Why do ghosts wear human clothes?

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I wouldn't trust a career-obsessed scientist as far as I could spit. Instead, we rely on the experts who have actually researched this field in hundreds of investigations in hundreds of haunted locations and documented compelling evidence for the paranormal. Nobody reads those boring ass science journals anyway. Have you ever read one? Didn't think so.
Pathetic anti-science trolling from an anti-science troll.
Give me a link to a reliable scientific site on paranormal phenomena and I promise to read it with an *open mind*.

And a suggestion: If you want to generate real interest in this area, stop insulting scientists. Your ability to communicate and even send pictures over long distances is not the result of paranormal investigations and skulking around in old abandoned buildings (with a hearsay history).

That is the result of real science. If you despise scientists so much, why don't you dump your computer in the trashcan?

Your faith in the authority of scientists is touching but not very practical. You need to think and evaluate matters for yourself and quit relying on the fallacy that whatever the majority of scientists agree on is the truth. Many areas science can't get funding for. The paranormal for instance is avoided like the plague. Science can take us only so far into reality. Here's the case of Dr. Barry Taff of UCLA and his reasearch into the paranormal:

Here's one of the investigators of the famous Enfield Poltergeist:

The Phillip Experiment:

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Scientific evidence of poltergeist knocking?
Has science finally established a paranormal effect?

"Paranormal rappings associated with apparent poltergeist activity have been described for many hundreds of years. It is only now that an interesting pattern has been discovered within the fine detail of the paranormal rapping sounds. No explanation can be found for this pattern at present.

The current edition of the Journal of the Society for Psychical Research (SPR), a learned publication dating back to 1882, carries an article by scientist Dr Barrie Colvin B.Sc., Ph.D., showing instrumental evidence for an inexplicable and objective banging sound detected in recordings made during alleged poltergeist activity.

Whereas raps and knocking sounds produced by ordinary means exhibit a normal acoustic pattern, those recorded in alleged poltergeist cases show quite a different sound signature.

Normal double rap Unexplained rap
Dr Colvin has analysed recordings of alleged poltergeist knocking obtained from around the world over a 40-year period. The earliest was a recording made by a local physician at Sauchie (Scotland) in 1960 and the most recent was obtained from a poltergeist case at Euston Square, London in 2000.

Whilst the two types of rap sound rather similar, they are actually acoustically different, although the effect is only made apparent when the recordings of raps are submitted to detailed analysis.

The sample involved 10 separate recordings recorded on different recording apparatus.

In each of the recordings, when subjected to acoustic analysis, a particular sound pattern is detected which so far remains unexplained. Attempts to replicate this pattern in ordinary ways have so far been unsuccessful.

The essential difference between these raps and those produced by normal means lies in the details of their sound envelope.

In the case of a normal rap, the sound (which often only lasts a few milliseconds) starts loudly and decays over a period of time. The loudest part of the sound is right at the beginning. In the case of a poltergeist rap, the loudest part is near the beginning of the sound - but not at the very beginning. The rapping sound starts relatively quietly and works up to a maximum before it then starts to decay. This effect has been seen in all ten of the poltergeist cases studied.

The question arises as to how such a sound is generated. There is evidence which points to the sound arising from within the structure of a material rather than from the surface of it, as would be the case with a normally-produced rapping sound. This phenomenon will be examined further in future investigations of poltergeist activity.

Dr Colvin states: "Ever since my personal involvement in the investigation of a rapping poltergeist at Andover, Hampshire, in which it was absolutely clear that no normal explanation could account for the observed phenomena, I wondered whether the recorded raps were in any way different to those produced by normal methods. It is now clear that they are indeed different".

Among the samples submitted for analysis were recordings made in the famous Enfield poltergeist case in north London during 1977-79.

Dr Colvin’s research is published in his article ‘The Acoustic Properties of Unexplained Rapping Sounds’ in the Journal of the Society for Psychical Research [2010] Vol 73.2 Number 899 pp 65-93. "====http://www.spr.ac.uk/news/colvin-acoustic-properties-poltergeist-rapping
As promised I read that article in its entirety.
Two thing I noticed immediately was the *question marks* in the Title. then at the bottom of the article there was a disclaimer by the site itself;
The SPR holds no corporate opinions.
IOW, they just printed the article without any endorsement of its validity.
Are you presenting this as proof? Methinks proof requires more than a *?*

And in response to your grossly exagerrated example of the Ostrich, again you are showing ignorance of reality and gullibility to "old wives tales".
It is a common metaphor that is a part of our cultural vocabulary; we use when people are being ignorant of facts, refusing to acknowledge advice or in denial about their situation. It has been commonly used in this way for centuries, since Roman times. But what is the origin of the phrase? It comes from the ancient observations of the behaviour of animals, namely, ostriches. So, why do ostriches bury their heads in the sand? Well the answer is that they don’t.

