Why do I have to live within your socially established norms?

Mr. Hamtastic

Registered Senior Member
I don't want to. I tried to play hide and seek with my wife and children at the grocery store, but it wasn't acceptable according to my wife. I want to be allowed to attempt whatever asshattery that pops into my head. As long as I don't put anyone at risk, I should be free. What do you think? Is your desire to commit general asshattery being repressed?
Public places are not acceptable for hide-and-seek with children because children might get lost for real. A few decades ago, in Germany, it was customary for moms to leave babies in strollers outside of stores for a couple of minutes; until, one time, a baby got stolen and never found.
I've become an adult and have responsibilities to try and set an example for others younger than me to follow. By only fooling around at my house or at appropriate times will I allow myself to become foolish in my ways. To go into public with a wife isn't a good time to act a fool because it makes your family look like fools as well. There's a time and place for everything and it would be good to try and learn when that is by listening to your wife when your with her.
If your wife tells you that what you are doing is inappropriate that HER problem, not YOURS.

I do all sorts of inappropriate things if I think the things are fun.

I can't go to a supermarket with one of those big ball bins without taking a ball out and playing with it.

I get on my hands and knees in the middle of the museum and give my nephew a ride on my back.

I could give a shit less what's appropriate - especially when it comes to playing with children - I care about what is fun.
I don't want to. I tried to play hide and seek with my wife and children at the grocery store, but it wasn't acceptable according to my wife. I want to be allowed to attempt whatever asshattery that pops into my head. As long as I don't put anyone at risk, I should be free. What do you think? Is your desire to commit general asshattery being repressed?
I don't have children and I'm not exactly a high-energy guy so hide-and-seek isn't something I'm ever likely to engage in. But I talk to my dogs (they talk back, but not everyone can hear them), I have a larger-than-life Kermit the Frog strapped into my back seat, and in general my wife and I indulge in a lot of silly stuff. Most people our age think we're hopelessly silly just because we still go to rock and roll concerts (got tickets to see The Cult tomorrow night, yaaay-uh!), but the kids there love us and treat us like beloved elders because we give them hope that they won't stop rockin' when they turn 65.

I think it's great that you teach your children that it's okay to be silly. Americans have gotten too goddamned serious! They sue each other over everything and they let the government tell them what they can do with their own bodies. Nobody can take a joke.

That said, a grocery store is still private property and the owners get to make the rules, just like you get to make them in your home. The problem with our litigious society is that if your kid knocks a 26-ounce can of pumpkin off the shelf while he's looking for a hiding place and it lands on his little pumpkin head, three attorneys will converge on you from the produce, bakery and dry goods aisles and convince you that it's your duty as a citizen to sue the owners of the store for something that was really his (and your) own fault. You have to understand that the owners live in perpetual fear of shit like this because it happens all the time. So if you want to play a game with your kids, why don't you invent one called "Shoot the Lawyers." ;)

More broadly, Americans have become complete idiots at risk analysis and management. They think that it's both possible and a good idea to protect children (not to mention adults) from every conceivable risk, no matter how small the probability and how enormous the cost and effort of protection.

Well no wait that's not quite right and this is the reason I call my people idiots. We just spent two trillion dollars, pissed away the international sympathy and goodwill our country had after 9/11, overthrew the only secular, pro-Western government in the entire Middle East, and are well on the way toward earning the hatred of one-third of the Earth's inhabitants, in order to reduce the risk of terrorism, which has killed three thousand of us in the last seven years. During those same seven years, drunk drivers have killed... wait for it... one hundred fifty thousand of us. It would be so cheap and easy to curtail drunk driving, without arresting anybody or making the rest of us take our shoes and belts off before getting into our cars: Just install a breathalyzer ignition interlock in every car for about $150.

Americans are idiots about risk. Don't mess with idiots!
Public places are not acceptable for hide-and-seek with children because children might get lost for real. A few decades ago, in Germany, it was customary for moms to leave babies in strollers outside of stores for a couple of minutes; until, one time, a baby got stolen and never found.
Apparently Germans aren't any brighter than Americans. One baby? Out of how many? What exactly are the odds? Is it worth changing the behavior of an entire society to reduce an infinitesimal risk to zero? You'd almost think our governments want us to live in fear, because frightened people are willing to sacrifice their rights for security. I know the damned media do, because frightened people buy more newspapers and watch more TV news ("The News For People Who Can't Read") than contented people.

