Why do atheists discuss about God and religion with theists?

§outh§tar: It seems that water had made a lot of friends in this Religion forum.

What did she do to piss you guys off, I wonder..
M*W: Hello, SS. Water argues for the sake of arguing. She's a lonely old bat who doesn't have the finesse to be among friends. As she has described herself, she's an ugly person. Her loneliness betrays her. Who would ever want to be close to a freak like water? No one on this forum!
The real question is why do Christians troll the science boards and then, when their cult is criticized, they reply with, "you don't even know what religion I am," or "how do you know I'm christian," or "I don't recall ever sharing my personal details with you," etc.?

The answer:


Silas said:
I've noticed that theists often have a stage 0 or stage -1 understanding of what atheism is. They have a tendency to extend idiotic presumptions and psychobabble to all who have no faith and to all atheists.

Please cite some research done on the stages of atheism.
Stage 6 is exceedingly rare. The persons best described by it have generated faith compositions in which their felt sense of an ultimate environment is inclusive of all being. They have become incarnators and actualizers of the spirit of an inclusive and fulfilled human community.

They are "contagious" in the sense that they create zones of liberation from the social, political, economic and ideological shackles we place and endure on human futurity.
Hmm, that's funny, and contradictory. "Generated faith compositions" is not liberation. Liberation is the absense of predetermined models of reality. Atheists also create "zones of liberation" by keeping themselves free of ideas about God.
And that's the thing: It is yours, in fact. You are the one who is bothered by my inconsistencies.

I'm not bothered in the slightest, I merely mentioned it because you got all uptight about it earlier when someone even dared confuse you for being a christian. I reflected upon the fact that you yourself don't even know who or what you are, and thus other people's confusion is all down to you - leaving it as rather pointless to get all uptight when that confusion is made.

Nowhere did I even hint at giving a shit. There's many things I care about/am bothered about.. You and your feelings are not included.

You would prefer if I were something that could easily be labeled.

No offence Water, but you rank very low in my list, I couldn't give a shit what you are/think you are/might be/want to be.

Hopefully you understand a bit better now.
water said:
Please cite some research done on the stages of atheism.
No need, I was just taking the piss. See you back at the other place...... :m:

Oh, by the way, I said psychobabble first, then I clicked the link. Pure, unrefined psychobabble.

Why do atheists discuss about God and religion with theists?
Because atheists take a strong position regarding the existence of gods. Theists similarly take a strong position. That makes for a perfect debate scenario.

Theists have a clear motive for discussing about God and religion: To keep God present in the minds of people, so that they would turn to Him.
No that isn’t correct. God is an unsupported concept. If we accept your assertion it should be reworded to - Their objective is to keep the “idea” of a god in the minds…..

Why do atheists come to religion forums?
Because they have an interest in religions. An anti position is of equal value to a pro position. Why assume that a religion forum is pro only?
water said:
Why do atheists discuss about God and religion with theists?
Because they want to know about who and what exactly is God.

water said:
But why do atheists discuss about God and religion with theists?
Because they want to infuse in the minds of people their objective.

water said:
Why do atheists come to religion forums?
Because atheism is their religion.