their image unless "we admit the scandalous facts," rather than offer condemnations or justifications.

"The picture is humiliating, painful and harsh for all of us," al-Rashed wrote.

Contributors to Islamic Web sites known for their extremist content had mixed reactions on the hostage crisis, with some praising the separatists as holy warriors. Others wrote that people should wait until the militants had been identified before implicating Arabs in the drama.

A statement in the name of The Islambouli Brigades posted Saturday on an Internet site known for its militant content, meanwhile, distanced the group from the school attack, though it did not criticize the Chechen rebels it indicated were behind it and called the hostage-takers demands "justified." There was no way to verify its authenticity.

"We in al-Islambouli Brigades, although we bless the efforts of our brothers in Chechnya in defending their honor and their religion, announce that we have no relationship with any cell of the cells that carried out the Ossetia operation, and that we didn't contribute with any munitions or money in this operation," the statement said.

"The dirty Russian government carries all the responsibility and the repercussions of this operation," it said.

Ahmed Bahgat, an Egyptian Islamist, wrote in his column in Egypt's leading pro-government newspaper, Al-Ahram, that hostage-takers in Russia as well as in Iraq are only harming Islam.

"If all the enemies of Islam united together and decided to harm it ... they wouldn't have ruined and harmed its image as much as the sons of Islam have done by their stupidity, miscalculations, and misunderstanding of the nature of this age," Bahgat wrote.

The horrifying images of the dead and wounded Russian students "showed Muslims as monsters who are fed by the blood of children and the pain of their families."

An editorial in the Saudi English-language Arab News put some blame for the bloody end to the school siege on Vladimir Putin, saying the Russian president couldn't afford to lose his "tough-man image." But it added that "the Chechens, with the choice of their targets, had put themselves in a position where no one would shed tears when the punishment came. They reached a new low when they chose toddlers as bargaining chips."

Heads of state from Egypt, Lebanon and Kuwait offered their sympathy Friday to Russian officials and to the families of people caught up in the hostage drama. A prominent Muslim cleric also denounced it.

"What is the guilt of those children [in Russia]? Why should they be responsible for your conflict with the government?" Egypt's top Muslim cleric, Grand Sheik Mohammed Sayed Tantawi, was quoted as saying during a Friday sermon in Banha, 50 kilometers (30 miles) north of Cairo.

"You are taking Islam as a cover and it is a deceptive cover; those who carry out the kidnappings are criminals, not Muslims," Tantawi, who heads Al-Azhar University, the highest authority in the Sunni Islamic world, was quoted by Egypt's Middle East News agency as saying.

I can get you links to the original if you need.
Return of the goat (778 posts)

and called the hostage-takers demands "justified."

"The dirty Russian government carries all the responsibility and the repercussions of this operation," it said.

is this part of there statement against terroism too sounds like there justifying it or blaming the russians too me

and also egypt and saudi arabia
are americas puppets what do you expect them too say
egypt gets billions from america in aid

how a bout americas foes malaysia or syria or iran speaking up are holding rallies

not for the first time here you are being led down the garden path
vincent28uk said:
Return of the goat (778 posts)

and called the hostage-takers demands "justified."

"The dirty Russian government carries all the responsibility and the repercussions of this operation," it said.

is this part of there statement against terroism too sounds like there justifying it or blaming the russians too me

and also egypt and saudi arabia
are americas puppets what do you expect them too say
egypt gets billions from america in aid

how a bout americas foes malaysia or syria or iran speaking up are holding rallies

not for the first time here you are being led down the garden path

Are you really this dim or are you just pretending? That quote was from an extremist and while maintaining his party line you can see in the text above the quote that even fellow extremist are trying to put some distance between themselves and this last event. Vincent you really need to work on reading and grasping things in their entire context not just sound bytes. Work on your attention span and turn off the TV. ;)

PS here enjoy, Free muslims
like a educated person can make sense of ramblings from muslim loonies

why dont you read your entire link again and tell me with a straight face
that these are not incoherent ramblings of more deranged muslims

lol lol
Here vincent in order to help you sort out muslims from the regular people I am posting a picture of an ordinary muslim for you. Feel free to print it out and hang it up so you will recognize a muslim when you see one ;)

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