"People who are willing to sacrifice a little bit of liberty for a little bit of security are destined to end up with neither. And that's just fine, because it's what those people deserve." -- Wrongly attributed to Benjamin Franklin, who said he had no idea whom he was quoting.
If you are going to live in a certain society, you must abide by their rules and norms. It's simple as that. If you don't want rules, go live in the wild or establish your own society.
Rules and norms are drastically different things.

Are you sayifg that everyone in this country should be Democrat, since they are in the majority - therefore the norm?
Do you have NO ideas or habits that are not outside the norm? How very dull you must be.
If you are going to live in a certain society, you must abide by their rules and norms. It's simple as that. If you don't want rules, go live in the wild or establish your own society.
You didn't answer his question. Basically, all you told him was, "Because we said so." That's no answer.
You didn't answer his question. Basically, all you told him was, "Because we said so." That's no answer.

That's how society operates...."because we said so", "we" being the majority. In a truly ideal society, there would be no ideological or behaviorial minorities.
i agree with One raven. both my father in law and i have a habit which REALLY irritates PB (Which is why we do it:p), we go along at christamas time activating ALL the singing toys:p

its fun, especially her responce:p

tell your wife to lighten up and live a little, muck around in stores and public places. people are to stiff.

As long as you dont break anything who cares??
One baby? Out of how many? What exactly are the odds? Is it worth changing the behavior of an entire society to reduce an infinitesimal risk to zero? You'd almost think our governments want us to live in fear, because frightened people are willing to sacrifice their rights for security. I know the damned media do, because frightened people buy more newspapers and watch more TV news ("The News For People Who Can't Read") than contented people.

I'm all up for everything you said except this. You never had kids, so you have no idea what losing one baby means, especially losing it because you turned away for a few minutes. It's not only one baby who got lost in the past few decades. Kids get lost all the time, many are never found, many emerge from some sicko's basement years later. The news is full of it. Every night, they say "Have you seen..." and it's a different kid each time.
Rules and norms are drastically different things.

Are you sayifg that everyone in this country should be Democrat, since they are in the majority - therefore the norm?
Do you have NO ideas or habits that are not outside the norm? How very dull you must be.

I was going to elaborate on this a bit myself before you posted this damn it!

We grow up watching power rangers.... (some or a lot of us)... We're "politicially" made, with a "politicial" mindset, showing us where to turn next, what to do. Some people like my friend has no real sense of responsibility or if he does then it is very bizare. His x-men and fantasy world do not belong in a responsible house hold nor does his belief system / sense of responsibility..... anyway, he is another story but, without that sense of self there's really no "running around in store playing hide and go seek with the kids" excuse I mean, comeon, watch some powerrangers

Some of that made sense. I think. Some of it was confusing. I live in the country. We got a food lion about 3 years ago at a little intersection of a non-town called central garage. It was a big deal. Everyone knows everyone here, and if you don't know somebody, there's a good chance you can just walk up to them and ask. There's no major fear of kidnapping, so that's never been a thought. I wouldn't go to Philadelphia or even Richmond and play any game which takes me out of eyesight of my kids.

That being said, it was really more of a game of tag, since we'd run away from the wife and 2 youngers(Me and 3 olders), hide around the corner of an aisle, then when she came into view, we'd run away.

I've decided to seek out some joy, since there doesn't seem to be any being handed out. That's all.

On a side note, after I clean the basement today, I plan on going without the children to direct traffic at our local intersection.
If you are going to live in a certain society, you must abide by their rules and norms. It's simple as that. If you don't want rules, go live in the wild or establish your own society.

Yea isnt that form of slavery just a good thing?:rolleyes:

Criticize everyone who does not conform to an individuals selfish desires or lifestyle.

Oh that sounds alot like Americans.
society can bite me. Society has done nothing positive for me. I think I would have been an excellent hermit on the outskirts of civilization, if civilization hadn't put itself about like some bloated whore.
I sympathize completely, Hamtastic. I too resent the all-too-common repression of the creative expression of exuberance. As my wife is often reminding me:

"Stop. You're not supposed to have that much fun in public."
I'm trying to figure out how to organize an imprmptu game of marco polo at the local grocery store, without having my wife's head explode, and without getting arrested. Any ideas?