Why call yourself a "weak-atheist"?

Think on it all you want, but there's no justification for your behavior, Zero

And telling people to shut up (ouch, in bold type, too aww  ) is not the kind of nice behavior you find in discussions.
Given that I didn't bother to tell you to shut up until after you wrote this, I feel there's another apology you owe me.

If you must lie about me in order to extend your hateful behavior to me, in order to have a cause to feel offended by me, well, perhaps you should shut the hell up.

Your dishonesty is noted and I will repeatedly point to it so long as you attempt to justify or dismiss your inappropriate and utterly rude behavior.

That you have to lie about people in order to be rude to them is a poignant demonstration of your lack of character or integrity.

And you can't change the fact that you've wrongly attributed me in order to be rude to me.

I consider your obsession a bigotry and will not have it extended to me. If you were capable of considering religions rationally, I wouldn't be quite so worried about the bigot aspect, but since you have to call me what you hate, and what I'm not, in order to have a point, I really must ask that you simply take it elsewhere. Such unnecessary harassment will not be tolerated.

Easy enough, Zero?

--Tiassa :cool:
Yes, Papa :D

I said, I'll think on it. But if you think repeated "shut the hell up"s will prompt an apology you might want to revise your knowledge of human psychology.

Where is Xev when I need her.
Or maybe I'll keep out of the religion boards till you feel like mounting a rational, logical argument against me. That might have more of an effect. Right now you are yelling and bawling me out. Whee:p
After reviewing my posts, I'll say that it was wrong to say "white robe and cross". It was a logically error to associate every god with that.

Lapse in argument. I must be out of practice:D

But your yelling is not instilling an seriously apologetic feelings within me.

I really wonder why I even bother to keep posting here.
Where is Xev when I need her.

Right here.

Frankly, I'm not sure what this is about. Zero asks, none too nicely, but Xevie ain't gonna throw the first stone when it comes to that, that the theists be more respectfull and not proselytize.

Well, fuck respectfull, I think it's a fine thing, but asking all theists to be respectull - well, it presupposes that all athiests are respectfull.

So what the fuck has this become? The knock-down drag-out hair-pulling nail-gouging catfight of athiesm vs. theism?

Gimmie a break.

Tiassa interprets Zero's post as hatefull. Oookay.

Standard flamewar. Zero, I'd ask you not to let this affect your staying or leaving Religion. Tiassa will, er, not feel kindly towards you, as he does not feel kindly towards me, but I don't see why one should leave.


Tiassa interprets Zero's post as hatefull. Oookay.
Have you ever listened to a religious person criticize atheism because it's godless, and then point out the "atrocities" of Communism that were made "in atheism's name"?

Pretty annoying, eh?

You're an atheist, Xev. What if I automatically held your Communism against you?

What's that? You're not Communist?

Given that Zero is entitled to feel however he wants about the cross, I don't see why he needs to extend it falsely to me in order to justify his rudeness.

I find the act of lying about people in order to justify negative sentiments hateful.

What about you?

I mean, how am I supposed to react when someone wrongly accuses me of being part of a certain religious movement solely so that they can feel angry?

As an example, when Adam invented a point contrary to my own posts, attributed it to me, and then rejected it with all the flair of his sparkling ( :rolleyes: ) humor, I treated that dishonesty with the same scorn I'm giving Zero's deliberate misrepresentations.

But let me guess: that uncalled-for lie, the wrath it inspires, and the necessity of fostering it probably have nothing to do with atheism, right?

Sure, such dishonesty is a human problem, but I must insist that it be aimed elsewhere.

So if you'd like to recommend that I accept Zero's unnecessary, bigoted harassment, I'll remind you that you're the enemy of the United States, you godless pinko ;)

See how ridiculous it is?

Mao Xev-Tongue?

Really, I'm not going to push the point beyond that, but at least let me know if you can see the parallel.

Tiassa :cool:

I see Tiassa has already called you a bigot and accused you of lying about him. He does that to anyone who disagrees with him. You get used to it.


You are arguing with someone else. Please stop bringing me into it. And please make up some new accusations to defend your opinions, these are getting old.
Zero, I'll even tell you what my problem is ....

After reviewing my posts, I'll say that it was wrong to say "white robe and cross". It was a logically error to associate every god with that.
Zero, this is the only point I'm after with that.

