Why dint God or Christ write a book?

It is the same church and the same teachings.

Possibly his main concerns were indulgences here is his major concerns

In Europe, bishops and the clergy often lived like aristocrats, and seemed part of the ruling elite. Corruption was rife: for example, bishops not undertaking religious duties, or even not living in their diocese. In France, the king rather than the Pope chose people for church positions. In Louis XIV’s court, bishops vied with nobles to make extravagant displays of wealth - often by endowing religious works of art. Luther criticised the Church for selling "indulgences" - i.e., saying God would pardon people’s sins if they gave to the Church. The Protestants objected to bible readings and services being in Latin - "mumbo-jumbo" that few ordinary people understood.

Catholic churches were full of works of art: statues, shrines, paintings, relics of saints, altars ornamented with gold and jewels. Lofty cathedrals were designed for the performance of fine music, from choirs and later with organs. All these practises Protestants described as “pagan idolatry”.

It's kind of incorrect to say better, however we can say that an unmarried person can devote himself to God. The priest has basically has married the Church. Isaiah 3-5, "...Nor let the eunuch say, 'See, I am a dry tree.' For thus says the LORD: To the eunuchs who observe my sabbaths and choose what pleases me and hold fast to my covenant, I will give, in my hous and within my walls, a monument and a name Better than sons and daughters; an eternal, imperishable name will I give them." The priest must care for his children of God. However an married priest would be tempted to put his own family first, yet Jesus said that his brother, sister and mother were those who follow the word of God.

Do you not find it just as important for non-clergy to become slave to righteousness? Giving your all to god should be something every Christian strives to achieve married or not. For marriage is a worldly institution but our relationship with god is eternal. I don't argue that there may not be some benefits from a celebrate clergy just as there are some benefits from a non-celebrate clergy, I am merely questioning wether it is necessary for clergy to remain celebrate.

There will be persecution in this age as well.

And in situations where there is a great possibility that they may be killed for serving the lord I see no reason why the words of Paul which were brought to life by the Holy Spirit should not be considered.

John 6:56 "Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me and I in him. Just as the living Father sent me and I have life because of the Father, so also the one who feeds on me will have life because of me." So we are to become one with God just as Jesus is one with the Father. We are the brides and Christ is the bridegroom.

I generally don't see what relevance at all this has to the issue of marriage as this is metaphorical for us being one with Christ. Where as Genesis 2:24 states directly that gods intention was for a man and a woman to become one through sexual intercourse and there by bounded together as one which is symbolised by marriage.

My feelings on purgatory are this. Purgatory does nothing to honour the achievements of Christ’s death. It says, in effect, that his death did not achieve a full pardon for our sins and that his suffering and death must be supplemented by our own suffering in purgatory. This doctrine as a contradicts the plain teachings of scripture and does not acknowledge the redemptive power of the cross of Christ. Paul said that Jesus is able to save completely
Those who come to god through him, because he always lives to intercede for them (Hebrews 7:25)

Jesus says "blasphemy against the holy spirit cannot be forgiven in this life or the next". So how can we be forgiven in the next life?

We can't if we do commit the unforgivable sin or blasphemy against the Holy Spirit we will go to hell. I will explain my interpretation of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit in a moment.

as for the Apocrypha as being part of canon I honestly don't have the patience at the moment to give reasons as to why non-Catholics don't believe it was divinely inspired just go here that’s pretty much on par with what I feel.

"No sin can separate us from Him, even if we were to kill or commit adultery thousands of times each day." This directly contradicts God's word about blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. This is not good advice. He's obviously making salvation seem like some sort of game. Something so serious should not be treated lightly by a man of God.

You a clearly misquoting Luther here may because of lack of understanding of Luther’s beliefs (I encourage you if you want to investigate his small catechism). Now I have been a Lutheran from birth, my father is a minister, as is my brother and I assure you my brother was lead to that calling by the holy spirit not because it is what my father does, trust me being a child of a minister only makes it harder for you to desire to be a minister.

