why do atheists celebrate Christmas and Easter?

btw my ultimate question in this thread is still unanswered.

Santa Clause and the Easter Bunny . I thought someone said that . I mean I am a theist and I still like Both of them . Santa is like Me . He comes from North Pole Alaska in American tradition as I came from Alaska my self . He gives gifts to the Children of the world like I do right on this Forum . Beard Yes , Red Nose yes , Now the Easter Bunny , Everybody likes fertility symbols . There fun. Phallic objects like eggs can be even more fun ( Like benwa balls )are
O.K. it is a little over the top . Granted . I think maybe you should read your bible more if you are a Theist and if you are a theist bashing Atheist. Well I don't know what to tell you ? People don't like to be bashed . It brings out there hostility
O.K. it is a little over the top . Granted . I think maybe you should read your bible more if you are a Theist and if you are a theist bashing Atheist. Well I don't know what to tell you ? People don't like to be bashed . It brings out there hostility

I'm not trying to bash them. I just want to understand their reasoning.
I'm not trying to bash them. I just want to understand their reasoning.

You come to the right place then . Check out the religion and philosophy threads and you might get a great understanding for the information is endless around here . I would say it is one of the most debated subjects going. It rages with much passion . You might even find some like-minded souls to your self
btw my ultimate question in this thread is still unanswered.

'When in Rome, do as the Romans do."

In North America the economy is subservient to the holidays as recognized by the Christian calendar. The majority of governments, industries and businesses recognize the statutory holidays and therefore it becomes a natural time for socializing, whatever one's proclivities in regard to belief systems.

As I earlier posted, these statutory holidays line up quite well with the seasonal solstices, equinoxes and mid-points which are nature's equivalent of a 'circadian rhythm', in a manner of speaking.

While some persons do not celebrate these particular dates, in preference to their own beliefs or lack thereof, I suggest that the majority of persons just 'go with the flow' because it's the path of least resistance.

Besides, if someone else wants to invite you to a meal AND do the cooking, I'll be there with a bottle of wine, chocolate or whatever contribution is traditional. What else are you going to do as the majority of the economy is shut down, save that portion that caters to the holidays?

I can get behind anything.........well almost......;)

The Tragically Hip - Blow At High Dough http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aGRNEJiD3PY&ob=av3e
Social pressure. Closed businesses. Might as well enjoy the party.

For what it's worth, I don't do anything to recognize Easter. I think that would be more unusual for an atheist, but if his whole family is participating in something, then I could see it. It's hard to avoid Christmas, but I participate in the greatest commercialized holiday just like others, for the same reasons as the religious do. The gifts.
I don't think many atheists celebrate Easter...unless they have kids and want to do the whole Easter egg hunt thing. For me, it's just another Sunday to watch sports.

Christmas, even for Christians has little to due with celebrating the birth of Christ. It's a time for families to get together, exchange gifts, and feast.
I don't think many atheists celebrate Easter...unless they have kids and want to do the whole Easter egg hunt thing. For me, it's just another Sunday to watch sports.

Christmas, even for Christians has little to due with celebrating the birth of Christ. It's a time for families to get together, exchange gifts, and feast.

Thank you for this, that rather was my point as well, that many people participate in the social and gifting aspect (as in Pagan times) while seemingly fewer are participating in the religious observances and rituals.

Easter, unless one has kids, is an excuse to buy good chocolate at half price on the Tuesday following. Similar with Valentines, Back To School, Halloween, and Christmas. Each candy company has a format to suit each holiday and packages it's wares in shapes and wrapping to suit the theme and colors of the season.

Christmas Day and Easter Sunday are the only days of the year that our grocery store is closed. :)
It's also worth noting that both Christmas and Easter were pagan holidays long, long before Christianity showed up.
We even still use the old Norse word Jul or "Yule" as a synonym for Christmas. Jul was their winter solstice festival.
That still doesn't answer though why atheists celebrate it because even given all that you've said . . . .
Mrs. Fraggle and I celebrate St. Patrick's Day even though we're not Irish. We celebrate Cinco de Mayo even though we're not Mexican. We celebrate Lunar New Year even though we're not Chinese, Vietnamese, or any of those cultures. So why would we have to be Christians to celebrate their holidays?

Does anybody really need an excuse to party, if the party's already happening? I sure don't!
. . . . it's still universally understood that it is celebrated in honor of Jesus's birth.
And how long have you been a professional sociologist, which would give you the qualifications to lecture us on just exactly how "universal" this "understanding" is, my dear little Science Child? If you grew up in a community of Bead-Clickers, then of course you've been brainwashed into believing that the whole human race celebrates exactly the way you do. Well guess what? It's not true. I went to several Christmas parties last season, and there was absolutely no mention of Jesus at any of them! No religious imagery at all. Only secular carols.

It's a Christmas-Chanukah-Kwanzaa-Solstice party.

But even when I was a little boy and nobody had ever heard of the Solstice, Kwanzaa hadn't been invented yet, and there were no Jews within ten miles to tell us about Chanukah, my second-generation atheist parents still celebrated Christmas with a vengeance. We had a big tree, fabulous decorations, lots of cool presents, my mother made wonderful pastries, and I even had an electric train. She had tree ornaments that her (atheist) parents brought over from the old country, those really nice glass ones.