Given the message of your post, I found it quite offensive.
ut your yelling is not instilling an seriously apologetic feelings within me.
Well, your broad, brushstroke veneer of bigotry combined with self-righteous hypocrisy does little to impress my respect for your intelligence or character.

We're even on that, then, I suppose.

But given that I've been taking a lot of flak for pointing out the atheistic tendency (in evidence at Sciforums) to restrict the atheistic condemnation to a single religious paradigm while opposing the whole notion of God, I'm neither inclined to receive kindly the regular enactments of this concept which people merely need be able to identify in their own lives in order to change. I've pointed it out, I've provided examples, and I've received opposition. All I can possibly say is that if atheists do not want this particular result to be associated with atheism, they must necessarily be conscious of this result and how they reach it.

If you watch closely, there's one or two atheists that I don't argue with. I generally have no cause. And if, for instance, you were to dig up the archived posts on relevant topics, you'll find that most of the appearance of conflict 'twixt myself and those posters comes from communication issues which we quickly hammered out. It's one of the reasons why I think communication with atheism in general is possible--because it is known to exist elsewhere in the atheist/theist relationship.

But those posters are aware of the fact that, when refuting any specific notion of God, that is the only one they're dealing with, and do not show this tendency to apply the cross as a blanket paradigm.

If I seem furious, it's for a number of reasons. Foremost and definitively most apparent is the issue of wrongful identification. It does, in fact, reveal a bigotry so deep-seeded that it interferes with your perception of reality. This is absolutely self-evident. But understand--and this seems to be a problem for humans in general, regardless of religion or favorite discussion board or whatnot--that everyone bears such bigotries. It's how much we let them interfere with our perception that counts. I've been blazingly anti-Christian before, and it is, in fact, among the things I've gotten from Sciforums that I've come to be actually more tolerant of Christian diversity. Seriously, after watching Christians split that many hairs, I get the point; if I say that "they're all Christians until they stop and think about it", well, that reflects what appears to be the result. It's now much, much easier for me to hold each Christian responsible for more individualistic or factionalized faith points specifically, as opposed to a general notion. And the process of learning those distinctions also helped me understand something about the Christian psychosis. From experience, Zero, setting aside this particular form of belly-fire bigotry will only help your understanding the functional reality of existing in a world with Christians.

But there are other factors which raise my ire. I'm well aware that some atheists do, in fact, differ on this point with me (I can't speak for the rest), but I think the living result of an idea contributes to the measure of its functional worth. Christians, for instance, can tell me what they want about God and His attendant version of reality, but the key evidence of Christianity's failure is in its human manifestations. We're all sinners, sure, but come on ... Christians seem to specialize in certain sins that work to all of our detriment. There's something wrong there, and it's observable in its result among the living (and, in fact, the dead).

So here's the problem: I actually do respect atheism, and find its position both acceptable and to have a positive result. But this is a specific notion of atheism, which was at one point in my life, experientially common. It didn't work for me, but there's no denying the potential of it. However, atheists at Sciforums have soundly rejected that notion of atheism, and we're left with a neutral anti-identification that is preferred by the posters. Just as the individual Christians create a poor living representation of Christianity, so do atheists create a poor or good representation of atheism. If the willful (specifically) suspension of certain forms of superstition has any practical benefit?

I used to tell Christians that I felt like I respected Christianity more than they did. By that I meant that when put to me, I could describe a certain ideal state that could be wrought of Christianity. My vision was far, far more progressive and beneficial than I've ever heard from a Christian. Their utopiate ideas generally suck. I really did feel like I had put more thought into it than they did. And it's possible I did, because while I never operated by the specific conscious label of "antichristian", my regard for Christianity has been, for years, a reactionary anti-identification. It's only in the last year or so that I've even started to get over that. But it is entirely possible that I spent more time examining Christian faith than the average Christian. Yeah, I hope I learned from it.

Having found atheism inadequate for me because of certain consequences resulting from atheistic necessity combined with various factors of my fundamental beliefs, I still respect the idea, and see much potential for humankind in atheism. But I've been most stunned of late to find that such potential seems to be absent from a high percentage of atheists I know.

There are old debates, buried in the archives, in which Christians would accuse atheists of having no moral structure. The counterargument, which still holds true today, is that starting logically unfettered, one had a better chance of developing a truly moral propriety, based on observation of results, than one who operated under a preordained, blackmailing moral authority.

