Why can't humans have sex with animals?

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From the MFAP author's site:

I wrote successive versions of a paper explaining the problems I saw with standard evolutionary theory and presented my alternative explanation. These manuscripts, once submitted, would promptly arrive in the hands of anonymous reviewers who would recommend rejection, because, they said, my claims contradicted accepted tenets of standard theory. Well, yes, of course they did — because I was trying to present an alternative evolutionary theory that, if correct, would imply that Darwinian theory is mistaken at an axiomatic level.
It's just in poor taste to mate with an animal not a human.

Surely another marriage taboo waiting to topple in the future, though -- albeit hopefully with the most meager of memberships. Although Ngurah Alit even garnered a shotgun wedding for his premarital activity with a cow, still one wonders just how many of these "happy couples" actually do go beyond a mere emotional / domestic contract with their pets and animal acquaintances. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human-animal_marriage
Fraggle Rocker;. By the way said:
humans are animals,[/B] so when we have sex with another human, we are having sex with an animal. There are only six kinds of living things on this planet: animals, plants, fungi, algae, bacteria and archaea. We are clearly not members of the last five groups, so we must be animals. ;)

I thought your are sick but your reasoning back it up.
Does anyone speak English on this thread?

Big deal, the point is to communicate does not matter which one . Because you were born accidentally were the speak English so everybody should bow to you . Remember once upon a time the arrogant Roman forced people to speak Latin . then the Franch was a diplomatic language , now they are nothing , so in time will be English , By the way if it would not be the USA the multiethnic society , In England would be spoken German
French is still spoken by lots of people. People in France for example.
There is no need to bow.
It is called evolution. A virus can only reproduce with the right host. A bird injected with rabies will not get the disease. Lyme disease only adversely affects people, dogs and horses. Sometimes a virus will evolve and jump species which is apparently what happeded with HIV and the "bird flu".

I am aware of this. I was looking for the chemical logic so one could predict by look at the DNA but not knowing the species. Empirical is useful but primitive. I am looking for logical science that can look at the DNA is say yes or not, or tell what I would need to do to set the correct potentials via slice and dice. Is the science that advanced?

To change the subject more in line;

The Church had many sexual behaviors in the closet, many of which could engage in sex, technically, but they could not reproduce, since they were using the wrong DNA (animals), the wrong combination of body parts (homosexuals), or the wrong ages (pedophiles). Some have left the closet and those remaining want to leave also, which is why we have such discussions.

Maybe the animal lovers (wrong DNA) can learn from the homosexuals (wrong body parts) and follow their wake. One of the original tactics was to commandeer language to change association. Gay used to mean festive. Say the animal lovers called themselves "gay" to commandeer a word connected to a former closet mate. This jumps you up the line since people will average the association.

As an analogy, gay marriage was chosen instead of gay unions, even if the second is more real and is less offensive. The goal was to word steal and skip steps to the front of the line from the position of gay unions. It did not matter whose feeling were hurt. The animal lovers could choose a term like beastial or animal lover and stay separated as second class have to fight from the beginning. Or learn from a precedent example, and pick gay, like they picked the word marriage, to jump higher up ladder with less effort. This would be resisted by gay groups that would find your association offensive since they defined themselves one way and are not used to other stealing their words. But you call them haters and intolerant and it keep the pressure on them, as you sneak up the ladder as the line blurs.
That's an interesting observation. I am not convinced that what this sscientist said is true. But, I will humor it with an observation of my own; lions and tigers can reproduce, as can horses and donkeys. Is it really so far fetched to question whether or not humans can reproduce with other animals?
That's an interesting observation. I am not convinced that what this sscientist said is true. But, I will humor it with an observation of my own; lions and tigers can reproduce, as can horses and donkeys. Is it really so far fetched to question whether or not humans can reproduce with other animals?

Yes. Our nearest relative is the chimpanzee. There are no hybrids.

Good one.
If the moderators had any decency, they would lock this thread.
The subject is of interest, and is worth discussing, but yes you are right, the thread urgently needs either cleaning up or closing.
Number 9 is looking with fresh eyes, and we don't look good.
It's like a classroom without a teacher that goes wild.
Who is moderator of this thread now?
Maybe they are away or something.

The question is whether humans could be a pig monkey hybrid, as Doctor McCarthy proposes.
Sounds to me like nonsense, but maybe he has some evidence.
I wouldn't advise him to apply for a job in the Middle East.
I doubt his theory is particularly well thought of in Georgia either.

Dr. Eugene McCarthy of the University of Georgia is suggesting that the human species began as a hybrid of a male pig and a female chimpanzee. He believes that before humans roamed this Earth, a male pig seduced a female chimpanzee and together they produced a pig-monkey hybrid. This hybrid went on to reproduce with other chimpanzees and together they created an animal that resembles what we know as human beings today.
I think the question in the opening post has been sufficiently answered.

Thread closed.
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