WHy didn't Jesus write anything down?

There were more than 32 Gospels by the time of the council of Nicea, but Irenaeus decided that only 4 Gospels were supposed to be the main doctrine. The church adopted this stupidity, and burned everything else they encountered.

However, there were independant Christian sects by those days, and there were many Jewish communities in the Egyptian borders, like the Therapeutae, who adopted the faith of Early Christians.

These Christian ramifications were later destroyed by the Roman Empire, already raging Catholics.

Excavations during the last century revealed lost Gospels and documents dating back to 50 - 100 A.C. like the Gospel of Thomas and the Sophia of Jesus Christ (this later one claims that Jesus taught things to the Apostles for 11 more years after his crucifixion).

Some people claim that all Christianity originally comes from Rome, and this is also not true. There is an earlier ramification of Christianity dating back to 52 A.C., when the Apostle Thomas went to India, and baptized the first Hindu-Christians during those times.

Thanks I know of the Syrian Christians. Many of them have Thomas as a last name. :)
Maybe he wrote a whole encyclopedia but it's hidden in some secret chamber in the Vatican.

Can't be. We'd have a copy in the Illuminati base by now.

...uh, I mean, I don't think it's too likely. Now stare directly at your computer screen for 20 seconds without blinking, and then go back to surfing youtube. Remember nothing.
Jesus was a descendant of King David; he had the education of a legitimate King.

If you don’t believe the above, then don’t.
M*W: The story goes that Jesus was a descendant of King David. The biblical King David was also known as a pharaoh of the 18th Dynasty called Tuthmosis III who reigned from 1490-1436 BCE. Tuthmosis III was the grandfather (not father as noted in the bible) of Tuthmosis IV (Solomon), and the great grandfather of Amenhotep IV who was also known as the biblical Moses who reigned from 1367-1350 BCE. Moses was given the name of Aminadab at birth and when he was floating in a basket, but was renamed when pharaoh's daughter found him. The name Moses means "taken from the water." When Moses became a fanatical sun worshipper, he changed his name to Akhenaten.

Aaron, the brother and sometime homosexual lover of Moses, was also called Semenkhkare who reigned for only three years from 1350-1347 BCE.

King David (Tuthmosis III) reigned the longest of all the pharaohs of the 18th Dynasty. If Jesus was descended from King David, as the bible states, it would have been 1,500 years down the road to the arrival of the 1st century CE.

To make matters a little more complicated, there as King David and 400 years later, there was the "tribal" David. These two Davids are similar in many ways but different in others. The tribal David lived in the early part of the tenth century BCE and was a minor figure.

In summary to your question, if Jesus had existed at all, he would have been educated according to the Pharaonic House of David.

A side note: Many biblical scholars who study the 18th Dynasty believe that Tutankhamun (King Tut), son of Moses, reigned from 1347-1339 BCE and is believed to have been Pharaoh Emanu-el whose birth name was Jesus, but I'll believe that when the evidence becomes profound.

References for this post include:

Moses and Akhenaten: The Secret History of Egypt at the Time of the Exodus, by Ahmed Osman 2002.

Jesus in the House of the Pharaohs: The Essene Revelations on the Historical Jesus, by Ahmed Osman 2004.

Christianity: An Ancient Egyptian Religion, by Ahmed Osman 2005.

Jesus: Last of the Pharaohs--The True History of Religion Revealed, by Ralph Ellis 1999.

The Life and Times of Akhnaton: Pharaoh of Egypt, by Arthur Weigall 1922.
Maybe he wrote a whole encyclopedia but it's hidden in some secret chamber in the Vatican.
Definitely up there with the most secretive institutions in the world...along with the Vatican Bank, which destroys its records every ten years.

I once read a description of what its like to visit the Vatican Archives, by invitation only after an interview process.

You are not allowed to wear a jacket. You can have a graphite pencil and a notepad...thats it!

A cleric brings exactly the book you've requested, and then sits down in front of you to watch while you read!
Not everyone writes things down. Socrates never wrote a single book either.

From a skeptical perspective, one might imagine that Jesus was not knowingly trying to found a new religion, but merely to spread enlightenment to people. The Talmud itself wasn't written at the time Jesus preached, so the Jewish tradition of recording religious interpretations of the Tanakh may not have yet crystallized outside of the recordation of the Tanakh itself.

He may also have assumed that his followers were keeping notes, though their being fishermen and the poor may have made that less likely.

From a less skeptical perspective, perhaps he was expecting God to "divinely inspire" later writers. Why write everything down and use up that time, when God will give everyone the blow by blow later on once you're gone?
....Aaron, the brother and sometime homosexual lover of Moses..../QUOTE]

whoa whoa Where did that come from???
M*W: Originally from Ahmed Osman's books. The following excerpt comes from Keri Harvey's whole article in: Pharaoh of the Sun, Odyssey Magazine, June/July 2004:


"Towards the end of his reign Akhenaten took Semenkhkare as co-regent. This means that of his 17-year reign as Pharaoh of Egypt, Akhenaten only ruled alone for three years, possibly due to his ill health. It’s believed that at this time Akhenaten and Nefertiti were estranged, and while she took residence at the Northern Palace, her husband lived with Semenkhkare at the other end of the road in the Southern Palace. Poses depicted in art from the Amarna period hint at a homosexual relationship between the two, while other scholars contest that Semenkhkare was in fact Nefertiti dressed as a man in order to rule authentically. “Akhenaten was so busy with the religion, that somebody had to rule Egypt, and it was probably Nefertiti,” says Abdullah on a practical note. But this issue is still being debated."