I do at this time owe Sciforums' atheists a collective apology; I apparently set this as a standard for atheistic propriety. That is, I apparently came to expect this of atheistic manifestation, and that is wrong. I was, however, quite shocked to learn that my error was setting a standard that was too high. I don't mean that as an underhanded barb, either. I'll pitch that one blatantly because it's how I feel.

And I'll put it this way: I feel like atheists, who reject religion for certain specific reasons, such as the damage it can cause, are perfectly happy to carry on causing similar damage of their own free (non-blackmailed) will.

Atheism can in fact make you a smarter and a better person.

I just don't get why that's so freaking offensive a notion to atheists.

Of course, I've also been called selfish for asserting the value of the collective over the individual. Whatever particular philosophical label that is the result of, it is one best avoided. I mean, whatever combination of factors resulted in that perspective, I do not wish to undertake except as a theoretical venture. Selfish ol' me can't bear to apply them because selfish ol' me believes that the best potential of my life also happens to coincide with the collective good as a rule of being alive. What I'm getting at is that certain things don't make much sense to me when I view their application in life. This angry, bitter atheism going around is more than a little like a religion. It's kind of scary that way.

I mean, look at it: diverse methods used to reach a preconceived notion that is the basis of the common identification. These diverse methods, while valid and diverse, are somehow supposed to all equal the same thing. We have to start redefining words, as I've mentioned before, to accomplish that.

I accept its diversity. But it really is hard to address it since, every time one addresses atheism, there's an atheist there to tell him that he doesn't know what atheism is. We could spend as much time with that atheist hammering out the details, even become lifelong drinking buddies and so forth. And one day some dude at the pub has occasion to discuss God and atheism and as we consider the merits, this latest atheist says, No, you don't understand atheism. You don't know what atheism is. All sorts of stuff like that. I just don't get it. It's such an anti-identification, atheists protect it by not allowing it to be identified. It seems a simple enough proposition: the rejection of the proposition that God exists, some variation thereof, or complete and blissful unawareness of any such idea as God, and thus free from any superstitions that might lend toward such a notion.

Yet we're told by atheists that we're attaching too much to it when we discuss certain results of the atheistic conclusion. I accept that, but point out my repeated assertion that atheists may not understand the magnitude of what they're rejecting. Compared to a state of theism, it can be safely said that the atheistic conclusion would require a reformulation of these facets of life for ... 95% of the people who might become atheists.

Now I'm all for blissful unawareness, but what kind of isolation from the common human experience would be required to keep a mind completely free from the notion of God? So, working with the religious people ....

Atheism is an anti-identification, and this is where that point can become important. Joe the Christian one day concludes that there is no God. Feeling constricted by his moral structure, he begins examining why he holds the morals he does. Eventually he examines fundamental notions of right and wrong, and the presumptions behind them. All of this has to be reconstructed when one chooses to become an atheist if they already believe in a conventional version of God.

But Joe may become a Humanist or a Transhumanist or adopt any number of non-theistic philosophies or ways of living, or Joe may become "Joe", and just figure out a label-free, mutt perspective that makes him a happy and productive member of society unfettered by notions of God. Atheism chops away a huge part of people's moral and comparative psychology. It's a very specific idea, atheism. It cannot provide for all that void. And that's why the results of the atheistic conclusion are so important to consider. What it could be worth and what it actually buys are two separate figures.

So I won't bother asking excuse for my fury. Given the opportunity that comes with atheism to escape certain divisive and destructive patterns, I can't believe people are that determined to simply find non-religious justifications for the same kind of behavior.

Atheism rejects a God, a myth. This is inconsistent with their acceptance of many other myths.

It's part of the reason I gave up atheism.

But that's not nearly important as what atheism could accomplish if it understood what it was rejecting in the first place.

Tiassa :cool:

You are arguing with someone else. Please stop bringing me into it. And please make up some new accusations to defend your opinions, these are getting old.
If you didn't want to be held up as an example, you shouldn't have put such effort into being one.

--Tiassa :cool:
Well, your broad, brushstroke veneer of bigotry combined with self-righteous hypocrisy does little to impress my respect for your intelligence or character.

!? Intelligence and character? Since when did I have any?

And, I can't help admiring your fervor (wow the length of your posts). Hm. Perhaps when I actually get around to reading your posts I'll respond.
Tiassa...and a few things to the Chosen

How are some of us believers trying to proselytize?

Seems like it to me.

Why don't you point out the atheists that clearly try to do it.

