Why can't I find any medical literature on the H20 molecule being an allergen?

Again black sticky stools - overdosing on iron tablets

noting 2 things
1 your reaction when the word "vitamin" is mentioned
2 the thread subject being about the immune systems rather than a discussion on the "personal opinions of vitamin value as a dietary suppliment".

what you have not mentioned(yet?) is the lack of the ability to process iron which would appear as an iron over dose while the body remained iron deficient.
Given the massive number of women in 1st world countrys who are iron deficient this would seem to be the occums razor.
queue stomach flora, trace element/vitamin/mineral processing/digestion of the gut/small intestine etc...

and there we have us back on track.
Given the number of women being around 45% iron deficient when tested, the market for a pro-biotic type pill that balances correct stomach flora is a trillion dollar industry about to become a house hold name
it would be reasonable to expect 65% of all 1st world women to buy the product, plus add on 15 to 20% men over 30.
thats trillions !

self reminder note this thread is in free thoughts
other thread is in science and technology.
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They do. And it's often on the low side of acceptable. Recently it's been under the limit at a few donation attempts - which is why I started taking iron supplements. (Multivitamins with iron actually.) Now it's fine.
I'm sure your doctor has done all the right tests ,but..

I had a spontaneous stomach bleed (Dieulafoy's lesion) a few years ago where I lost a lot of blood (rather spectacularly, I might add).

When recovering, my iron level would not come up. Or if it did, it would plummet again.

They checked my ferritin level. It was zero.

Ferritin is what the body uses to store iron. Without it, it didn't matter how much iron I took, it wasn't getting stored for use.

Check that your doctor is testing your ferritin levels. It's just another check box on your blood test form.
1 your reaction when the word "vitamin" is mentioned

From years of experience dealing with stupidity about vitamins

what you have not mentioned(yet?) is the lack of the ability to process iron which would appear as an iron over dose while the body remained iron deficient.

Comes under

If you have a diagnosis of a condition which requires vitamin sure you need SUPPLEMENT

Same applies to minerals you might be deficient in

From years of experience dealing with stupidity about vitamins

i imagine you would encounter the same type of issues from religion.
magical thinking used to support a behaviour that defys common logic analisys to produce a result that is physical.
supplanting the magical thinking to be manifested into reality by assigning it to a vitamin which becomes a "cure all" abandonment of other science.

this type of brain washing makes religous congregations highly susceptible to continued fraud.
most of which goes un reported to protect the image of the victim and the church.

given the american indoctrination of children into compulsory religous facism this brain washes a large proportion to be victims or perpetrators.
such is the wild animal of religion