Why dint God or Christ write a book?


Registered Senior Member
It would have been so simple for God or Christ to write a book and explain,instruct,console and provide guidelines for man. A book by a God would be perfectly logical. Not open to intepretation and void of inconsistancies and contradictions.

As to prophesies, God could have picked a time, a date, an event in the future that would have been right on. For instance he could have said on july 22nd 2003 at 2 o'clock PST San Francisco will have a 6.7 richter scale earthquake.

Why are some things taken literally in the bible and other things arent? Why so many christian religions? Why so many generalized prophesies?

All these could have been avoided if God/Christ had written a book.
Maybe because God and Jesus do not exist?

Maybe because Jesus is not the son of God any more than you are?

Maybe because we are tiny dust motes in the grand scheme of things, and if God DOES exist, then he could care less about our insignificant existence?

Maybe because God wants us to use our "God-given" intellegence and reason to decide our own paths for ourselves, and will not be so petty as to judge us for the irrelevant decisions we make?
Cos god dont exist,and jesus was too busy playing with wood and being a hippy.
In Genesis, God lets Adam name the animals, so God lets his creation serve itself with freewill. The bible can also serve as accounts by many witnessess, since the bible has accounts given by many authors. A book by one person cannot serve as unfailing proof. Also Jesus is in our hearts. Why would he need to write a book when he may write his law on every heart?

As to prophesies, God could have picked a time, a date, an event in the future that would have been right on. For instance he could have said on july 22nd 2003 at 2 o'clock PST San Francisco will have a 6.7 richter scale earthquake.
Well we hope he will and these things are supposed to happen aroudn 2020AD http://www.maryapparitions.com/medjugorje.htm

Why are some things taken literally in the bible and other things arent?
The bible would be unbearably boring without symbolic language.

Why so many christian religions?
Schism breeds schism. You can generally put all blame on Martin Luther.

Why so many generalized prophesies?
The destruction of the temple and the instance from Jesus not to revolt were not vague prophesies. They were fullfilled in 70AD. The prophesies of the Messiah were not vague either. However you could argue that they were self fullfilling. I believe that you would have to be a pretty good con-artist to do this stunt. Even his mother would have to be in it.
God was too busy making and/or letting bad things happen to us sinners. As for Jesus...well...have you ever tried writing with your hands nailed to a cross?
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We have to define your book. Jesus will write the book of life which contains the names of all those who have eternal life. Besides, look at what happended when God wrote on the tablets given to Moses.
Any fool can claim that he were dictated a code of morality or actions by a divine power.

Nowadays, though, most people who say that are given psychophacmaca to help cure their illnesses.
I guess religions are like the UFO phenomenon. There's no reliable proof. Half of the people of the world believe in UFO's even though there's no solid proof. There's been all kinds of fraud that has been brought to light but still people believe. The goverment says no, reliable scientists says no, UFO fanatics believe it's a coverup.

We got to have proof folks otherwise we are going to start believing in tooth fairies.

Maybe this belongs in another forum.
Jesus didn't write a book because he shouldn't have to. People have done nothing but question his work since the fall of man kind. If Jesus wrote a book it would only be scrutinized and picked apart just like the Bible. it would be no more proof to anyone than the Bible is. We have all the proof we will ever need of the existence and Love of God, yet people have and always will continue to ask for more. Stop asking for more and take what has been offered to you.
Originally posted by Mystee
Jesus didn't write a book because he shouldn't have to.

Then why did he perform all those miracles, underwent all that suffering? It's obvious to me he went out of his way to persuade man about his way. Why couldn't he just left even something written by him? Was he illiterate?He could have persuaded everyone that read his book. A book by a God would have been scrutinized but any logical man would have accepted it.

Apparently he did not want to make it easy for us to believe, but then why those miracles? I give up.
Jesus was fullfilling the prophesies given in Isaiah. His suffering and miracles were because he loved us.

