Why do different emotions have different physical effects

exactly and those responces is handled by the adrenilin effect and sypathetic arosal. Trust me i wasnt feeling nothing when that happened, i had ALL of the symptioms of sypathetic arousal, tacicardia, high BP, sweating, rapid shallow breathing ect
True fear makes you puke and shit your pants. Your body wants to void everything out of it so it can focus on escape. Many animals will do the same thing when in stressful situations.
True fear makes you puke and shit your pants. Your body wants to void everything out of it so it can focus on escape. Many animals will do the same thing when in stressful situations.

That sounds like being pissed drunk to me.
That sounds like being pissed drunk to me.

I've never been so scared as to go incontinent. But I've definitely been fearful or stressed such that I feel nauseous or get diarrhea. Fear shit. Smells bad and makes my guts burn.
roman, those responces are actually bad, they are the body showing it is compleatly unable to cope. when you can cope the heart rate increase, the BP increase, the mind focusing because of the boost of nerotransmitters, stimulation of the imune systems and increases in morphine in preperation for injury. these are the responces you SHOULD be having.

vomiting wastes time the body knows it doesnt have, it also gives the other creature your fleeing from something to track.
roman, those responces are actually bad, they are the body showing it is compleatly unable to cope. when you can cope the heart rate increase, the BP increase, the mind focusing because of the boost of nerotransmitters, stimulation of the imune systems and increases in morphine in preperation for injury. these are the responces you SHOULD be having.

That's not fear.
That's hearing a loud noise or dropping a class V rapid.
You're so hopped on adrenaline, you don't feel anything.
I calmly shit and piss before I engage in a sporting contest, not because my bladder or ass is full, but my body wants to get the last scerics out.
I don't think it's fear though, it's just my body preparing for battle.

I can't imagine shitting myself in the moment would be helpfull, however I have seen a scrub bull do it while being attacked by dogs. Again, I don't think it was strickened with terror, it seemed pretty confident, just dropping off unnecessarry baggage.
I was...

Dregs? Remaining contents?

How about this, you know when you are out of crack and desperate and you get the pipe and scrape it, what you get out of it and smoke before weeping are scerics.
Fuck off. I don't smoke weed. I don't ingest anything harder than sugar or caffeine.

Bet that goes against your stereotype of the goth girl with the facial piercings, you stupid cunt.

Before you ask, I don't self mutilate either.

Why can I not find the word at dictionary.com? Is it slang?
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vomiting wastes time the body knows it doesnt have, it also gives the other creature your fleeing from something to track.
Billy T banned! That is utterly ridiculous. Cretins like Oil is Mastery, or electrafixtion and many others too numerous to mention are allowed to run riot, while a sensible, logical, contributing poster like Billy T is banned. Pure nonsense. If this is factual, expect a backlash.

So Idiot Asgaurd was responsible. Ignorant dickhead.
Billy T banned! That is utterly ridiculous. Cretins like Oil is Mastery, or electrafixtion and many others too numerous to mention are allowed to run riot, while a sensible, logical, contributing poster like Billy T is banned. Pure nonsense. If this is factual, expect a backlash.

So Idiot Asgaurd was responsible. Ignorant dickhead.

Don't get you ass banned too lol, I won't have anyone left to respond to soon...
Bet that goes against your stereotype of the goth girl with the facial piercings, you stupid cunt.

Before you ask, I don't self mutilate either.
That indicates to me you're not even a goth, goths are try hards anyway, but you're like a wannabe tryhard, how incredibly embarrassing, you're just wearing a goth costume, and not in a mocking or ironic way, shit, you are young aren't you?
Seriously, I would start either cutting myself and taking drugs or just wash my face and get back to bible school, you're making a fool of yourself for no reason.