No sin can separate us from Him, even if we were to kill or commit adultery thousands of times each day

He is saying that no sin can separate us from god if we have faith in Jesus Christ. He's not challenging people to test god by killing, maiming and raping but merely that no sin we may have committed is too great to lead the grace of god to fall out of our reach as all sins are equal at the foot of the cross and who are we to judge what is considered a worse sin.

The unforgivable sin of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit what would you say that is then? I see it as our rejection of the gift from Jesus Christ. No man can be brought to god he must be prepared by the Holy Spirit first. If one was to reject the holy sprit and therefore reject the gift of Jesus redemptive blood they would be rejecting god and would be unable to be forgiven for that, and would go to hell.

Another piece which show himself calling the Jews demons. Should we blame him for Hitler? Perhaps not. But if he had written something more forgiving and loving towards the Jews he may have put a end to German anti-semitism.

Perhaps I'm not saying Luther was perfect everybody is sinful we were born that way but he was inspired by the holy spirit as were hundreds after him to do the work they did.

You do know what denomination Hitler grew up with don't you? But that in it is irrelevant to say Hitler was inspired in anyway by religious movements is absurd. He pretty much destroyed the German Protestant Church at the time and killed thousands of Catholics and Protestants. Its possible that Hitler was possessed (I'm sure there’s something I will have no trouble talking to you about as Catholics tend to have more belief in such things than protestants) one of Hitler’s higher officers in a documentary states that Hitler was a very peculiar person who would always be found talking to himself.

It is clearly not a success. Islam has had better luck staying together. Are you telling me that God wants divison? He has stated that a house divided will fall. Success is the grace of God not how many members are in particular church. Society today is almost entirely corrupted.

Please don't be ignorant the reformation changed the Catholic Church. The Council of Trent between 1545 and 1563 is evidence of this it would have not taken place were it for the protestant movement. Granted it did not change the church into the direction which Protestants moved but still the church was changed.

What exactly do you mean success is the grace of god?

Society has always been corrupt and always will be there is nothing any church can do about that sin entered the world at the fall of Adam and all men have been corrupted because of it.

All the church can do it assist the spirit in bringing people to Jesus and keeping people strong in Jesus that is what I see the primary purpose of protestant churches I have no more than a general education on the catholic church so I don't care to make assumptions about what the purpose of the church is.

You are being too literal in your interpretation. What consistutes "work?"

Works mean merely nothing we can do by our own hand. We could live a perfect life help millions of people be a moral citizen obey the law and give generously to the church and the needy but none of that would make us in anyway fit to go to heaven it

I quote it again

Ephesians 2

8For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith--and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God-- 9not by works, so that no one can boast

we are saved because of what Jesus did not because of anything we can do we merely have to accept his love and let ourselves have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and no that’s not works because it is not by our own hands but by gods hands.

I guess what I'm saying is that if we could fulfil every law god set for human kind we would still not get to heaven as we are born into the bondage of sin and only the blood of Jesus Christ (who was not born of men but of god therefore the line of Adam was broken and he was born free from sin) frees us from that sin if we choose to except him.

Martin Luther almost threw out James. I don't think he can be considered truely sola-scriptura. More like throw out everything that he didn't agree with. Nevertheless it was more his ideas that were exploited and used by Satan.

Again I am unaware of this any non-catholic sources? Merely to fulfil my own curiosity.

Revelation 2:3 "Realize how far you have fallen. Repent, and do the works you did at first."

Yes talking to the church at Ephesus that had grown out of a place of great evil you must also read scripture in the context of scripture here he is questioning the churches lack of compassion which was a result of their continual battles with heresy. Repentance is the important thing not doing the works they first did. By repenting what they did wrong they would stop doing that which displeased god and would do what made him happy but it doesn't say they will be judged because of the deeds they have done merely that god does look at our deeds with either joy or sorrow.

