why do i like people on TV more than people in real life?

i was obsessed with undressed one summer..... of course.. mtv always had one good show each summer... first sifl & olly.. then daria.. then undressed.. 'cept this summer there was NOTHIN. the new season of undressed is dumb. so ive resorted to the weather channel.
I only watch TV at Deena's house, and I had no idea what was on the tube until recently...but what a great idea for a show. Good-looking people without clothes on.

some people r just so self absorbed, nobody wants 2 go near them.

if we look at ourself, we find that we may suffer from self aborption from time 2 time

some friends, iv known and trust 4 so long that no matter what an asshole they r, it never comes as a surprise.
u can still care 4 someone and hang out with them on a certain level, but always remember that your dealing with a total creep.

your level of wealth might also determine the quality of friends u hav even tho u shouldnt really let it.
being poor and being rich could offer different types fo friends, and therefore a different level of education, a different standard of interests, a different social temperment and outlook, and a different sense of significance and security.

people ususally end up with friends with the same interests and lifestyles. not because of the same emotional modes, personalities, and temperments.

the most important is shared experience. weather good or bad, what u go through with a person and your time spent together really determines ur bond.
Your only true friend is yourself.

You never intentionaly or unintentionaly hurt yourself.

You are interrested in what you have to say.

Unfortunatly it also gets very boring, because you agree with yourself. Thats why you have other friends.

Some of my friends were complete d*ckheads when i met them. Now however they are great.

I think that age has a great influance on how people act. I haven't changed at all, and I believe that that was what the problem was. All of my friends (in secondary school) were imature and wanted to do stupid things.

I never wanted to do stupid things and so grew more and more distant from them. Now that they have 'grown up' and matured they are great to get along with.
and arn't we all sad. Talking about how we don't have lots of friends.

If you lived near me I am sure that I would be all of your friends (that sounded more cheezy than I hoped....), apart from Dark Master!