? My views are my own, independent of other atheists. And I don't necessarily approve of the atheistic efforts on that part either.

Look at the post, "Atheistism in Australia," "The Bible - Book of Evil."

Did I say that I support those threads? If you took the trouble to read my posts in the Bible thread you might know my position in that.

You and your mongoloid brain, what an indubitably prodigal comment.

Okay, so anything you do not like is mongoloid. I would like to know what that means. Do I smell a racial discriminatory statement here?

Do you think Atheism belongs in a religion forum?

It's another point of view. While we're at it, why does religion belong in the Science Forums (SciForums) anyway? I'd say for the same reason that atheism belongs in religion forums.

Everytime someones talks about any damn religion, there are outbursts of negative comments coming from atheists.

? I don't recall making an unjustified negative outburst. It's just the individuals that irritate me. Not that it matters.

You just need to know your role and shut up.

Should I dignify this with an answer? I think not.

Your wanton crap isn't needed here.

Same here.

Well, you see, that's a pretty stupid question, since after all, it's kind of hard when others won't necessarily let me. For instance, back when Xev and I started our sniping--I wasn't inventing a definition of atheism; I was working with one both of my experience and in accord with descriptions and definitions given me by other atheists. So apparently I'm not respecting atheism by mischaracterizing it. Well? Take a look around, Zero. There's quite a few definitions of atheist flopping around, and in order to reconcile them we have to make synonymous words that are not.?

Hm. I wonder if I did do some nitpcking over definitions. If I did, it was either out of context or unintentional. Didn't mean to do that.

It seems, then, that I'm not respecting other views if I apply the "wrong" definition (e.g. a definition given me by another atheist), but that I'm not respecting other views if I acknowledge that I can only apply that specific view in that specific debate ....

? Didn't mean that either.

And then there's the inexplicable issue that I seem to be encountering where atheists seem to think a very limited version of God is all there is. How is it again that I'm not respecting other people's views by reminding them that there are other conceptions of what the word "God" means?

Okay, so the cross and white robe statement was wrong. What is the meaning of the word god to you, then?

I find your position ill-conceived, Zero.

Hmmm...can you back that up?

It's hardly my fault that the majority of atheists refute a tiny notion of God without realizing that there are broader concepts to be addressed--whether to be learned from or refuted--according to more diverse expressions of God. When I point it out, I'm apparently being disrespectful. So be it.

I refuse to believe in the existence of a god, but I leave believers to their own business. I don't wish to bother spreading atheism or any point of view I might have. I refute individual posts if I don't seem to like them.

Since you're aiming at the collective, I might point back at "your" side and remind you that I've been requested by an atheist to not discuss issues put to me by other atheists. So, why don't you take that temper of yours and, well, you know what to do with it.

? And who is that atheist? And my temper...er...no further comment.

Now what the hell is your problem, Zero?

Alright, so your explosion starts. Let's see after that sentence.

How dare you even mention a cross to me while pretending to feel oppressed! How dare you even associate me with the cross, you petulant, libelous hypocrite! How dare you complain that your views are not being respected while wrongly attributing the cross to me.

Oh wow, so I won't even mention your god's name whenever I feel oppressed by his adherents. Really impressed. And I take it you are not christian...?

And I already acknowledged the innapropriateness of the whole cross thing so we'll pass.

I cannot believe that disrespect. You can't separate the idea of God from the cross and you're whining that your ideas aren't respected? Good show, Zero. That was the most ridiculously offensive contradiction of your own self-righteous rage anyone could ever ask for.

Self righteous rage? Good show? Whining? You must be feeling especially defensive. Since when did I complain of my ideas not being respected. Do I even care or even expect it? Respect is hard won, and your tantrums are not helping mine for you. You felt like this then, let's see how you feel like now.

I don't contain enough profanity to adequately cover the offense you've given.

Uh...I'll pass this off as part of your rage.

Sure. Fly on out to Seattle. I'll give you the knife so you can chop off my fingers and cut out my tongue.

And this.

You've set a new standard, Zero.

So I have? Gee, with less than a hundred posts I already feel sooo honored.

You may think that you can falsely characterize people in order to extend your hateful wrath to them, but if you're falsely identifying people for such reasons, I have absolutely no cause to respect you.

Falsely characterize. Okay. That was wrong of me. But I don't care if you don't respect me. Respect, as I said, is not something you get by begging for it. Or yelling for it, for that matter. And hateful wrath??? Please explain.

