why do atheists celebrate Christmas and Easter?


science man

I was told by an atheist that he celebrates Christmas and Easter and was wondering why atheists do that since they don't believe in what those holidays are actually in celebration of?
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I wonder if it's anything to do with the fact that both are recognised national holidays?
I mean, bank holiday, firms shut down, TV is full of it as are the shops... :rolleyes:
They're basically celebrations of family and friends. I think you'll find that, even amongst the religious, these holidays have become largely secular events.

It's also worth noting that both Christmas and Easter were pagan holidays long, long before Christianity showed up. They coincide (roughly) with the winter solstice and spring equinox - what happened was that later, when Christianity spread, politicians wanted to get rid of the pagan celebrations, but didn't want to do actually drop the holidays (would have been horribly unpopular). So they just renamed the age-old pagan holidays as Christian ones, allowing them to have their cake and eat it too.

Which is to say that the better question would be why Christians celebrate those holidays at the times they do - they don't coincide with the supposed Christian events (birth and resurrection of Christ), but rather with astronomical events (solstice, equinox, full moon) associated with earlier pagan cultures. These are instances of Christians appropriating non-Christian holidays, not the other way around.
They're basically celebrations of family and friends. I think you'll find that, even amongst the religious, these holidays have become largely secular events.

It's also worth noting that both Christmas and Easter were pagan holidays long, long before Christianity showed up. They coincide (roughly) with the winter solstice and spring equinox - what happened was that later, when Christianity spread, politicians wanted to get rid of the pagan celebrations, but didn't want to do actually drop the holidays (would have been horribly unpopular). So they just renamed the age-old pagan holidays as Christian ones, allowing them to have their cake and eat it too.

Which is to say that the better question would be why Christians celebrate those holidays at the times they do - they don't coincide with the supposed Christian events (birth and resurrection of Christ), but rather with astronomical events (solstice, equinox, full moon) associated with earlier pagan cultures. These are instances of Christians appropriating non-Christian holidays, not the other way around.

huh I remember reading here before that the day that Christmas is celebrated on isn't the exactly that Jesus was born. When was he born and why isn't Christmas celebrated on that day? (I know I've yet to read the Bible)
You might as easily ask why Christmas is celebrated so close to winter solstice.

The western church leaders selected DEC-25 because this was already the date recognized throughout the Roman Empire as the birthday of various Pagan gods. 1,2 Since there was no central Christian authority at the time, it took centuries before the tradition was universally accepted....

....Many symbols and practices associated with Christmas are of Pagan origin: holly, ivy, mistletoe, yule log, the giving of gifts, decorated evergreen tree, magical reindeer, etc. Polydor Virgil, a 15th century British Christian, said "Dancing, masques, mummeries, stageplays, and other such Christmas disorders now in use with Christians, were derived from these Roman Saturnalian and Bacchanalian festivals; which should cause all pious Christians eternally to abominate them." In Massachusetts, Puritans unsuccessfully tried to ban Christmas entirely during the 17th century, because of its heathenism. The English Parliament abolished Christmas in 1647. Some contemporary Christian faith groups do not celebrate Christmas. Included among these was the Worldwide Church of God (before its recent conversion to Evangelical Christianity) and the Jehovah's Witnesses.

No one likes a killjoy. The solstice celebration predates modern religions, and successive religions have wisely integrated it into their own celebrations. You can have parties, and gatherings of friends and relatives, and completely ignore the stated "reason for the season" if you want. That's what I do.


Edit: beaten by Quad.
You might as easily ask why Christmas is celebrated so close to winter solstice.


No one likes a killjoy. The solstice celebration predates modern religions, and successive religions have wisely integrated it into their own celebrations. You can have parties, and gatherings of friends and relatives, and completely ignore the stated "reason for the season" if you want. That's what I do.


Edit: beaten by Quad.

You're not a killjoy. Although I'm catholic I'm glad you posted that. I wonder why no pope has ever changed the date to the actual day in which Jesus was born because that history you just mentioned is no reason why it shouldn't be done. That still doesn't answer though why atheists celebrate it because even given all that you've said, it's still universally understood that it is celebrated in honor of Jesus's birth.
Well the only logical reason is that atheists celebrate christmas because deep down they believe that a 2000 year old invisible zombie jew is waiting for them to die so they can hang out for all eternity in another inivisible dimension.

And any talk about santa is just the devils work. Put the 'n' at the end of the word santa and you get SATAN!!!! That is undeniable PROOF that all people that think SATAN Clause should be a part of CHRISTmas are all just devil worshipping atheists.

And don't get me started on that demonic rabbit that comes at easter, or the homosexual 'fairy' that collects childrens teeth. These are all demons that take away the true meaning of easter and losing your teeth. Which is zombie jew jesus!

