Why do Europeans have so many eye and hair colors?

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eye color is pigmentation, or melanin, the lighter the levels of melanin the more colors become available because of how light reflects to the eyes. European have have basically undergoing a process of demelanation for a few thousand years because of the climate.
The colors are most diverse in Europe as compared to other places in the world, what is the reason for this?
Northern climate selected for decreased pigmentation which left room for variety in colors. When you're chuck full of melanin, the only color available is brown.
I believe that the brown eye allele is dominant. This would result in a dominant phenotype, lessening the phenotypic variation. This does not mean the genotypic variation is less.

In Europe the recessive variation because merely visible due to the lack of the dominant alleles.

Hence there is not necessarily more genetic variation in Europe. Only phenotypic. And moreover, a phenotypic variation that is not really adaptive.

Sorry to be scientific about it. I know this is not the place.
The more a group of being's inbreed the more they will look alike.

The less a group of being's inbreed the less they will look alike.

Why the "infraction" for pointing this out?

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