Given the hypocrisy of your position, Zero, I would recommend that you either apologize to me or just shut up.

Another addition to my 'will not dignify with an answer(WNDWAA)' list.

Given that I didn't bother to tell you to shut up until after you wrote this, I feel there's another apology you owe me.

How does that work?

If you must lie about me in order to extend your hateful behavior to me, in order to have a cause to feel offended by me, well, perhaps you should shut the hell up.

another WNDWAA specimen. Interesting how they seem to turn up a lot these days.

Your dishonesty is noted and I will repeatedly point to it so long as you attempt to justify or dismiss your inappropriate and utterly rude behavior.

Translation: you will whine and pout and yell and cuss until you force out an apology.

Response: WNDWAA (I'm making good time, here whee :D)

That you have to lie about people in order to be rude to them is a poignant demonstration of your lack of character or integrity.

Poignant???? Lie about people to be rude to them? I assume this was a response to the whole cross and robe thing.

And you can't change the fact that you've wrongly attributed me in order to be rude to me.

Uh, yeah. And you can't change the fact that you have seriously lost your temper here, thus helping me out a lot with my WNDWAA collection. Thanks, tiassa :D

I consider your obsession a bigotry and will not have it extended to me. If you were capable of considering religions rationally, I wouldn't be quite so worried about the bigot aspect, but since you have to call me what you hate, and what I'm not, in order to have a point, I really must ask that you simply take it elsewhere. Such unnecessary harassment will not be tolerated.

I consider religions rationally. I failed to keep up with my usual standard of rationality with my cross and robe post. Unnecessary harrassment? Bigot? Wow, all this from the cross and robes post. Hm.

Easy enough, Zero?

Yes, Papa, as easy as posts this length can be.

SUMMARY: The ONLY thing I will take back is the cross and robes statement. You lost your temper there and I didn't nya nya :p
And thank you for your generous contribution to my WNDWAA collection.
So I and Tiassa are now sworn SciForum enemies. Kewl *gets out the armor and horse* :D

LOL, tiassa.

And there's no one like Xev whenever you need someone with a cool head. One of the great things about intelligent women. Nice avatar there, too.

Thank you Xev *blows a kiss and quickly prepares to defend himself*

Originally posted by Zero
Seems like it to me.

It "seems" like it to you? *Just* you? What about others' perspectives? This is such repugnant behavior from you. I respected your comments on Creationism, but negative comments and assumptions are noxious.

? My views are my own, independent of other atheists. And I don't necessarily approve of the atheistic efforts on that part either.

Well, since you roused your opinion in this thread, why not do so at other atheistic threads that are the opportune place to do so?

Why discriminate at theists where it is gratuitous?

Did I say that I support those threads? If you took the trouble to read my posts in the Bible thread you might know my position in that.

I never said you did, so why supererogate?

Okay, so anything you do not like is mongoloid. I would like to know what that means. Do I smell a racial discriminatory statement here?

No, not anything I do not like, please don't make assumptions Zero. :rolleyes:

Since you're an atheist, should I assume you are "really logical" like all other atheists on this board relegate themselves as (notable Tyler and Cris)? If you did notice the context in which I used the word, mongoloid, m is not capitalized. Look up the word smarty-pants.

Something pungent must be affecting your sense of "smell", maybe it's your presumptuous brain?

It's another point of view. While we're at it, why does religion belong in the Science Forums (SciForums) anyway? I'd say for the same reason that atheism belongs in religion forums.

Why? Why don't you ask the person responsible, the one that is in charge of sciforums.com?

So answer me, why does atheism belong in religious forums? They aren't the same reasons.

? I don't recall making an unjustified negative outburst. It's just the individuals that irritate me. Not that it matters.

Sure it doesn't matter, they are your fellow atheistic friends.

Should I dignify this with an answer? I think not.

Now, was it right for you to post this:

Tiassa and the rest of you believers...

...how about respecting other views? Instead of taking the old our-god-exists-no-matter-what-you-say-youll-see-eventually-so-I-don't-care attitude? The very smugness of that destroys the whole idea behind forums, which is all about discussion and exchange of ideas. Not about proselytizing. If you want to do that, how about donning a white robe and a cross and going on a mission? Fine with me, but don't do it here in a DISCUSSION forum.

"The rest of you believers"? You made a grave mistake, Zero. Now was it right for you to post that? I don't want to see you in abnegation when you answer me.