Why couldn't he just left even something written by him?
There is a letter written by Jesus, but many consider it to be forged. Jesus brings his life and teaching to all those who listen. Jesus is within us and he can just speak to us. Besides, most of the people at that time could not read.
Originally posted by okinrus
. Besides, most of the people at that time could not read. [/B]

It doesnt matter if people at that time couldnt read,by writting a book that could be read by everyone no matter what language they spoke, would have been proof of a God like entity. A universally understood book would have been plenty proof to me.
Schism breeds schism. You can generally put all blame on Martin Luther.

I would put blame rather on the abuses of doctrine and practice commited by the papacy during the 16th century ie. Rejection of salvation buy grace through faith alone, their belifes about celibate clergy and indulgences just to name a few. Martin luther mearly read the scriptures and applied its message to christianity the fact was many were discontent with the policies of the catholic church at the time. The church needed to be reformed because it had become corrupt by sinful men.
Originally posted by Greco
[A book by a God would have been scrutinized but any logical man would have accepted it.

Is this true of the Bible? It IS a book writen by God. Many men who see themselves as logical refuse to beleive it.
Another thing is, Jesus kept truth from people who he knew would misunderstand or misuse it. Maybe it's the other extream and we couldn't handle a book writen by the very hand of Christ. Either way I am convinced He has His reasons.
I would put blame rather on the abuses of doctrine and practice commited by the papacy during the 16th century ie. Rejection of salvation buy grace through faith alone, their belifes about celibate clergy and indulgences just to name a few. Martin luther mearly read the scriptures and applied its message to christianity the fact was many were discontent with the policies of the catholic church at the time. The church needed to be reformed because it had become corrupt by sinful men.
I don't have a problem with celibrate clergy. Like Jesus and Paul said, it is better to stay unmarried in order to serve God. Another reasons that they did not want married clergy was to stop the priesthood becoming a inherited sort of thing. You must be talking about the sale of indulgences. The Catholic church no longer sells indulgences, but at any rate they refer to temporal punishment and not the forgiveness of sins. Now the Church did need to be reformed, but not sliced by two an anti-semetic. At any rate the reformation was not a success and caused the hundred years wars and the bloodshed in Ireland. If God really wanted them to split then they would have been succesful. I'm not sure what you mean by salvation through grace? Catholics believe in salvation through grace. We do not believe salvation only by faith as it is Jesus working within us that saves us. Besides, Jesus is clear that only those who do the will of God will be saved. And in Revelation, Jesus will judge us by our deeds done through him. Also you will have to define what you mean by faith. A narrow response such as Jesus is Lord does not work. Even the demons know that Jesus is Lord. However if we do the will of our Lord, then we are saved. Martin Luther did not read scripture. He threw away books in the canon that disagreed with him. And by what authority did he do such things? Was it God? Did God tell him throw out his word? No, Martin Luther did this on his own authority. And look who came to him first? The rich greedy german princes.
First of all you must realise I am not critising the catholic church of today but the catholic church of 500 years ago.

Like Jesus and Paul said, it is better to stay unmarried in order to serve God

Matthew 19

11Jesus replied, "Not everyone can accept this word, but only those to whom it has been given. 12For some are eunuchs because they were born that way; others were made that way by men; and others have renounced marriage[1] because of the kingdom of heaven. The one who can accept this should accept it."

I see no evidence the Jesus said it is better to stay unmarried in order to serve god, he said some may choose to stay unmarried to serve god but generally gods original plan for man was.

Genesis 2

24 For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh.

Paul was talking about that in the political environment at that time where persecution was prevalent in the early church it would be better to remain unmarried as it was very likely that leaders and important people in the early church may be martyred.

Another reasons that they did not want married clergy was to stop the priesthood becoming a inherited sort of thing

Fair enough that’s probably true.

The Catholic church no longer sells indulgences

Again I was talking in the context of 500 years ago.

but at any rate they refer to temporal punishment

I generally don't find and evidence of purgatory contained in the bible.

