Why Can't the Catholic Clergy Have Sex?

Tiassa darling...

Life's too short!:D

Of course the clergy have sex.

Get over it!:rolleyes:
Um, of course they do


Then why waste your time? :D We're all aware that clergy have sex. However, at hand is the issue of the merits of sexual prohibition as a policy.

Next time, try tuning in. :rolleyes:

--Tiassa :cool:

Tiassa darling...
Do you normally talk to other men that way? I assume with 'boy' in your name that you are male, right?

Well ...you know ...

Yes, Adam, you did ... sigh. :p

In the beginning it was the name. Tiassa, apparently "sounds feminine". Yeah, I can see how that is.

I'll put it to rest and post a picture of myself if I absolutely must, but I don't really want to. (Three weeks ago, some simple light-test pictures were taken of me; they're the first photographs in ... ten years ... in which I appear willingly, and also in which I don't look like an incidental washout at the edge of the frame or an ethnic-minority car thief--I dislike flash photography.)

But, to the current sidebar, What does that even mean? The last time I heard someone accused of writing like a girl it was because he was using purple pen and those amazingly large, looping script letters that I remember envying in my female third-grade classmates who got better penmanship scores than I did. I'm looking at my own handwriting now ... the only time I touch the top line of the college rule is with reckless t's, I's, and so forth.

But since we type here ... tell ya what ... my ego is piqued now, curious as hell. Sometime shortly I'll put up in the Free Thoughts forum and y'all can call me a woman; because I have no idea what it means that I write like a woman .... ;)

To the other, it does provide for some rather needed moments of levity.

But, strangely, it's flattering. On the one hand, if I have an actual gender reassignment, I might be able to marry the woman I'm supposed to. To the other, and the more rational, it pleases me in no small way to know I'm defying some preexisting boundary. I would, however, love to know how that defiance manifests itself. :D

Tiassa :cool:

(PostScript--This Public Service Announcement has been brought by the Amusing Preconceptions Group; working to identify the boundaries that constrict us all; working toward your freedom.)

or something ... truly, I am grinning, and I am, in certain ways, flattered. :D
It's very simple really. Most guys right posts containing minimal descriptive language and heaps of facts or what they think are facts, or they write stuff that's downright insulting or full of stuff like Sir Loone. Females, I believe, tend to have more capacity for descriptive writing. It may just be that most guys are lazy at this sort of thing. I don't know.