"Respecting other views"? - What a sordid comment.

Originally posted by Tiassa
I find your position ill-conceived, Zero.

You should listen to Tiassa, he is right Zero.

I leave believers to their own business.

Sure you do.

Alright, so your explosion starts. Let's see after that sentence.

Zero, you do have problems.

I just got p___ed off at the proselytizing efforts here.

On this thread, show us exactly how anyone here is trying to "proselytize." I'm interested in your viewpoint. I just don't quite appreciate your denigrating efforts. Don't vilify without good judgement.

Originally posted by Adam
I see Tiassa has already called you a bigot and accused you of lying about him. He does that to anyone who disagrees with him. You get used to it.

As for you Adam, why don't you read Tiassa's posts and actually understand his points, other than that I don't think you seem to understand his intelligence - should I assume so? Unless you can actually intelligently argue against Tiassa, then will I abrogate my assumption of you, meanwhile it's standing.

Adam and Xev, are you supporting Zero here in this thread or what? About proselytizing? Simple answer right? If you do support him, care to give your reasons why? I don't want tumultuous answers.
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Re: Zero, I'll even tell you what my problem is ....

Originally posted by tiassa
So here's the problem: I actually do respect atheism, and find its position both acceptable and to have a positive result. But this is a specific notion of atheism, which was at one point in my life, experientially common. It didn't work for me, but there's no denying the potential of it.

Tiassa :cool:

I respect intelligent people that understand, may it be a theist, atheist, agnostic, materialist, and et al.

And, it didn't work for me either.
As for you Adam, why don't you read Tiassa's posts and actually understand his points, other than that I don't think you seem to understand his intelligence - should I assume so? Unless you can actually intelligently argue against Tiassa, then will I abrogate my assumption of you, meanwhile it's standing.

Gee, I'm sure that Adam is off weeping his eyes out over that blistering attack.

Adam and Xev, are you supporting Zero here in this thread or what? About proselytizing? Simple answer right? If you do support him, care to give your reasons why? I don't want tumultuous answers.

No, I'm not supporting or dissing anyone. I responded with background information.

I find Zero's statement:

...how about respecting other views? Instead of taking the old our-god-exists-no-matter- what-you-say-youll-see-eventually-so-I-don't-care attitude? The very smugness of that destroys the whole idea behind forums, which is all about discussion and exchange of ideas. Not about proselytizing. If you want to do that, how about donning a white robe and a cross and going on a mission? Fine with me, but don't do it here in a DISCUSSION forum.

To be a bit overstated. As for whether athiesm belongs on a religious board, I am not out for converts. I am out to learn and to grow, and frankly to argue.

As for whether religion belongs on a science site, it's Pofiry's decision.

As for what you want, I really couldn't give a shit.
Zero, it wouldn't be so funny if you didn't keep screwing yourself

Zero ...

A few notes as well on the other side of your debate (w/The Chosen):

• Seems like it to me. Well, we're aware of that. But why does it seem that way? What factors present that impression?

• My views are my own, independent of other atheists. And I don't necessarily approve of the atheistic efforts on that part either. Sciforums' theists, at least, hear the atheist declaration loudly and clearly. However, what those collective atheists seem to overlook is that they also undermine any common association which the term atheist might describe.

Did I say that I support those threads? If you took the trouble to read my posts in the Bible thread you might know my position in that. You have chosen to address a general body of theism on behalf of a general body of atheism. What you individually support may well be irrelevant to The Chosen's point.

Okay, so anything you do not like is mongoloid. I would like to know what that means. Do I smell a racial discriminatory statement here? Actually, mongoloid, in the presented context, like idiot and moron, is a derogatory reference to the mentally retarded.

t's another point of view. While we're at it, why does religion belong in the Science Forums (SciForums) anyway? I'd say for the same reason that atheism belongs in religion forums. Well, I'd say you should ask the guy who designed the site. (e.g. Porfiry)