I was conscious of celebrating Christmas when I was five years old, and I never even heard of religion, gods or Jesus until I was seven. In the first grade we learned to sing Christmas carols (no "multiculturalism" in those days) and those were the first songs I ever learned to sing--even though I obviously had absolutely no idea what most of the words meant. I still love Christmas carols because of that and I often sing in Christmas choirs.

Look at it this way: We all celebrate Halloween, right? How many people have the faintest idea what they're celebrating? The eve of All Saints' Day? What the heck is that? Why do we dress up like dead people and ghosts and witches? This is a religious holiday too, but its roots are so far in the past that today virtually nobody knows what it's supposed to be about. It's just an excuse to have a damn big party!

Oh oh oh, I mentioned Cinco de Mayo but didn't go into it. Quick, all you tequila-swilling Americans, tell me why we celebrate Cinco de Mayo? Because it's Mexican Independence Day, right? WRONG! It's the date of a fairly important victory in the Mexican war of independence, but in Mexico nobody celebrates it. Just the people in the state of Puebla, where the battle occurred. They think we are out of our minds for celebrating a holiday we don't understand that isn't even celebrated in the country it's from. It's just an excuse to have a damn big party!

Well, so is Christmas. Go off to your church service if you enjoy it. But the rest of us are just going to have a damn big party. At least we have some vague idea what Christmas is about, unlike Cinco de Mayo!
Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny.
About ten years ago I read a piece by a sociologist who said that in modern America, Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny are the two most prominent symbols of Christianity.
Easter, unless one has kids, is an excuse to buy good chocolate at half price on the Tuesday following. Similar with Valentines, Back To School, Halloween, and Christmas. Each candy company has a format to suit each holiday and packages it's wares in shapes and wrapping to suit the theme and colors of the season.
Mrs. Fraggle is a chocolatiere so Easter is a special time for us. She makes Easter eggs with dark Belgian chocolate coating and her own fillings, like margarita or Midori.

But Easter is also special because we used to run one of the world's largest teddy bear collectors' clubs and I was the Bunny Specialist. I have a really cool collection of stuffed bunnies and Easter is the one time of year when I can move some of the teddy bears aside and put them all over the house.

Frankly, in our house it's called Bunny Day as often as it's called "Easter."
Christmas Day and Easter Sunday are the only days of the year that our grocery store is closed.
A lot of Jewish people regard Christmas as a Chinese holiday, because the only restaurants that are open (besides the Jewish ones) are Chinese.
btw my ultimate question in this thread is still unanswered.

Because Xmas is a pagan holiday, and has no barring one weather you are good Christian. Im a terrible Christian, but I still like free shit. Christmas only represents the birth of Jesus, that aspect I understand, but because its not his actual birthday maybe the atheist thinks its a mockry of Jesus, therefor something worth celebrating?
I was told by an atheist that he celebrates Christmas and Easter and was wondering why atheists do that since they don't believe in what those holidays are actually in celebration of?

Honestly , no offence intended but are you about 14-15 years old? A person that claims to have faith and is a Catholic but hasn't read the Bible, seems odd to me. As does someone that asks your question.

This atheist you mention probably meant that he celebrates the holiday season along with millions of other people, not because of Christianity but because it's fun.
I am an atheist and I love Christmas, presents, time off work, seeing family and friends, it's great (apart from the cold weather).
Well the only logical reason is that atheists celebrate christmas because deep down they believe that a 2000 year old invisible zombie jew is waiting for them to die so they can hang out for all eternity in another inivisible dimension.

And any talk about santa is just the devils work. Put the 'n' at the end of the word santa and you get SATAN!!!! That is undeniable PROOF that all people that think SATAN Clause should be a part of CHRISTmas are all just devil worshipping atheists.

And don't get me started on that demonic rabbit that comes at easter, or the homosexual 'fairy' that collects childrens teeth. These are all demons that take away the true meaning of easter and losing your teeth. Which is zombie jew jesus!

Anyway I'm off now to shove a bible up my ass while I pray for forgiveness for a 6000 year old naked man that ate some fruit because a walking talking snake told him to. But first I better do as Lot did and get drunk and bonk my daughters, then if it rains I'll build a big boat and drop past the zoo and wrestle some lions into it.

Damn I love religion!

Oh my zombie Jesus! That was so funny! I'm getting weird looks from people around me -_- I am an atheist and I have fun during the holidays.There is no rule that says I can't have fun just because I don't believe in old folktales passed down through generations. A lot of the Christians around my area do not celebrate Halloween because of course it's the day I make a pact with Satan, yup the evil horned-angel who I don't believe exists.All Hallows Eve (Halloween) is actually a Christian holiday, in Mexico it is a really great celebration and I got to take part in it a few years ago. :cheers:
Anyway I'm off now to shove a bible up my ass while I pray for forgiveness for a 6000 year old naked man that ate some fruit because a walking talking snake told him to. But first I better do as Lot did and get drunk and bonk my daughters, then if it rains I'll build a big boat and drop past the zoo and wrestle some lions into it.

spoken like a true anti-theist..
(credit for the humor though..)