Why do atheists discuss about God and religion with theists?


the sea
Registered Senior Member
Why do atheists discuss about God and religion with theists?

Theists have a clear motive for discussing about God and religion: To keep God present in the minds of people, so that they would turn to Him.

But why do atheists discuss about God and religion with theists?

Why do atheists come to religion forums?
I can't speak for all, but the reason I talk about religion is to, hopefully, get them thinking deeply about it. I think that if you examine religion close enough you will invariably come to the conclusion that it is a fraud.
So now if you're an atheist, religion isn't interesting? It's taboo?

We each discuss what we find interesting. Personally, I'm fascinated that theists would bother to discuss religion with athiests. It's completely self-defeating. Faith in your god has nothing to do with my opinion. Yet people post it on a public forum. Would you expect it not to be criticized?

There is an easy trick theists could and should IMO, use to quash any objections by athiests. "for the purposes of this discussion, the christian (or whatever applies) god is assumed to be true and valid". Otherwise, it's fair game for criticism. At that point, what do I have to discuss besides the assumption? That's surely material for a different thread.

Meh. Whatever. What can be criticized, will be.
First of all, water, these are not religious forums. Sciforums stands for Science forums. These are science forums.

The single religious board has been placed, not as a courtesy to theists to spout their nonsense and preach, as you do, but is a place to discuss the philisophical aspects of science, in regards to religious beliefs.

Theists have a clear motive for discussing about God and religion: To keep God present in the minds of people, so that they would turn to Him.

Clearly, it is YOU who is at the wrong site. You should instead go to a site that is completely concerned with your motives and not the motives of scientists, which you cannot comprehend.

But why do atheists discuss about God and religion with theists?

Atheists aren't really that interested in the fantasies of theists. Unfortunately, theists come to science forums to spout nonsense and preach, hence atheists are forced to deal with it.

Again, these are not religious forums.
It seems that water had made a lot of friends in this Religion forum.

What did she do to piss you guys off, I wonder..

I for one still can't comprehend fervent belief in something without proof. I am looking for further insight into this aspect of humans that I don't share. The interaction (good and bad) is all part of clarifying this for me. At times I feel I am getting close to an epiphany. Then it goes away *sigh*. Oh well.

In a larger sense, I feel that theists need to be restrained (as I posted somewhere else recently) lest they take control of society and put history on repeat.
I too am looking for further insight into a similar aspect of humans. According to scientists, depending on which one you ask, between 85% and 96% of the universe is missing. TOTALLY. There is, however, no chance whatever that in this missing 'mass' that there exists anything that might be even remotely be described as intelligence, let alone a god, or even a lesser god. I am looking for insight into the fact that some people believe, with absolute certainty, that they are right, even with no evidence whatever to support their conclusions.
Why do atheists discuss about God and religion with theists?
For the same reason that they ask insignificant stupid questions.
To reinforce their already established beliefs and make themselves feel better in comparison.

I also do it to mock them and hear them justify an absurdity by using grave and serious arguments.

Why else beat a dead horse than to unload some anxiety and feel good about not being in its place?

I bet this dead horse will be beaten over and over and over and over and over……..
Good points mentioned to add to the pot I would say that your religion...christianty affects our lives irregardless if we believe in your god or not. Groups from the KKK, the army of god, the christian coaliton, the afa, and all the other christian reconstructionist groups have wormed their way into the secular goverment, violating seperation of church and state mandates to slow stem cell research, retard abortion and in texas police cheerleading routines. Your religion impacts our lives even in the absence of your invisible god.

water in your original post you answered part of your question in saying that you felt a need to spread your religion to others. If you weren't aware already many of those you choose to share it with aren't interested in hearing about it from you or your fellow zealots. If you can't get us a meeting with the big guy in the sky we don't want a meeting with his chronies. That being said, as it has been pointed out you didn't make this post on christianforums.com or jesuslovesyou.com you posted it on a mainly secular website specifically to engage non-christians and than make an issue of it when they respond.

want to make non-christians, non theists and secularlists in general stopping picking at your religion? Than keep it in your homes where it belongs.
would the religion section be as much interest to atheist/scientists/non-theist if there where no theist/mystics in this section?

You don't even know what my religion is.
You have *never* *even* *bothered* to *inquire*, you just assume that I am Christian.

"If you can't get us a meeting with the big guy in the sky we don't want a meeting with his chronies."

gives me some insight into Christianity though. I never quite understood that part about God *humbling* Himself and coming among people. But you are opening my eyes: For God to speak to you, He'd indeed have to humble Himself.
Oh c'mon Water, not even you know what religion you are.. Yet on one post you will talk just like a christian, and then on the next have a go at people for confusing you for one based upon your last post or thread. If you weren't so confused, nobody else would be.
SnakeLord said:
Oh c'mon Water, not even you know what religion you are.. Yet on one post you will talk just like a christian, and then on the next have a go at people for confusing you for one based upon your last post or thread. If you weren't so confused, nobody else would be.

Whose problem is this?
One of the reasons why atheists discuss about God and religion with theists, is this:

Atheists often have a stage 1 or 2 understanding of what faith is (stages according to Fowler http://faculty.plts.edu/gpence/html/fowler.htm), and they extend this to all people who have faith and to all theists.

Upon confronting theists who do not seem to fit into their understading of faith, atheists find themselves challenged -- "Why doesn't this theist match my understanding of what a theist is?"

This is a rational course anyone perceiving discrepancies between his present understanding of a phenomenon and actual observations of said phenomenon, takes.

How they will act during this course, what attitude they will take, reflects their overall attitude towards the unknown: Some are negativistic, reluctant and defiant, some are attentive and open to new findings.
SnakeLord said:

And that's the thing: It is yours, in fact. You are the one who is bothered by my inconsistencies. You would prefer if I were something that could easily be labeled.
water said:
Atheists often have a stage 1 or 2 understanding of what faith is (stages according to Fowler http://faculty.plts.edu/gpence/html/fowler.htm), and they extend this to all people who have faith and to all theists.
I've noticed that theists often have a stage 0 or stage -1 understanding of what atheism is. They have a tendency to extend idiotic presumptions and psychobabble to all who have no faith and to all atheists.