Why do you keep piling up garbage, blindly accepting what people with financial (or spiritual) agendas tell you., without doing any real research. Or perhaps you have an agenda?
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For interested readers, the Enfield "Poltergeist", has been written up and length and looks very much like another case of an attention-seeking hoax: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enfield_Poltergeist

What is noteworthy is that this is a case that, unusually, has received scrutiny, both from those predisposed to believe it and from sceptics. And what comes out is that there are plenty of grounds for scepticism. It is invariably like this: every case that has been subject to thorough scrutiny has turned out to be something perfectly ordinary - often involving trickery.
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I'm not reposting stuff just because people don't want to look at it the first time.
I didn't ask you to repost it. I asked you to point out where it is. Your reluctance to do so suggests that your claim of "full body apparition" is an exaggeration that you don't want exposed.

We all know you'll just claim they're faked anyway.
In fact, my guess is that they're not faked. Most of your "evidence" is more like wishful thinking. You see some kind of smudge and call it a "full body apparition".

If you have it, point it out and stop your whining.
For interested readers, the Enfield "Poltergeist", has been written up and length and looks very much like another case of an attention-seeking hoax: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enfield_Poltergeist

What is noteworthy is that this is a case that, unusually, has received scrutiny, both from those predisposed to believe it and from sceptics. And what comes out is that there are plenty of grounds for scepticism. It is invariably like this: every case that has been subject to thorough scrutiny has turned out to be something perfectly ordinary - often involving trickery.

"What was going on? This was the case of the Enfield Poltergeist, which held the nation spellbound 30 years ago, puzzling policemen, psychics, experts in the occult and hardened reporters alike.

It involved levitation, furniture being moved through the air, and flying objects swirling towards witnesses. There were cold breezes, physical assaults, graffiti, water appearing on the floor, and even claims of matches spontaneously bursting into flame.

A policewoman even signed an affidavit that she had seen a chair move. There were more than 30 witnesses to the strange incidents.

Most inexplicably, the young girl at the centre of the events seemingly acted as the mouthpiece for Bill Wilkins, a foul-mouthed, grumpy old man who had died in the house many years before. His son contacted investigators to confirm the details of his story.

The events unfolded for more than a year behind the door of an ordinary-looking semi-detached council house, on a suburban street filled with similar houses, and left those they touched permanently scarred.

Naturally, many questioned whether it was all a hoax — but no explanation other than the paranormal has ever been convincingly put forward."===

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...-London-girl-levitated-bed.html#ixzz46CRkkR4n
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Seven other notable poltergeist cases:

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Your reluctance to do so suggests that your claim of "full body apparition" is an exaggeration that you don't want exposed.

I guess you'll never know until you examine the videos yourself.

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Why do you keep piling up garbage, blindly accepting what people with financial (or spiritual) agendas tell you., without doing any real research. Or perhaps you have an agenda?

Per your request I just posted 4 examples of scientific investigations into the paranormal with stunning results and all you do is bitch about question marks? You've got nothing but dubious claims about a huge conspiracy of people faking all this evidence and all these eyewitness accounts. I should never have wasted my time on you. You can't argue with conspiracy theorists.
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Per your request I just posted 4 examples of scientific investigations into the paranormal with stunning results and all you do is bitch about question marks? You've got nothing but dubious claims about a huge conspiracy of people faking all this. I should never have wasted my time on you.
You should not have wasted your time on this subject to begin with. Rent a video and you can see every kind of ghost imaginable. Just sit back and enjoy the movie. That's what I do when watching a ghost or demon possession movie, the difference is that I know it's not real, so I don't waste my time on research if such a thing is true in reality.
I wonder how long this train wreck of an MR thread is going to go around in circles for?
You should not have wasted your time on this subject to begin with. Rent a video and you can see every kind of ghost imaginable. Just sit back and enjoy the movie. That's what I do when watching a ghost or demon possession movie, the difference is that I know it's not real, so I don't waste my time on research if such a thing is true in reality.

Right..so because Hollywood makes movies about a certain subject, then it must not be real. Wow..All those crime dramas about murderers? Not real. All those war pictures? Not real. All those period pieces about historical figures? Not real. You really do live in a paranoid fantasy world don't you? The big Hollywood conspiracy out to deceive all the science nerds because...well...just because.
Certainly hasn't stopped you from hanging around dropping your whining trollish one-liners, has it?
You keep posting videos, photos, and anecdotes that don't prove anything, people keep trying to explain to you why these things aren't good enough, and you either deliberately ignore, or are too stupid to understand, the explanations given.

This exact same thing happens every single time with practically every thread you make, be it about ghosts, bigfoot, or flying saucers.

Mayber we're the stupid ones for thinking you might ever change.
people keep trying to explain to you why these things aren't good enough

This exact same thing happens every single time with practically every thread you make

Mayber we're the stupid ones

No offence... but i take offence at you'r post :mad: for i feel that i woud be considered one of the "stupid" because i... like many... get a kick out of readin these threds... so dont none of ya quit postin to 'em or i wont be a hapy camper -_O
You keep posting videos, photos, and anecdotes that don't prove anything, people keep trying to explain to you why these things aren't good enough, and you either deliberately ignore, or are too stupid to understand, the explanations given.

No..nobody "explains" anything, least of all you. All they do is make up shit about the photos and videos and eyewitness accounts being fake based on no evidence whatsoever. It's all part of a big conspiracy to fake and lie and deceive the public about the existence of the paranormal, which ofcourse is bullshit. There's no conspiracy. And the evidence speaks for itself. And in case you didn't know, that's science. Going strictly by the evidence.

Mayber we're the stupid ones

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