Why do christians say atheists are 'bitter?' Bitter from what?

I can't see why none of you realize that you're all bitter. All of you are bitter than you can't just agree. But instead of compromising or trying to understand one another, you simply go on trying to force your own perspective on others.

It's not gonna work, no matter how long you try. At some point you have to realize when to give in.
Give in to what?

You are not the ultimate authority. Neither is the bible. Sometimes you have to give in or be swallowed up in obscurity. Nothing is every concrete or whole. If you disagree with evolution, then find the individual pieces that don't fit. Don't expect to tear the whole thing apart at once. That will never happen. But at the same time, don't be upset or frusterated if your discoveries reveal the contrary of your beliefs. After all, you aren't always right. In fact, most people are almost always wrong. The only reason we 'know' anything is because we gave in to being wrong and figured it out.

Also, nothing will ever be proven 100% except what you feel in your own mind. So most of the time you just have to settle with what works. And you find that out by using it for something. So if you think you have the answer, go out in the field and use it.
You know you're a redneck when your working television sits ontop of your non-working television.
Also, nothing will ever be proven 100% except what you feel in your own mind.
youre wrong obviously,Im 100% sure that I exist,for example.
as far as gods go,
what if the Universe always existed,..its UNCAUSED,...wouldnt that DISPROVE the NEED for any god??
me thinks so
youre wrong obviously,Im 100% sure that I exist,for example.
as far as gods go,
what if the Universe always existed,..its UNCAUSED,...wouldnt that DISPROVE the NEED for any god??
me thinks so

Did I not include the clause "except what you feel in your own mind"?

I do feel that energy, in some form, has always existed. But that does not necessarily disclude the possible existence of god.
M*W: Just because atheists don't believe gods and supernatural entities exist, doesn't mean we're bitter. What is with you people? Atheists don't have anything to be bitter about. Christians are the bitter ones. They believe in something that doesn't even exist. They've been duped. Who's bitter now?
theists are simply too brainwashed to think logicaly,that why they retort to all kinds of lies,deceptions half truth and other fallacies to justify their silly beliefs,heres some examples

attack the argument not the person is the only way to prove your point!;)
Did I not include the clause "except what you feel in your own mind"?
Im also 100% sure that you exist,that my PC exists etc...its NOT only in my mind.:rolleyes:
I do feel that energy, in some form, has always existed. But that does not necessarily disclude the possible existence of god.
SOME god you shouldve said,
LOVING god who created world with EVIL is obviously too contradictory to be real,NO?
Im also 100% sure that you exist,that my PC exists etc...its NOT only in my mind.:rolleyes:
If you are 100% sure, then you would have no problem explaining how exactly you know. I'd wager that this might take a lot of writing.

SOME god you shouldve said,
LOVING god who created world with EVIL is obviously too contradictory to be real,NO?
Yes, 'some god'. I would not be so arrogant as to define exactly which (that we know or do not know of).

But I think it would be beneficial to you if you broke down the meanings of 'loving' and 'evil'. Instead of just using the words, maybe try to find out exactly what they mean to you as well as other people. They are not as absolute as you may think.