And taken from a post I researched and posted on sciforums October 3, 2004:


In those ancient times, it appears the commonplace activity was indiscriminate sexual relations with no societal taboo.
M*W: Originally from Ahmed Osman's books. The following excerpt comes from Keri Harvey's whole article in: Pharaoh of the Sun, Odyssey Magazine, June/July 2004:


"Towards the end of his reign Akhenaten took Semenkhkare as co-regent. This means that of his 17-year reign as Pharaoh of Egypt, Akhenaten only ruled alone for three years, possibly due to his ill health. It’s believed that at this time Akhenaten and Nefertiti were estranged, and while she took residence at the Northern Palace, her husband lived with Semenkhkare at the other end of the road in the Southern Palace. Poses depicted in art from the Amarna period hint at a homosexual relationship between the two, while other scholars contest that Semenkhkare was in fact Nefertiti dressed as a man in order to rule authentically. “Akhenaten was so busy with the religion, that somebody had to rule Egypt, and it was probably Nefertiti,” says Abdullah on a practical note. But this issue is still being debated."

And taken from a post I researched and posted on sciforums October 3, 2004:


In those ancient times, it appears the commonplace activity was indiscriminate sexual relations with no societal taboo.

And from that you get that Moses was a raging homosexual?

Taking in consideration that not even the Egyptian history is entirely clear to us, missing links between Jewish beliefs and Egyptian culture, the misinterpretation of Egyptian history and/or ancient Jewish writtings, chronological misconception of Egyptian kings and Jewish prophets, Jewish jealousy in carying the "divine blood" of King David, etc. You can´t seriously think you have it all figured out by now.
And from that you get that Moses was a raging homosexual?

Taking in consideration that not even the Egyptian history is entirely clear to us, missing links between Jewish beliefs and Egyptian culture, the misinterpretation of Egyptian history and/or ancient Jewish writtings, chronological misconception of Egyptian kings and Jewish prophets, Jewish jealousy in carying the "divine blood" of King David, etc. You can´t seriously think you have it all figured out by now.

M*W If I had it all figured out, I wouldn't continue my research. Never called Moses a "raging homosexual." There are assorted sources who mention the Moses/Aaron dalliance. It wasn't taboo then. You are speaking from a homophobic mind-set.

Egyptian history is complicated, mainly because of the various names and titles each historic person had that were changed later by the Hebrews when they rewrote history.

BTW, the "divine blood" you speak of was Egyptian.
Since more than 90% of people at the time were illiterate and Jesus was a carpenter by trade, how do you know he could read and write?

IF you belive in Jesus Christ, and all the incredible shit he did, how the hell could you think he could not read and write?

I mean he is god's son hahaha I am sure he could figure it out.

IF you belive in his and god's exsistence to begin with that is.
Wouldn't a Moses/Aaron dalliance be an incestuous homosexual encounter? Isn't that a tad worse?
M*W: No, not in those times, homosexuality, incest, adultery, even beastiality I think, was not taboo. These acts were not considered taboo until thousands of years later when the English retranslated the bible with a puritanical twist. King James himself was homosexual. I don't know about Tyndale's version, but his interpretation came about just before the Inquisition began making everything a sin.
M*W: Why didn't the Ten Commandments include "Thou shalt not have homosexual sex?"
IF you belive in Jesus Christ, and all the incredible shit he did, how the hell could you think he could not read and write?

I mean he is god's son hahaha I am sure he could figure it out.

IF you belive in his and god's exsistence to begin with that is.

Good point. In fact, he should have been able to communicate freely with anyone in any language. He should have been able to read their minds. He should have known his own fate.

There are a lot of 'shoulda's' that weren't.
Good point. In fact, he should have been able to communicate freely with anyone in any language. He should have been able to read their minds. He should have known his own fate.

There are a lot of 'shoulda's' that weren't.

How do you know they weren´t? Jesus did speak in other languages, he read their minds and he also knew his own fate...
The same logic that would have you believe he existed would also have you believe he read minds... etc.

That is, if you consider the bible to be logical?
The same logic that would have you believe he existed would also have you believe he read minds... etc.

That is, if you consider the bible to be logical?

The bible is not logical, but it holds ancient wisdom that shouldn´t be discredited; and if you do then you are only priving yourself of a higher truth than that of your logic.

I´m only saying that thoughts are objects, and enlightened humans are able to capture those thoughts. If you don´t believe in Jesus then its ok, and if you don´t believe in what I´m saying is also ok.

Actually, don´t believe a word I say, because you should only believe in your true-self.