Anyway I'm off now to shove a bible up my ass while I pray for forgiveness for a 6000 year old naked man that ate some fruit because a walking talking snake told him to. But first I better do as Lot did and get drunk and bonk my daughters, then if it rains I'll build a big boat and drop past the zoo and wrestle some lions into it.

Damn I love religion!
You're not a killjoy. Although I'm catholic I'm glad you posted that. I wonder why no pope has ever changed the date to the actual day in which Jesus was born because that history you just mentioned is no reason why it shouldn't be done. That still doesn't answer though why atheists celebrate it because even given all that you've said, it's still universally understood that it is celebrated in honor of Jesus's birth.

Also from the linked page:
Any record of the date of birth of Yeshua of Nazareth (later known as Jesus Christ) has been lost. There is sufficient evidence in the Gospels to indicate that Yeshua was born in the fall, but this seems to have been unknown to early Christians.

I'm given a day off with pay to celebrate the birth of a deity that I don't believe in. So I ignore everything but the "day off with pay" part. If Christianity should fade in importance in coming centuries, I should think that the solstice celebration will live on. It's a good time of year to have an excuse to party.
Also from the linked page:

I'm given a day off with pay to celebrate the birth of a deity that I don't believe in. So I ignore everything but the "day off with pay" part. If Christianity should fade in importance in coming centuries, I should think that the solstice celebration will live on. It's a good time of year to have an excuse to party.

ha well Jesus being a deity is something I actually disagree with my religion on. I believe he was the son of God but that doesn't make him a god. I used to doubt the religion I was raised in, but then I saw a documentary that restrengthen my faith called, "The Rite" I guess the winter is a good time to party but I bet most would say that the summer is an even better time to party.
I am neither a believer nor an atheist, yet I respect the beliefs of others because most of the holidays fall near to the Pagan holidays.

It really doesn't matter to me what people believe. At roughly 6 week intervals, the seasons are changing and it marks a good occasion to get together with family or community and compare notes, share food and celebrate.

The following dates and descriptions of what is being celebrated from this website, posted just for information, not an endorsement. http://www.catanna.com/paganholidays.htm

Yule / Winter Solstice on or near December 21st
Here in the northern hemisphere, nights get longer and days get shorter until the day of the Winter Solstice when the cycle reverses. The word Yule comes from the Norse Jul meaning wheel. On this darkest of nights, the Goddess becomes the Great Mother and once again gives birth to the Sun God. This is a fire festival so celebrate with a Yule log in the fireplace, candles on the table and lights on the tree. Evergreens, holly, ivy and mistletoe, symbols of fertility and everlasting life, remind us that the cold darkness of winter will eventually give way to the warmth & new growth of spring.

Imbolc / Imbolg / Candlemas - February 2nd
Imbolc means, literally, 'in the belly' (of the Mother) and in the womb of Mother Earth new life is truly stirring. The young Sun God is growing and his strength is beginning to be noticeable. If you look closely, you may notice a snowdrop or a crocus pushing its way out of the still-cold earth. This is traditionally a day of purification, of sweeping out the old to make room for the new... both physically and emotionally. Celebrate by lighting LOTS of candles to encourage the young Sun; if you like to make them yourself, this is an auspicious day to do it. As nuts and seeds symbolize new beginnings, enjoy some sesame cookies or nutbread while visualizing yourself co-creating a loving, joyous & prosperous future.

Ostara - Spring Equinox - on or near March 21st
Named for Eostre the Teutonic Goddess of New Life, Ostara is the first day of Spring. Light and darkness are in balance, but the light is growing stronger as days continue to grow longer. The Young Sun God continues to mature and grow; small tender leaves appear on the trees, young buds are swelling and, here in New York, cheerful white and yellow daffodils are already in full bloom. The Life Energies are building quickly now and the very air seems to vibrate with promise. Celebrate by coloring eggs, an ancient symbol of fertility.

Beltaine / Beltane / May Day - May 1
From the Irish Gaelic Bealtaine meaning Bel-fire (the fire of Bel, Celtic God of light) Beltaine is primarily a fertility festival; the Land represented by the Goddess is now ripe and fertile and the Sun God expresses His Love for Her. Celebrate by establishing a woodland or garden shrine and gathering flowers to adorn your living space... and yourself!

Midsummer / Summer Solstice - on or near June 21st
Midsummer is the longest day of the year. It's not harvest time yet, but Mother Nature is impressively lush. The veil between the Faerie realm and our world is thin so don't be surprised if you catch a glimpse of an otherworldly someone on Midsummer's Eve! Celebrate with a bonfire and if you're into herb magick, any plants gathered at this time are particularly powerful. Or just stroll through a park or woodland area and bask in the glory of our natural world.