Revelation 2:19 "I know your works, your love, faith, service and endurance and that your last works are greater than your first."

Yes Jesus takes joy in good deeds but it still doesn't say we will be judged on our deeds (Works)

Revelation 14:13 "let them find rest from their labors, for their works accompany them."

Read the verse before it "Blessed are the dead who die in the lord from now on"

Your verse says nothing about judgement on deeds. The one I gave shows that judgment is dependant rather if one was to die in the lord or not.

Revelation 22:12 "Behold, I am coming soon. I bring with me the recompense I will give to each according to his deeds."

Still it doesn't tell in what context 'deeds' is use maybe it means judged on what works you have done on earth or possible as I interpret it as what choice a person has decide to make in relation to Jesus Christ. My translation is “Behold, I come soon! My reward is with me and I will give to every one according to what he has done" If you are really interested I could get it translated from the Hebrew or Greek versions?

And if scripture is use to interpret it if you look a couple of verses down it says "Blessed are those who wash their robes, that they may have the right to the tree of life and may go through the gates into the city" I see this as saying if we are washed clean of sin by the blood of the lamb Jesus Christ we have the right to eternal life and heaven.

I don't want this to resort to ad-hominen attacks because neither of us know Martin Luther. However I look at his writings and they disagree with the bible and common sense. The Church acccepts all people with open arms.

Well we will disagree on this one because I have studied Luther’s teachings and the scriptures for over 15 years now and I find them to fit perfectly with scripture and derived from scripture. To me scripture which was inspired by god is from god and therefore of greater authority than anything else which may come from man or the institutes of men or any tradition.
Ritalin anyone?

These posts have a way of spinning out of control;dont they?As I recall the topic was "why dint Christ write a book". This board needs a heavy dose of ritalin.
How much did adam know?

The more I think about it the more sense it makes for God to have written a book.

When adam was made I'm sure he dint know much otherwise he would have made a car right off the bat. So God makes this ignorant adam and doesnt even give him the power to read. I mean , how could this adam learn anything?

If you were God wouldnt you want your creation to be able to read and learn and follow instructions. It appears adam was doomed to fail right of the assembly line.

You know that would be an interesting question; How much did adam know?
God is within Adam. I suspect that the Garden of Eden is within Adam just as Jesus said that the kingdom of God is within us. God doesn't have to write a book, he can just speak to us. Besides, a perfect book would have to be made for each different person.
Originally posted by Mystee
Stop asking for more and take what has been offered to you.
Most people think that they have been offered nothing. I for one, can't disagree with them.
When adam was made I'm sure he dint know much otherwise he would have made a car right off the bat. So God makes this ignorant adam and doesnt even give him the power to read. I mean , how could this adam learn anything?

God conversed directly with adam and eve according to genesis he walk in the garden with them and talked to them.
Originally posted by ESG
God conversed directly with adam and eve according to genesis he walk in the garden with them and talked to them.

Let's assume God talked to adam/eve, doesnt that mean adam/eve had some sort of programming and build in dictionary?
My question is how much programming and how much dictionary did adam/eve had? Did they have an encyclopedic knowledge?

I'm an agnostic that has ruled out the bible but for all christians out there, dont you wonder how much adam/eve knew?
The above originally posted by Greco

Well, He's illiterate. Duh . . .
Originally posted by Redoubtable
Most people think that they have been offered nothing. I for one, can't disagree with them.

We have been given the Bible, the God breathed book of truth. We have been given miracles both past and present. And most of all you have been given life. If you continue to explain stuff away and refuse to get into the Bible so he can prove it's true, than how can you ask for more proof?

Christ's lvoe to you,

Originally posted by Greco
for all christians out there, dont you wonder how much adam/eve knew?

Not really. It seemes kind of irrelevant to me. I'm sure that a lot of the knowledge future people had came from stories of experiences passed down from person to person. When there's only like 20 people on the whole earth it's pretty easy to get your story out there and show what God has done in your life. As for Adam and Eve I think they had essentaly the same mind we all have; it was just fed almost exclusively through experience.