Now the Church did need to be reformed, but not sliced by two an anti-semetic.

You must understand that martin Luther tried to bring changes from within the church Lutherans were thrown out but the pope and bishops at the time they did not leave with the intention of destroying the Catholic Church.

At any rate the reformation was not a success and caused the hundred years wars and the bloodshed in Ireland

That is merely subjective

If God really wanted them to split then they would have been succesful

there has been splits in the church for over 2000 years the catholic church was not the same church that started it all 2000 years ago and exactly would you refer to as successful? Both the protestant and catholic churches have growing churches which contribute to the growing body of Christ how is that not a success on both parts?

I'm not sure what you mean by salvation through grace?

Lutherans understand that grace is totally given by god that we as sinful creature cannot hope to attain by our own works

We do not believe salvation only by faith as it is Jesus working within us that saves us.

Ephesians 2

8For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith--and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God-- 9not by works, so that no one can boast

Nothing we can do will save us, no works, for grace is a gift not something we must earn we must merely be willing to accept it.

Besides, Jesus is clear that only those who do the will of God will be saved

Yes and what is gods will?

I believe that god’s will is for us to love Jesus Christ.

And in Revelation, Jesus will judge us by our deeds done through him

I am not aware where in revelations it says that please direct me to it.

Martin Luther did not read scripture. He threw away books in the canon that disagreed with him

Enlighten me on what books were thrown away? Lutherans New Testament and the catholic New Testament are identical.

And by what authority did he do such things? Was it God? Did God tell him throw out his word?

Again on what basis do you suggest that parts of the scripture were thrown out examples?

No, Martin Luther did this on his own authority. And look who came to him first? The rich greedy german princes.

Ok you seem a bit bitter but your pope said himself that if Luther came to the Catholic Church today he would be welcomed with open arms.
First of all you must realise I am not critising the catholic church of today but the catholic church of 500 years ago.
It is the same church and the same teachings.

I see no evidence the Jesus said it is better to stay unmarried in order to serve god, he said some may choose to stay unmarried to serve god but generally gods original plan for man was.
It's kind of incorrect to say better, however we can say that an unmarried person can devote himself to God. The priest has basically has married the Church. Isaiah 3-5, "...Nor let the eunuch say, 'See, I am a dry tree.' For thus says the LORD: To the eunuchs who observe my sabbaths and choose what pleases me and hold fast to my covenant, I will give, in my hous and within my walls, a monument and a name Better than sons and daughters; an eternal, imperishable name will I give them." The priest must care for his children of God. However an married priest would be tempted to put his own family first, yet Jesus said that his brother, sister and mother were those who follow the word of God.

Paul was talking about that in the political environment at that time where persecution was prevalent in the early church it would be better to remain unmarried as it was very likely that leaders and important people in the early church may be martyred.
There will be persecution in this age as well.

24 For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh.
John 6:56 "Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me and I in him. Just as the living Father sent me and I have life because of the Father, so also the one who feeds on me will have life because of me." So we are to become one with God just as Jesus is one with the Father. We are the brides and Christ is the bridegroom.

I generally don't find and evidence of purgatory contained in the bible.
Your old testament is missing the Maccabees books. Most of the early christians used the septuagint which included the Maccabees books. There is one part where they offer prayers to the dead. Jesus says "blasphemy against the holy spirit cannot be forgiven in this life or the next". So how can we be forgiven in the next life? Luke 12:59 "I say to you, you will not be released until you have paid the last penny." You also must know that there is no where in the bible where it says to go sola-scripture. In fact to the contrary, Revelation mentions there being two prophets. So the God's word continues but there won't be any more public revelation. Also Tradition not men's tradition but God's is important. In 1 corintheans 11:23 Paul says "For I received from the Lord what I also handed on to you, that the Lord Jesus, on the night he was handed over, took bread, and said, 'This is my body that is for you. Do this in remembrance of me.' So his instructions about the Eucharist were handed down to the Corinthians before he put them into writings. And we are well aware that the Spirit of Truth, not the bible, will lead us to all truth. Don't be confused here that I don't think the bible is important. Just that we cannot go sola-scriptura and still have a correct interpretation as history proves by the number of sects.