Lughnasadh / Lammas - August 1
Even though Lughnasadh occurs at the warmest time of the year, it marks the time at which days become noticeably shorter and so is considered the starting point of the autumn quarter of the year. The autumn season contains three harvests, and Lughnasadh is the first of these, the time when the first corn harvest is cut. The name is derived from Lugh (pronounced 'loo'), a Celtic deity of light and wisdom. At Lughnasadh, bread from the first harvest was eaten in thanks. Baking, sharing & eating bread is a wonderful way to celebrate this holiday and if you can, attend a Renaissance Faire, Medieval Festival or Highland Games competition. The jousting matches and caber & sheaf tosses were no doubt inspired by that aggressive war god Lugh :)

Mabon / Autumn Equinox - on or near September 21
Mabon is the time of the second harvest, when fruits are ready for collection. The land is showing clear signs of the journey towards winter - leaves are beginning to turn and birds are gathering for migration. Mabon is a time to consider which aspects of your life you wish to preserve and which you would prefer to discard. This is the Pagan Thanksgiving, a time to appreciate and enjoy the fruits of your labors. Commemmorate Mabon by making wine, feasting with friends, planting bulbs to bloom in the spring and put out feeders to help those brave birds who don't migrate get through the long winter ahead.

Samhain, All Hallow's Eve, Hallowe'en - October 31
This is the Last Harvest and New Year's Eve to the ancient Celts. Being "between years," it is considered a very magical time, a day when the veil separating the the physical plane and spiritual realms is most permeable. This is a good day to practice divination: scrying, Tarot readings and Rune casting are all particularly effective. The practice of donning costumes... especially scary ones... grew out of the ancient fear of evil spirits passing through the veil along with the benevolent ones and pumpkin carving evolved from the practice of painting hideous faces on gourds to keep "gouls and goblins" away from the home. Samhain is also a day for honoring our ancestors and one of my favorite rituals is the Dumb Supper... laying an extra place at the dinner table for those who have passed over to the Summerlands.

As we contemplate the Wheel of the Year, we come to recognize our own part in the eternal cycle of Life.
I was told by an atheist that he celebrates Christmas and Easter and was wondering why atheists do that since they don't believe in what those holidays are actually in celebration of?

Presents, Egg-nog, chocolate, beer, excess amounts of tasty food, games, grave digging, etc. In other words the holidays are just a reason to be social and celebrate (at least in the U.S.).
I celebrate it because many of my friends are Christians and they invite me over to their homes or we go out to celebrate together. They have their beliefs and I can live with that very easily, they don't really talk much about their beliefs when we get together because they already know where I stand and also know I'll stand beside them and fight with them if need be to protect their right to believe in anything that they want to just as I only believe in myself.
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Jesus wasn't born on December 25, and how giving presents represents the teaching of Jesus idk. Christmas to me represents greed, a trait of the devil.

It's a great night for me and the wife to eat vegetarian Chinese food at a restaurant with the Jewish people and the Buddhist monks?

Which I did this year on hydrocodone from my surgery a day before. Good times.
btw my ultimate question in this thread is still unanswered.
Well the only logical reason is that atheists celebrate christmas because deep down they believe that a 2000 year old invisible zombie jew is waiting for them to die so they can hang out for all eternity in another inivisible dimension.

And any talk about santa is just the devils work. Put the 'n' at the end of the word santa and you get SATAN!!!! That is undeniable PROOF that all people that think SATAN Clause should be a part of CHRISTmas are all just devil worshipping atheists.

And don't get me started on that demonic rabbit that comes at easter, or the homosexual 'fairy' that collects childrens teeth. These are all demons that take away the true meaning of easter and losing your teeth. Which is zombie jew jesus!

Anyway I'm off now to shove a bible up my ass while I pray for forgiveness for a 6000 year old naked man that ate some fruit because a walking talking snake told him to. But first I better do as Lot did and get drunk and bonk my daughters, then if it rains I'll build a big boat and drop past the zoo and wrestle some lions into it.

Damn I love religion!

O.M.G. that was fucking hilarious . What is your stance on Mithra? By the By his daughters are reported to have bonked Lot . There biological clocks were ticking and they were convinced there were no other men . Course they were introduced to the act in Sodom when Lot let the crowd have there way while they were still virgins . Now that is some hot ass porn stories if you ask me . Porn has been around a long time Me thinks . Someone brought up King David Raping Bathsheba . Men have another interpretation you know. Just like Enki and his story . It is said that Bathsheba planed it as it is said Ishtar planed it also . Has anybody noticed the similarity in the to stories ?
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