Christ's love,

Any fool can claim that he were dictated a code of morality or actions by a divine power. Nowadays, though, most people who say that are given psychophacmaca to help cure their illnesses.

That's not exactly true... David Koresh wasn't given medication to cure his illness.... they just shot the bastard instead- so much more efficient. :D

They didn't give jesus medication either.... they just crucified him instead.

Don't you worry, sane people have a great way of removing lunatics from the planet. Survival of the fittest?

If Jesus wrote a book it would only be scrutinized and picked apart just like the Bible. it would be no more proof to anyone than the Bible is.

Then get one of the other gods to write it for him. Or, seeings as he's one of the trio, he should be able to write it better so people can't scrutinize it.

Nevertheless it was more his ideas that were exploited and used by Satan.

Such a tragic waste.... I was almost convinced you could go a post without bringing the horny guy into it, but alas you leave me once more having to use the quote:

"Callous, xenophobic, and lacking experience of the larger world, fundamentalists see the devil's hoofprints everywhere, in anything outside of their sheltered, one-dimensional lifestyle. "

Get out more. It's a start.

a perfect book would have to be made for each different person.

Ummmm then it wouldn't be a "perfect" book.

So much for omnipotence.....

We have been given the Bible, the God breathed book of truth.

Book of truth? You are joking right? Just gimme a page to start on and we'll get down to it...

for all christians out there, dont you wonder how much adam/eve knew?

I started a page to explain a few things: Here

It seemes kind of irrelevant to me.

god breathed book of truth and you find some of it irrelevant? Bizarre....

Christ's lvoe to you,

And the purple talking jelly bean of mount olympus' love to you.
You're copying me, now, okinrus!

Originally posted by okinrus
God is within Adam. I suspect that the Garden of Eden is within Adam just as Jesus said that the kingdom of God is within us. God doesn't have to write a book, he can just speak to us. Besides, a perfect book would have to be made for each different person.

"Adam" means Earthling (look it up)! "Adam" represents human beings made from the Earth. Like I've said a million times on sciforums, God is within us, therefore, we are God!

The Garden of Eden may be a place in Iraq between the Tigris and Euphrates - OR - The Garden of Eden could represent Earth. God speaks to everyone--even those who don't believe in God hear God.

okinrus, I feel so close to you now. I feel like we have bonded. A "perfect book would have to be made for each person." You are so right! You are so in touch! You have just proven what I've been saying for years--one book can't possibly encompass all things for all peoples' beliefs! Seeing as how "making a perfect book for each different person" is impossible, don't you see now why the Bible CANNOT POSSIBLY BE the one book for everyone?

Thanks for your confirmations of my beliefs!
Re: You're copying me, now, okinrus!

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
the Bible CANNOT POSSIBLY BE the one book for everyone?

Thanks for your confirmations of my beliefs! [/B]

Medicine woman you're so brutal.

But seriously God missed a great opportunity. He could have given adam/eve more knowledge, more wisdom,more of an analytical mind so they could have even a small chance against Satan. I say God sabotaged adam/eve and doomed them to failure, so he would have an excuse to exercise a little sadism.

I mean what creator creates something, puts it to a test, the creation fails the test and then the creator blames the creation?

I would say if man is a failure then so is his creator.
Luther criticised the Church for selling "indulgences" - i.e., saying God would pardon people’s sins if they gave to the Church.
Indulgences are only for temporal punishment. When you sin and you repent to God, God has forgiven your sin. You will eventually go to heaven. However let's say that you stole 100 dollars. After you repent, you'd have to give back that 100 dollars. One of stories that makes this most clear is David. When David commited murder and repented he was forgiven. Yet God still extracted punishment out of David by killing his son for his sin.

