Why Bridges Fail

I'm just asking. If I knew, why would I ask?

Again, since you have the book, how many peer-reviewed citations does Guy use?

Is there a bibliography full of them? Chapter-by-chapter end notes? What does Guy use to source his work?
If you were interested in learning and discovering things for yourself you would know. I haven't read the book yet but I plan on reading it because I'm not a prejudiced fundamentalist like you are.

If you would like to talk about expansion tectonics in general which clearly you don't then we can talk about Samuel Warren Carey's book The Expanding Earth which is probably one of the most sourced tectonics books in world history.
OIM, do you have a job? I honestly wonder how people like you survive in day to day society since you're obviously too insane to get any job which requires logical thought.
Why? Care to use logic or reason? Or is science a religion for you too?

The idea that bridges fall down because the whole Earth is gradually expanding is so nonsensical that it doesn't require a serious rebuttal.

I prefer to just sit back and have a quiet chuckle about how silly some people are.

Don't you?
The idea that bridges fall down because the whole Earth is gradually expanding is so nonsensical that it doesn't require a serious rebuttal.

I prefer to just sit back and have a quiet chuckle about how silly some people are.

Don't you?
How scientific of you. If I was a religious fundamentalist I would be afraid to debate using observation and logic too.
That's the most scientific argument for subduction, plate tectonics, and constant size earth I've ever seen in my life.
I am making no attempt here to defend those mainstream views, I've done so elsewhere. I am honestly wondering if you have a job. You can PM me the answer if you don't want people to know or it to taint the discussion, I just can't think of a way you could hold the many wacko views you have and function in a company whose employees are expected to be coherent.

So far no one has offered an explanation.
So why do bridges and dams that aren't located near continental margins fail or plate boundaries fail?

Many different reasons. In the case of the Tecoma Narrows bridge, the collapse was caused by the wind and an unfortunately mechanical resonance situation that was set up.

Some bridges collapse due to poor construction or maintenance.
And what of the ones that collapse for other reasons?

He just told you about why the Tacoma Narrows bridge and why it failed. There's an excellent film of the event that shows it blowing and waving like a ribbon in the wind - which is exactly what it was.
He just told you about why the Tacoma Narrows bridge and why it failed. There's an excellent film of the event that shows it blowing and waving like a ribbon in the wind - which is exactly what it was.
Can you read?

And what of the ones that collapsed for other reasons?

Can you read?

And what of the ones that collapsed for other reasons?


Sure I can - I was responding to this exchange:

"“ Originally Posted by James R
Some bridges collapse due to poor construction or maintenance. ”

And what of the ones that collapse for other reasons?"

Where you had ONLY quoted those two reasons.

Can YOU not read and carry on a full discussion? You are always limiting yourself to addressing a single point or two when quite often more have been raised than that. In fact, your normal - and VERY dishonest - mode is to selectively ignore things that you cannot address from your extremely limited knowledge base.
Can you read?

And what of the ones that collapsed for other reasons?


Can you read? I asked which examples, specifically, did you have in mind?

Furthermore, you're quick to complain about the "ad hominem" but more than willing to engage in such yourself. You don't get it both ways, bub. In case you didn't know it, the little "crazy" smiley above is an ad hominem remark symbol, so what you're saying is this is not going to be a whiny, pissy complaint from you going forward. Good.
And what of the ones that collapsed for other reasons?

Which ones are you thinking of, in particular?

I suggest you consult the engineers and others who investigate bridge collapses if you need to know the details of specific collapses.

I'm certainly not about to waste my time detailing the reasons behind potentially hundreds of bridge collapses just to please you.

Off the top of my head, some bridges are washed away in floods. Some collapse in storm events. Some collapse due to poor construction or maintenance, like I said before.

What more do you want?
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