In general, atheism does belong in the Religion forums, since it depends on religious concepts to give it identity. I mean, it atheists would like to waste their time picking on the least-educated, most superstitious Christianity they can find, that's up to them. However, that's all it's worth, and in the end it seems that what many atheists are objecting to is phantasmagoric superstition.
Hm. I wonder if I did do some nitpcking over definitions. If I did, it was either out of context or unintentional. Didn't mean to do that.
It's a functional issue. If I turn from, say, a conversation with Godless and take what I've learned from that to a conversation with, say, Xev, there exists a high likelihood that what I learned in the conversation with Godless will be considered "wrong" by Xev, or whomever the next person I come across happens to be. And, sometimes, even with only one other poster in the conversation, I'm likely to see a shift of definitions. People can nitpick and work out their definitions all they want, but I'm getting tired of the classic anti-identification that someone didn't say that or that this isn't atheism, and so forth. It renders discussions about atheist/theist ideas pointless. It's like that stupid saying, "I don't want to take anyone else's rights away, but ...." It's crap. It's horseshit. Atheists approaching religious ideas are almost as mature as the Christians so many have worked so hard to defeat. Demonstrably there is no particular point in communicating with the atheist segment of the population; they are so determined to stand on their own that they refuse methods of communication. But then again, we're all silly theists, so we tend to believe (on faith) that we might be able to communicate with atheism. It happens in other places in our lives, or, at least, mine. But the current attitude of many of our atheists has been so anti-progressive of late that they might as well be staging a guerrilla insurgency to prevent people from discussing various ideas pertaining to religion and spirituality. That petty, ridiculing crap that merely flexes quasi-moral fancy has no place in the Religion forums.
Didn't mean that either.
Well, it is the result of what you addressed to me and other theists. I mean, we're not respecting others' views, but most of the disrespect that people have accused me of is their own perception. Certes, I'm sharp and biting right now, but, for instance, one of my apparently disrespectful comments about atheism was a standard of atheist thought I learned as an atheist and which has been held by several atheists of my acquaintance. Apparently, my hideous disrespect for atheism came in setting a standard that was too high--basic honesty. Oh, well ... it was, as I recall it being explained, my error.
Okay, so the cross and white robe statement was wrong. What is the meaning of the word god to you, then?
It's scattered across several topics right now, but G0D even resurrected a recent thread in which we discussed that very idea (it's cited in one of these threads), there's the Kharkovli thread buried around here somewhere that Xev and I have discussed somewhat. And I put a few words toward that because a couple of our atheist posters who have been ignoring my statements about the nature of God asked me why I was being so elusive about the nature of God.
Hmmm...can you back that up?
Given the inaccuracy, hypocrisy, and blatant horseshit of that post, what more would you like? First you complain that people aren't respecting beliefs and ideas, you then fail to provide any examples, and then tromp forward with hideous disregard for beliefs, ideas, and what is already on the record in Sciforums' debates. I think that pretty-much demonstrates that your position in that tantrum was ill-conceived.
I refuse to believe in the existence of a god, but I leave believers to their own business. I don't wish to bother spreading atheism or any point of view I might have. I refute individual posts if I don't seem to like them.
At that point I'm tempted to ask why you bother posting? Why refute the individual points? What compels you to, except your own desire?
And who is that atheist? And my temper...er...no further comment.
Actually, despite the fact that you've now asked me for that name, I would technically be violating his request were I to answer the question put to me by another poster. Nonetheless, you'll find it in this topic.
Oh wow, so I won't even mention your god's name whenever I feel oppressed by his adherents
Erroneous presumptions of your sarcasm:

• There is no name of God to mention
• Any feeling of oppression is your own
• God has no gender, and therefore his is inappropriate
• This perception of God has no adherents in the form of religious believers
• I also point out the fact that you used the phrase "your god's name"; I believe the point at issue is that you are wrongly attributing a god to me. Therefore, what you are specifically referring to is not, in fact, my god's name, despite the prior note that there is no name of God. If it is too inconvenient for you to take even the most basic care to make sure of what you're writing, perhaps you should give serious consideration to your question of whether or not to bother posting here. In addition to our time, you're wasting your own.
Since when did I complain of my ideas not being respected.
How about when you wrote:
Tiassa and the rest of you believers...

...how about respecting other views? Instead of taking the old our-god-exists-no-matter-what-you-say-youll-see-eventually-so-I-don't-care attitude?
True enough, I suppose you didn't say your views specifically.

