Why do christians say atheists are 'bitter?' Bitter from what?


Jesus: Mythstory--Not History!
Valued Senior Member
M*W: Just because atheists don't believe gods and supernatural entities exist, doesn't mean we're bitter. What is with you people? Atheists don't have anything to be bitter about. Christians are the bitter ones. They believe in something that doesn't even exist. They've been duped. Who's bitter now?
Medicine Woman:

I imagine that atheism = bitter is based on some "militant" atheists, who seem to make it their mission to disprove God to everyone they meet. Also, most atheists tend to focus only on the anti-theodicy arguments, rather than discredit religion on the foundation of showing the arguments for God are flawed.
I figured out why Atheists are bitter, it's because they can't have it their way without serious reprecussions.

M*W: Having one's way = serious repercussions? Being an atheist is not "a way of belief," it is "non-belief."
Being atheist is not "having one's way." You're grossly confused (i.e. not name-calling). Atheists don't demand "a specific way" to follow. We believe there is "no way." I realize this is zooming waaaaayyy over your head, but we don't believe. Also, non-belief is not bitterness. It's a RELIEF! So if you or someone you love is experiencing the pain of bitterness, help is available. Take the advice of two atheists, and call me in the morning.
M*W: Just because atheists don't believe gods and supernatural entities exist, doesn't mean we're bitter. What is with you people?

M*W: Thou art making a mountain out of a molehill. Thou dost err in the use of the second person plural.

Who said that thou art bitter? One individual? And now thou dost generalize this view and project it on Christians in general? Why, oh Medicine(Woman)?

Art thou bitter because someone suggested that thou are bitter?
M*W: Thou art making a mountain out of a molehill. Thou dost err in the use of the second person plural.

Who said that thou art bitter? One individual? And now thou dost generalize this view and project it on Christians in general? Why, oh Medicine(Woman)?

Art thou bitter because someone suggested that thou are bitter?

M*W: No needeth for youeth to correcteth mine grammar. If the othereth atheists doth not approveth of mine grammatical usage, they canst feelth freeth to slappeth me downeth.

(Elizabethan is mine. There are no past, present or future references to the KJV).
M*W: Thou art making a mountain out of a molehill. Thou dost err in the use of the second person plural.

Who said that thou art bitter? One individual? And now thou dost generalize this view and project it on Christians in general? Why, oh Medicine(Woman)?

Art thou bitter because someone suggested that thou are bitter?
you are wholly wrong, there have been and still are many theists, who call M*W down (Photizo, lightgigantic, woody, to name but a few)they throw the same rubbish at me too, it is only because their arguement is so weak that they play the, your bitter, your hateful, etc, card.
it should always be " argue the subject, not the author." but unfortunately theists cant do that.
you are wholly wrong, there have been and still are many theists, who call M*W down (Photizo, lightgigantic, woody, to name but a few)they throw the same rubbish at me too, it is only because their arguement is so weak that they play the, your bitter, your hateful, etc, card.
it should always be " argue the subject, not the author." but unfortunately theists cant do that.

your quite the happy camper there.