Why Do I Bother?


Recovering christian
Registered Senior Member
What is your current reason for living?
Define your reason for waking up in the morning

For me it is my Lover followed by my work
I am creative in words and I like sunshine.
The people in my life and their valued input

What's Yours?
I love my life
For it's the only reason I'm alive

Science, sex, and survival. -Me
I am rather curious to see what, if anything, comes after death. But I'm not in any hurry to find out. Why? Because if there's nothing, then it would be a really dumb thing to give up all the groovy stuff you can do living.

So, I like the world, I like all the groovy stuff I can see and do. I really like women, sex, good food, learning stuff, the occasional drink, movies, books, massages, more massages, and so on.
I have two reasons for not leaving existence.

For one, it would seriously hurt other people if I was to commit suicide.

For two, I like when good things happen!

Sometimes I get so bored with life that number one becomes the only reason.
What is my reason for living?????

so I suppose we should all want to die unless we have a reason not to. Life is sacred in my opinion. Its pure foolishness to want to die. The purpose of human life in particular is to control our surroundings. Not only is this evolutionary, its also religious in a way. And the fun part is contributing what you can.

On mr. G's point, dont you think you'd get kinda lonely, and not very far in human purpose? I think you as everyone, has someone to rely on whether you know it or not.
A reason for living: The alternative really sucks.
how do we KNOW the altrenitive sucks. To me death has ALWAYS been atractive because its the ultimate mystery
My aren't we the gloomy lot

The thread was meant to give an opportunity to tell us what you celebrate about being alive not reasons why you don't jump off something high.

Lighten up ladies:D

The thread was meant to give an opportunity to tell us what you celebrate about being alive not reasons why you don't jump off something high.
I don’t see any difference. Just being alive is well worth celebrating.

I almost don’t care what I actually do with my life providing I don’t lose it. I’m 50 this year and I have done and tried many things. As I look around for more things to do I feel overwhelmed with new things to try. That makes me very aware that time is short and I’m never going to be able to do everything I’d like unless I can find ways to extend the life I have.

The greatest thing about living is being alive so that you can live.

agreed cris. life itslef is worth the living, besides alternative really might suck. I'm in await for some age-killin technoloy;):D

how do we KNOW the altrenitive sucks.
Feel free to ask anyone who has tried it. So far the return rate is zero.

To me death has ALWAYS been atractive because its the ultimate mystery
If you are really that curious then why not try it?

But I’d recommend that before you investigate that alleged mystery then why not take a quick look at the colossal number of real mysteries that are present in the real universe. That should take you a few millions of years.

Of course if you can’t figure out how to live that long then you’ll get a chance to see if death is a mystery soon enough. I’d invite you to come back and tell me your findings but based on the current statistics there appears to be a zero probability that I’d ever here from you again.

Originally posted by Bbcboy
*Define your reason for waking up in the morning.*

My dear friend, :) after a night sleep, I simply wake up! :) My eyes open and I don't want to lay in bed all day...

It is Spring, a good time of the year to be awake and alive, as is any Season, for they all have their beauty and value in daily life. Guess the most important reasons for being alive are already given here, in the thread.

I'll give you a very simple one to add up to them. It is a real joy to find my cat every morning, jumping around like crazy and clawing and biting in my feet. :) (he is still young and very, very alive)

Death is not an option, other then when it happens, it happens...
The sun is shining hot and bright today and as I drove to work I found myself crawling along at 20mph. It was just too nice to whizz by.

A good day :D:D
Define your reason for waking up in the morning

Oh my...
I just realized that I almost never wake in the morning. I wake in the mid... er... quarter of the DAY and sleep late. It's fun being lazy. :D
My body clock and I are jealous beyond all hope

Respect my friend

blessed are the lazy for they shall inherit no eye bags :D
My reason?

Opening my eyes to see my beautiful daughter every morning! She really makes this hell called life worth while:)
If I was in love - it would be just a glance from the one that loves me - but since Im not....

Groove on