You must understand that martin Luther tried to bring changes from within the church Lutherans were thrown out but the pope and bishops at the time they did not leave with the intention of destroying the Catholic Church.
You haven't read any of Luther's insulting writings?

From <a href="http://www.iclnet.org/pub/resources/text/wittenberg/luther/letsinsbe.txt">here</a>
"No sin can separate us from Him, even if we were to kill or commit adultery thousands of times each day." This directly contradicts God's word about blasphemy against the holy spirit. This is not good advice. He's obviously making salvation seem like some sort of game. Something so serious should not be treated lightly by a man of God.

Another piece which show himself calling the Jews demons. Should we blame him for Hitler? Perhaps not. But if he had written something more forgiving and loving towards the Jews he may have put a end to German anti-semitism.

there has been splits in the church for over 2000 years the catholic church was not the same church that started it all 2000 years ago and exactly would you refer to as successful? Both the protestant and catholic churches have growing churches which contribute to the growing body of Christ how is that not a success on both parts?
It is clearly not a success. Islam has had better luck staying together. Are you telling me that God wants divison? He has stated that a house divided will fall. Success is the grace of God not how many members are in particular church. Society today is almost entirely corrupted.

8For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith--and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God-- 9not by works, so that no one can boast
Nothing we can do will save us, no works, for grace is a gift not something we must earn we must merely be willing to accept it.
You are being to literal in your interpretation. What consistutes "work?" Is saying yes to God work? What about leting Jesus' yes being within us. Is listening to God work? What about following Jesus? As to faith. Everyone who is not condemned has faith, only perhaps it's the size of the mustard tree. Otherwise Jesus would never instruct us to do anything. Sloth is abhored by Jesus and the servent who keeps his mina will have it taken away. Jesus said "ask and ye shall recieve". Is asking work? I think this amounts to something more like the chicken before the egg type of argument. Grace is certainly necessary and so is faith, but at some point we have to have freewill to accept or reject and this consitutes our own action. It is not really our own though. It is following what Jesus commands within us or opening the door to Jesus knocking. This is not something that I would seperate from the Church because of though.

Enlighten me on what books were thrown away? Lutherans New Testament and the catholic New Testament are identical.
Martin Luther almost threw out James. I don't think he can be considered truely sola-scriptura. More like throw out everything that he didn't agree with. Nevertheless it was more his ideas that were exploited and used by Satan.

I am not aware where in revelations it says that please direct me to it.
Your translation might read differently from mine.
Revelation 2:3 "Realize how far you have fallen. Repent, and do the works you did at first."

Revelation 2:19 "I know your works, your love, faith, service and endurance and that your last works are greater than your first."

Revelation 14:13 "let them find rest from their labors, for their works accompany them."

Revelation 22:12 "Behold, I am coming soon. I bring with me the recompense I will give to each according to his deeds."

Ok you seem a bit bitter but your pope said himself that if Luther came to the Catholic Church today he would be welcomed with open arms.
I don't want this to resort to ad-hominen attacks because neither of us know Martin Luther. However I look at his writings and they disagree with the bible and common sense. The Church acccepts all people with open arms.
here's whta we do (very silly)

Okay, here's what we do.....

we get a type writer and heaps of paer and we get a helicoptor and see how far we ahve to go up before we reach heaven. when we get there we get visitor passes and give the type writer and paper to God and ask him if fancies writing a book. What do you reckon? Could we do it?

Yeah, I know this is silly and probably very disrespectful but i think God has broad shoulders and can carry it (if he existed, which i don't think he does).