My feelings on purgatory are this. Purgatory does nothing to honour the achievements of Christ’s death. It says, in effect, that his death did not achieve a full pardon for our sins and that his suffering and death must be supplemented by our own suffering in purgatory. This doctrine as a contradicts the plain teachings of scripture and does not acknowledge the redemptive power of the cross of Christ. Paul said that Jesus is able to save completely
Unless if you are sinless and are made perfect in this life, it follows that you must be made perfect in the next life. By perfect, I mean someone who never gets angry, never lusts etc.

Catholic churches were full of works of art: statues, shrines, paintings, relics of saints, altars ornamented with gold and jewels. Lofty cathedrals were designed for the performance of fine music, from choirs and later with organs. All these practises Protestants described as “pagan idolatry”.
Well I don't think so. Some of the best works of art were done by catholics. In tradition Luke was a painter who drew Mary. Many of the catacombs have some crude pictures of Jesus, Mary etc. Many of them could not read so this was the most effective way of teaching. Unless if protestants can prove that someone is worshiping a statue as God, then I'm afraid your not making sense. Just a napkin that touched Paul healed many.

Do you not find it just as important for non-clergy to become slave to righteousness? Giving your all to god should be something every Christian strives to achieve married or not. For marriage is a worldly institution but our relationship with god is eternal. I don't argue that there may not be some benefits from a celebrate clergy just as there are some benefits from a non-celebrate clergy, I am merely questioning wether it is necessary for clergy to remain celebrate.
No it's not necessary. The Byzantine Church reconizes the authority of the Pope in Rome but still allows married clergy. I think having the priest remain celebrate allows them to focus more on their duty. They must be truely called into the priesthood to give up something like marriage.

You a clearly misquoting Luther here may because of lack of understanding of Luther’s beliefs (I encourage you if you want to investigate his small catechism). Now I have been a Lutheran from birth, my father is a minister, as is my brother and I assure you my brother was lead to that calling by the holy spirit not because it is what my father does, trust me being a child of a minister only makes it harder for you to desire to be a minister.
I have looked a little bit at his catechism before. It's hard to really understand his beliefs though. It seems like if you accept salvation only by faith then you could in theory commit whatever sin that you wanted to. Or does by faith, you know that all sin causes death and therefore you do not sin.

You do know what denomination Hitler grew up with don't you?
Yes, but his faith turned radically different from mainstream christianity.

But that in it is irrelevant to say Hitler was inspired in anyway by religious movements is absurd. He pretty much destroyed the German Protestant Church at the time and killed thousands of Catholics and Protestants. Its possible that Hitler was possessed (I'm sure there’s something I will have no trouble talking to you about as Catholics tend to have more belief in such things than protestants) one of Hitler’s higher officers in a documentary states that Hitler was a very peculiar person who would always be found talking to himself.
It is very possible that he was possessed. Some people think that this was predicted by the visionaries of Fatima and that Rasputin was also possessed. Certainly for someone to display supernatural strength like that might be a sign.

He is saying that no sin can separate us from god if we have faith in Jesus Christ. He's not challenging people to test god by killing, maiming and raping but merely that no sin we may have committed is too great to lead the grace of god to fall out of our reach as all sins are equal at the foot of the cross and who are we to judge what is considered a worse sin.
At some point the holy Spirit is going to convict that person. For example if someone murdered my family and then found Christ. I would of course forgive them, but after 1000 years or so in purgatory. It seems illogical to me that crimes commited would not have temporal punishment. Not all are raise equally either. Paul says to look at the stars, since some are brighter than others.

Works mean merely nothing we can do by our own hand. We could live a perfect life help millions of people be a moral citizen obey the law and give generously to the church and the needy but none of that would make us in anyway fit to go to heaven it
True that person could be conceited like the Pharisees. Jesus will not judge on apparances. The problem is that if that person does true good, then he or she does it by the grace of God. The works will follow with grace and naturally doing good will allow us to meet Christ better because he is the source all goodness. So faith without works is dead. 1 John says that we know that Christ is within us if we keep his commandments to love each other as he love himself.