Why Do I Bother?

I´m possibly planning to become one of those "whale-people" that are so humongous that they have to be washed off with a hose and rolled around on triple stretchers, when entering the outdoors. If I´m lucky my eyelids would even grow so fat that it would be impossible to open my eyes. That would be perfect....
But I´m rather skinny now, so it´s hard work getting there, that´s my reason. :D

Well, thank God for that! If a woman with whale aspirations can have a fan, then there is still hope for the world. :D
What about those whose 'love-cushion' is rapidly becoming a futon!
Oh no wait I have fans. I'm on telly, I'm being published in a book and I just got a raise. Who needs fans :D

:) Bbcboy, shall I open up a fanclub for you, now, immediately...? :D

A copy please of the poem, then I'll be your biggest fan! At once...:cool:
Oh Bbcboy, I am totally sold. :) :) beautiful poem, really. :)

I'll be your biggest fan from now on. Count on me my friend. :) You write wonderful! ;) And I certainly mean it...
You will have to be fan number 1a or the other half will get the blues. Thank you for the praise I live for it! :D
I am happy to share the first place with your other half! :) :)

Then I know for sure I'm in good company...;)
I live life according to what REALLY matters, love and your relationships with other people. While others may argue that things such as school, work, and making money are the first priority, what would end up really mattering to you if one day you found out you had cancer, or a few months to live, or all of a sudden all your material things were gone, or you lost someone you truely love. Then your job, schoolwork or income would mean nothing, what would be left to care about except love and your friends? In the grand scheme of things that is all that truely matters, no matter how much pressure society puts on you to think othwise.
Oh no wait I have fans. I'm on telly, I'm being published in a book and I just got a raise. Who needs fans

Congrads bbcboy! With the coming of summer, fans are cheap to buy:D

Welcome to sciforums, HoldenK.
In the grand scheme of things, what really matters is whatever you think really matters.

You cannot say that love is all that matter when to someone else, money and possessions may be all that matters.
Right Tyler! Values are relative.

I would prefer a nice BMW 325ci over 'love' (depending on who with and how long - right), whereas Nelson would not.

Simply what I value versus what Nelson values.
Xev, you bitter disillusioned woman. :p A car is a hunk of plastic and metal. There are millions of the suckers. Just plastic and metal mass-assembled products. Love feels heaps better, and is a far more individual experience. It also involves shagging, which I find superior to driving.
Not bitter and disillusioned, just honest.

Over six billion humans on the planet, really, pretty blue BMW 325ci's are much more rare.

For the record, there are one or two people I would prefer to love (emotionally, prevert! :p) over a pretty little Beemer....but generally I would go with the 325.
There may be over 6 billion people, but very few of them even knowany one of us. Fewer still love any one of us. The chances of finding one person in over six billion who can stick with you for your whole life is pretty small I think, but it seems to happen all the time anyway.

And who are you callin' a pervert, lizard-lady?!
you mean to tell me that if all of a sudden you were living your last months, your blue BMW would mean more to you than all the friendships you have created? You would rather have a BMW than relationships of all kinds?

Just my opinon, but the connections you have with other people mean a lot more to me than things I could by. I dont believe you can buy happiness or love, no emotion can be bought, you can only buy tangible things. Its a shame...because the things that are not tangible are worth the most in life. (my opinion once again)

Life may be money, but whats money without life?
I am calling you a prevert, you prevert! :p

Yeah, maybe few of those people know us, but few cars are in my garage!

None, in fact.

Okay okay okay. I admit that if somone very nice were to get down on his knees - erm, bad choice of words - if somone 'special' loved me, I would prefer that over a 325.

However, Beemers are still a girl's best friend.

Well actually, big, cute German shepards are.....awww

Holden: Oh no. I value friendship over a 325. Just not love.