Why can't religon and science be friends?

Science and Spirituality are friends.
Metephores and symbols are not to be taken litterally, they have hidden meaning that only those that want to can see.
Evolution and creation are a part of the same thing, just the opposite extreme of eachother.

The proof is in a simple question:
What came first the chicken or the egg?

Evolution would say the egg. Creation would say the chicken. But common sense will tell you that you can't have one without the other!

However, some people only see one side of the extremes, and who am I to tell them about the other side. Not everyone is ready for the same things at the same time.

I respect the passion of the extremists, and I need the extremes to find my comfort, so I even thank them for making my way seem obvious to me, but my way is much different then theirs.


PS - Look at the history of science. Look at when most of the discoveries were actually being made and/or added to. You will see almost all the brilliant minds that did most of the work were spiritual in some form. Science and spirituality have been friends all along, one of the greatest tricks ever pulled was making the 2 appear to be enemies!
Science and Spirituality are friends.
No they aren't.
We've been through this in another thread.

Evolution and creation are a part of the same thing, just the opposite extreme of eachother.
No they aren't: one has scientific evidence, the other has no evidence whatsoever.

The proof is in a simple question:
What came first the chicken or the egg?
Evolution would say the egg. Creation would say the chicken. But common sense will tell you that you can't have one without the other!
Which just goes to show that you don't know what you're talking about.

However, some people only see one side of the extremes, and who am I to tell them about the other side.
It doesn't seem to stop you making ridiculous claims.

PS - Look at the history of science. Look at when most of the discoveries were actually being made and/or added to. You will see almost all the brilliant minds that did most of the work were spiritual in some form. Science and spirituality have been friends all along, one of the greatest tricks ever pulled was making the 2 appear to be enemies!
Examples? Or are you just spouting again?
Define "spirituality".
because it's possible that the rules of nature change by themselves as much as it's possible that god changes them himself.
because we can never be certain the laws we discovered now are the real natural laws as much as we can never be certain the laws we've discovered now are the real rules god put.

All of science operates on the basis that god doesn't have anything to do with it.
of course, all science was produced by atheist people.
because it's possible that the rules of nature change by themselves as much as it's possible that god changes them himself.
I see you missed this bit:
Wrong again: if what we know is real then we'd know the mechanism by which it would (or can) change by itself. Stop introducing strawmen.

of course, all science was produced by atheist people.
Ho ho.
You mistake the method of enquiry for the motivations of the person.
Even if, as was the case with many scientists, the motivation was to "discover god's workings" (or whatever) the methods and assumptions used were that there was am underlying "real" foundation for the phenomena observed rather than "what does god have it doing today?"
I see you missed this bit:
i see that you missed this bit:
give me an argument that is inapplicable to science without god.

not only are you assuming that nature is inclined to give you a mechanism when it changes, you're also assuming that god won't give us a mechanism to follow when he decides to change his rules.
Ho ho.
You mistake the method of enquiry for the motivations of the person.
Even if, as was the case with many scientists, the motivation was to "discover god's workings" (or whatever) the methods and assumptions used were that there was am underlying "real" foundation for the phenomena observed rather than "what does god have it doing today?"
well, you're half wrong.
but i guess somehow half right too...:)
i see that you missed this bit:
Nope, I replied to that:
All of science operates on the basis that god doesn't have anything to do with it.

not only are you assuming that nature is inclined to give you a mechanism when it changes, you're also assuming that god won't give us a mechanism to follow when he decides to change his rules.
And you're assuming that I'm assuming.
Science is the discovery of nature: finding the mechanisms would be part of the search. :rolleyes:
God, being god, isn't subject to science.

well, you're half wrong.
but i guess somehow half right too...:)
Oh, I see you're ignorant of the history of science...
One or two proto-scientists (as the article says, they were philosophers) do not make your case.
Science and religion are nothing to do with each other.
therefore only ignorant people will be threatened by their paths crossing.

Scientists look at physical evidence, no scientific idea has ever been proven by someone who believes it's true but has no physical proof.

Religion can never have physical proof, hypothetically the second physical proof were to become available, religion would no longer faith based... and therefore religion would be non existent. It would just be accepted.

If people were certain of there God they would have no need to argue for his recognition against science. All it is is self justification, there scared to make a mistake not believing and are stupidly trying to prove something they are unsure of against something they cannot argue.

I'm religious by the way...
RELIGION is correct and science is a lot of BS its all fiction. Evolution is a load of crap it started with and idiot thinking of something stupid and try to defi GOD
um no God is the maker of heaven and earth and all of earths people all of you must be idiots or not very bright if you think that science is right. God is the means of all and is fantastic and you should hope he can forgive you when you die
And you're assuming that I'm assuming.
no you're assuming that i'm assuming that you're assuming:p..as i KNOW you're assuming because you don't know.
Science is the discovery of nature: finding the mechanisms would be part of the search.
grrrr, that mechanism existing is part of the finding of the mechanism which is part of the search. man you're just too slippery.

God, being god, isn't subject to science.
if god exists it's he who made science.
i.e god being god, creates everything, including science.
Oh, I see you're ignorant of the history of science...
One or two proto-scientists (as the article says, they were philosophers) do not make your case.
maybe, there's a better bit coming up about this..
um no God is the maker...

God is imaginary.

...of heaven...

Heaven is imaginary.

...and earth...

Earth formed via natural processes in our universe.

...and all of earths people...

All life on earth evolved.

...all of you must be idiots or not very bright if you think that science is right.

Science studies reality, so if you are saying that reality is incorrect then here is a little experiment to demonstrate otherwise:

- Put your hand on a red hot stove. Reality says you will get burned. If reality is incorrect then you will become a very famous and rich person.

God is the means of all and is fantastic and you should hope he can forgive you when you die

God is imaginary. Here is an important question for you Newyorker, which do you value more?:

A) Truth
B) How you feel
um no God is the maker of heaven and earth and all of earths people all of you must be idiots or not very bright if you think that science is right. God is the means of all and is fantastic and you should hope he can forgive you when you die

This is not a rant against science. There are many clues in this post pointing towards Newyorker's fragile psyche. The poster is lashing out against science purely for selfish reasons. The post is about an obsequious sycophant, a flatterer who believes he/she is telling God exactly what He wants to hear. IOW's he/she believes God can be swayed by using psychology. Now there's irony for ya!
The mind reading goes on.

Of course there is no contradiction between atheism and a belief in telepathy. I think it is brave of psychotic episode to repeatedly demonstrate his or her belief in his or her psychic abilities here at sciforums where they are likely to be mocked.
The mind reading goes on.

Of course there is no contradiction between atheism and a belief in telepathy. I think it is brave of psychotic episode to repeatedly demonstrate his or her belief in his or her psychic abilities here at sciforums where they are likely to be mocked.

Surely you, the Ann Landers of SciForums, the consummate advisor to those of lesser intelligence, the purveyor of all things anecdotal and antidotal, would not argue against....... Oh'! How am I doing so far?

Doreen, your sardonic wit coupled with your words of consolation make me feel the need to ask if you counsel people in your professional life?