Why do I have to live within your socially established norms?

Yea isnt that form of slavery just a good thing?

Criticize everyone who does not conform to an individuals selfish desires or lifestyle.

Oh that sounds alot like Americans.

You don't have to live there, you know.
If you are going to live in a certain society, you must abide by their rules and norms. It's simple as that. If you don't want rules, go live in the wild or establish your own society.
F*** any society that tries to define normal and then demand I adhere to that normality. The British didn't invent eccentricity, but we are damned good at it. If it is not endangering any one, go for it.
F*** any society that tries to define normal and then demand I adhere to that normality. The British didn't invent eccentricity, but we are damned good at it. If it is not endangering any one, go for it.

Society is structure and order. You CHOOSE to live in society. If you don't like it, move.
If your wife tells you that what you are doing is inappropriate that HER problem, not YOURS.

I do all sorts of inappropriate things if I think the things are fun.

I can't go to a supermarket with one of those big ball bins without taking a ball out and playing with it.

I get on my hands and knees in the middle of the museum and give my nephew a ride on my back.

I could give a shit less what's appropriate - especially when it comes to playing with children - I care about what is fun.

You can be inappropriate in a good or funny way. Last December me and my friend were hanging out in the city and we were running around the place singing a version of 'Deck the halls' that went 'Deck the halls with Christians' viscera'. Most people just laughed. You just gotta use your judgement as to whether the silly thing you're about to do is silly in a good way or just inappropriate.
Society is structure and order. You CHOOSE to live in society. If you don't like it, move.

Norse you don't seem like you would be much fun, a stuck up by-the-book, my-way-or-the-highway type person never is, you only live once, have fun :D
Norse you don't seem like you would be much fun, a stuck up by-the-book, my-way-or-the-highway type person never is, you only live once, have fun

Then move to a society where you can "have fun". Society has absolutely no obligation to be tolerant.
you have to live within the socially established norms because I have to as well. Or else, it wouldnt be fair...
Norse, take that fucking watermelon out of your anus.

Society has the right to be intolerant when you're actually harming others. Not when you're merely looning around and not hurting anyone.
So according to you Norsey, me and my mate should go to jail or be executed or *insert ranting raving bullshit here* for running around singing 'Deck the halls with Christian viscera'?
Norse, take that fucking watermelon out of your anus.

Society has the right to be intolerant when you're actually harming others. Not when you're merely looning around and not hurting anyone.

Society chooses what rights it has. Your concept of society isn't the same as mine, and so we're on two different pages here. Society is the ideological and behaviorial unity of a certain people. Because the society is their's, they have every right to choose who to tolerate or who not to tolerate. If one is a minority (behavior wise), then it is their obligation to move, not society's obligation to accept them. The will of the people triumphs.
So according to you Norsey, me and my mate should go to jail or be executed or *insert ranting raving bullshit here* for running around singing 'Deck the halls with Christian viscera'?

I don't understand why you'd live in a society that doesn't conform to your ideals/behavior.
Society chooses what rights it has. Your concept of society isn't the same as mine, and so we're on two different pages here. Society is the ideological and behaviorial unity of a certain people. Because the society is their's, they have every right to choose who to tolerate or who not to tolerate. If one is a minority (behavior wise), then it is their obligation to move, not society's obligation to accept them. The will of the people triumphs.

Wait a second here, now your talking about society ACCEPTING people, I don't give a damn if mainstream society doesn't accept me, and it is NOT my obligation to move if they don't
Society chooses what rights it has. Your concept of society isn't the same as mine, and so we're on two different pages here. Society is the ideological and behaviorial unity of a certain people. Because the society is their's, they have every right to choose who to tolerate or who not to tolerate. If one is a minority (behavior wise), then it is their obligation to move, not society's obligation to accept them. The will of the people triumphs.

So if the majority decided it was ok to execute people for, say, using blue toilet paper, regardless of the idiocy of that rule they'd have the right to do it?

I don't understand why you'd live in a society that doesn't conform to your ideals/behavior.

Because there's nothing WRONG with the society I live in! If they wanted to execute or torture me for being silly in public, sure, I think I'd move. But unlike you my society has a sense of proportion.
Wait a second here, now your talking about society ACCEPTING people, I don't give a damn if mainstream society doesn't accept me, and it is NOT my obligation to move if they don't

Then don't complain if they refuse you service/etc

Regardless, you are thinking of society as one massive thing that is just based on legalities; that's not correct. In an ideal society, everyone is a member of the majority. Why would a minority be in a majority society? In a true society, there are certain ways of doing things for the specific people that live there. That's society, and therefore they, in it being their society, have no obligation to accept you.
So if the majority decided it was ok to execute people for, say, using blue toilet paper, regardless of the idiocy of that rule they'd have the right to do it?
If the entire society agreed that they could do that, nobody would use blue toilet paper and if they did, they're out of place.

Because there's nothing WRONG with the society I live in! If they wanted to execute or torture me for being silly in public, sure, I think I'd move. But unlike you my society has a sense of proportion.

What "society" do you live in? If you are referring to the nation of the UK, there are loads of problems. The conservative vs liberal argument is certainly one major problem. It's a clash of two different societies.
If the entire society agreed that they could do that, nobody would use blue toilet paper and if they did, they're out of place.

What "society" do you live in? If you are referring to the nation of the UK, there are loads of problems. The conservative vs liberal argument is certainly one major problem. It's a clash of two different societies.

1. You're either being sarcastic, or you seriously need a sense of perspective.

2. I live in Ireland.
1. You're either being sarcastic, or you seriously need a sense of perspective.
Not at all. If I live in a society and I agree that blue toilet paper is bad and everyone else does, why would we even use it?

2. I live in Ireland.

Same thing, I'm sure. The problem is "diversity"; not racial diversity, but ideological diversity. A nation can't be stable if you have communists and capitalists and fascists and anarchists in the same country, making up significant proportions of the population. It's unstable and there's ALWAYS going to be someone unhappy