However, that still doesn't excuse the hypocrisy of your subsequent disrespect.
Respect is hard won, and your tantrums are not helping mine for you.
You're such a fine judge of respect that I don't particularly care.
Uh...I'll pass this off as part of your rage
Fair enough.
And this.
Well? If I'm being disrespectful to other people's views by simply communicating my own, then get yourself a ticket and take your free chance to mutilate someone for your beliefs.
So I have? Gee, with less than a hundred posts I already feel sooo honored.
If you insist.
And hateful wrath??? Please explain.
Well, if you have to invent a way to make me into the target of your wrath, such as wrongfully attributing and falsely characterizing me, I find that quite hateful. I mean, you're so caught up in your anger with the Judeo-Christian experience that you're willing to label people with it and lash out at them just to have something to lash out at. I seriously recommend that you calm down about it.
Another addition to my 'will not dignify with an answer(WNDWAA)' list.
I understand that it is hard to face your own shortcomings. However you wish to hide from yourself is your own issue. In the future, though, don't try to stain others with it.
How does that work?
Well, I'm getting quite sick of people's apparent need to falsely attach my name to ideas in order to mount an attack. What's the matter? I always figured my actual, genuine positions were target enough to satisfy. So as long as you continue to invent things (such as reacting to being told to shut up before being told to shut up) to have a problem with, and as long as you falsely attach those to me, I will consider myself personally wronged by your attitude problem.
another WNDWAA specimen. Interesting how they seem to turn up a lot these days
Well, since that's left entirely up to you, we can only wonder why you won't approach the truth of a situation when you're perfectly happy to invent situations to approach.
Translation: you will whine and pout and yell and cuss until you force out an apology.
No, the more accurate translation is that I'll bury you under my own self-righteous wrath every time I catch you lying about people in order to foster division and feed your anger. There's enough to deal with if you could just be honest, but apparently that's too much to ask.
Poignant???? Lie about people to be rude to them? I assume this was a response to the whole cross and robe thing.
You know, it doesn't bug me when people ask me if I'm gay; in fact, it doesn't bug me when people assume I'm gay. I generally don't try to dissuade people from that notion because it doesn't matter to me what they think. That's why I'm not offended when someone asks if I'm gay.

But in the case of Christianity, given the amount of time I have spent examining, criticizing, and dismantling Christianity, I find your association of the cross to me the epitome of both stupidity--since it flies in the face of what is well known about me--and selfishness (what, you couldn't escape your antichristian perspective long enough to examine an idea for what it was?)
And you can't change the fact that you have seriously lost your temper here, thus helping me out a lot with my WNDWAA collection.
Ah, we see, then, you have a motive behind your provocations? Perhaps we have established a motive for your harassment.
I consider religions rationally. I failed to keep up with my usual standard of rationality with my cross and robe post. Unnecessary harrassment? Bigot? Wow, all this from the cross and robes post. Hm.
Well perhaps if you stop to consider what you're flying off the handle about before you do so, you won't stick your foot in your mouth after shooting it off. You're welcome to engage me on the ideas I post, but since you wrongly invented a condition to object to that matches your own prejudice, yes, it is bigotry.
SUMMARY: The ONLY thing I will take back is the cross and robes statement. You lost your temper there and I didn't nya nya
Funny that. I seem to remember you losing your temper badly enough to irresponsibly mischaracterize posters. Here, let me quote you losing your temper:
Tiassa and the rest of you believers...

...how about respecting other views? Instead of taking the old our-god-exists-no-matter-what-you-say-youll-see-eventually-so-I-don't-care attitude? The very smugness of that destroys the whole idea behind forums, which is all about discussion and exchange of ideas. Not about proselytizing. If you want to do that, how about donning a white robe and a cross and going on a mission? Fine with me, but don't do it here in a DISCUSSION forum.
I mean, you're yelling (netiquette: all caps) by the end of that.

Is it really about provocation, as you've suggested? Is it really about upsetting people? Is that really why you choose to harass?

--Tiassa :cool:
I'm glad that the complexities of my cycle intrigue you so.

In short form, no. Go fuck yourself.
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Oh, the wounded humanity ....

Go fuck yourself.
Goshy. I wonder what warranted this outburst? Xev, your tag-team partner once asked me why I told him to do the same as you have advised The Chosen.

In other words, having resorted to libel, your partner feigned ignorance as to why I should be upset with him.

The Chosen, however, has asked a fair question. If, for instance, your anger was derived from a biochemical state, well, it does, in fact, change the perception of it. If you can't help it, you can't help it.° If you can, though ... well?

A simple, Nope, would have worked. It's not like you're obliged to say, Thanks for asking.

° Can't help it: This is consistent, I might remind, with my earlier condemnation of the unnecessary ridicule of the mentally ill.

Tiassa :cool: