Why Death is Bad ?

Thanks. A person can't know for sure whether or not the things you state will exist after death...and that defies his curiousity. Therefore death is an impenetrable mystery, and to mankind that reeks of doom and is therefore bad.
... you can't judge being dead based on what you feel now ...

I agree. But then you go on to say:

when somebody is dead he won't feel curiosity or regret or envy or anything like that ...

So ...how can you presume to know what the dead feel or think? ...which is exactly contrary to what you said in the first statement above.

Baron Max
Therefore death is an impenetrable mystery, and to mankind that reeks of doom and is therefore bad.

That's not exactly how everyone perceives death and the hereafter. I don't see how you can say that it "reeks of doom" when many believe that they go to heaven, a place of glorious wonders and enlightenment. Perhaps you don't believe that, but some people do ....thus death doesn't "reek of doom".

Baron Max
Maybe he's dead?

How did you know that?! ... It must be the psychic who types for me...

Now since you know you can't argue with me anymore because I have a firsthand knowledge of the subject...

I want to make myself clear:

My proposition is based upon the following:

1) empiricism : I am disregarding any religious or supernatural predictions of a presumed afterlife.

2) science : which shows that when the brain turns off , there are not any more feelings or thoughts or anything, in fact , there would be no human being at all ...

because "us"; the human mind; is an abstract being not a material one ... and the material human brain only generates that abstract human mind but doesn't actually "contain" it ...

I did analogize of it by a computer chip that generates a "thinking" application …

We may say: the mind is the software, whereas the brain is the hardware …

3) individualism : what is best for me as an individual.

A person can't know for sure whether or not the things you state will exist after death

how can you presume to know what the dead feel or think?

Based on what preceded, I know for sure that I won't feel any thing anymore;
I won't exist anymore...

so I still believe that death is a relief and should not be feared ( the way to die may be another issue) ... even though nature has established in our minds that death is bad ... nature doesn't always care for what is best for us, but it only cares for itself ...

this might be the "human extinction philosophy" ... I don't want to advocate suicide ... but I think that who wants to kill himself has a good point ...life isn't worth living not for a minute …
Based on what preceded, I know for sure that I won't feel any thing anymore; I won't exist anymore...

I agree that you won't be the SAME as before, but how can you be so sure that you won't be something else? ...that you then exist in some other state not known by us now? Just saying that you won't feel anything doesn't make it true just because you say it.

I am disregarding any religious or supernatural predictions of a presumed afterlife.

But since you don't know that for sure, you're creating a bias condition in your own argument! ...thus your argument is already fucked up before you even start!

...life isn't worth living not for a minute …

Please don't presume to speak for me! Life for me, and for a gazillion others, is quite well worth living ....thank you very much!

Baron Max
That's not exactly how everyone perceives death and the hereafter. I don't see how you can say that it "reeks of doom" when many believe that they go to heaven, a place of glorious wonders and enlightenment. Perhaps you don't believe that, but some people do ....thus death doesn't "reek of doom".

Baron Max

True. My answer mainly considers the non-religious and pre-religious conceptualisation of death...ie non-fundamentalist (not certain about the pie-in-the-sky) &c.
But since you don't know that for sure, you're creating a bias condition in your own argument! ...thus your argument is already fucked up before you even start!

Yes my argument is biased and I make it clear...

If you have a religious "a priori" so don't bother with what I'm saying because it is really fucked up to you...