Why do human beings pray?


Yes spidergoat, praying is atheistic as well.
Atheists don't believe there is a god that answers prayers. I did try it when I was young and foolish, but nothing happened (and it was really important that it did happen, it was nothing trivial).

What about all those starving people in third world countries? Almost none of them are atheists, and yet they die all the time. Many are held as slaves and abused. Many die of diseases that we know how to cure. Are your privileged white prayers more important than theirs?
The whole thing bout god is he doesnt need to prove anything to any body n if u dnt believe then thats for u to deal with in the end as for me the lord is my savor. And to all u who think im a kid im not just turned30 ty.
The whole thing bout god is he doesnt need to prove anything to any body n if u dnt believe then thats for u to deal with in the end as for me the lord is my savor. And to all u who think im a kid im not just turned30 ty.
Why do you believe? Come on, make an effort.
The whole thing bout god is he doesnt need to prove anything to any body
Quite possibly.
But if you want anyone else to subscribe to your beliefs - or even take them seriously - then YOU have to provide some evidence.

as for me the lord is my savor.
Unsupported belief.

And to all u who think im a kid im not just turned30 ty.
Then try posting as if you were an adult.
People pray for two main reasons:
(1) When young they were taught too, same reason they eat with fork or chopsticks and do other learned behaviors (Shake hands or bow, etc.)
(2) Fear and hope that some greater power will help them, if asked in sincere pray. - Pascal's wager applies. I.e. what have you got to lose? Answer: zero. What have you got to gain: X, which may be non-zero.

Before my early teens, I prayed for reason (1), then I transformed into an agnostic, and it seemed of little use as even if some god(s) existed they obviously were not concerned with earthly events and certainly had no foresight. If they did, they could have let / caused Hitler to die of heart attack in his teens.

However, behavior patterns that once gave some comfort when under stress, are not forgotten. Once, more than four decades ago*, while sailing at night, I heard a "hissing" sound and looked up to where it seemed to be coming from. I immediately saw the bluish glow of "St. Elmo's fire" at the top of the aluminum mast. Instantly (as a physicist) I knew the boat was in an intense electric field and that it was so strong (amplified at the mast tip which was at same potential as the sea surface) that it was ionizing the air there.

I was already at the stern with hand on the wooden tiller so did not expect a lightning bolt to pass thru me, but thru the aluminum mast which was electrically connected to the metal keel; however as I was only a couple of meters from the mast, I feared the dB/dt could kill me. You can believe I was soon praying as sincerely as I ever did. Fortunately, the hissing stopped in a few minutes. The power of pray? I doubt it.

* Interestingly, intense fear makes for strong memories. I can still mentally see that St. Elmo's fire!
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I thank my parents and evolution. No God necessary.

I thank my parents to, I am grateful God give me my parents too.
You are entitle to pray to who ever you choose .
I don't have problem with evolution . I look into Genesis 1, there you can se progress in evolution .