Why, believer or not, you seek a Monotheistic God.

Greatest I am

Valued Senior Member
Why, believer or not, you seek a Monotheistic God.

Because that God is you. Instinctively speaking.

Our hiving or groupish natures and desire for friendship and fellowship lead us and statistics are showing how well our selfishness is working in terms of rapprochement for each of us to the whole world.



This tribalism is both a blessing and a curse. The hive/you, seeks to unite with the other hives, --- is everyone's basic hive mind's number one desire. This is your base driving force for survival.

We desire one God and human master above all other desires. We all crave a monotheistic world while wanting that God to be ourselves. We call that freedom. We are all in this together while all wishing to stand alone and above. Some call this our selfish gene and without it we would go extinct.

Note the wisdom of the first few self-centred commandments. Like that God, we are all quite self-centered. Not near as barbaric as the bible God in most cases though, --- and our recognition of duty sends that self-centeredness to duty and love, --- when it turns outwardly or towards others.

If I was to define God as, --- ( just the best set of rules to live life by ), --- then the statement, --- believer or not, you seek a Monotheistic God, --- becomes truth.

That God, --- described as rules and laws, --- is what believers seek.

Non-believers seek the same thing, but with an ideal that is a human leader (s), and not a supernatural being.
It seems that our natural selfishness turned duty is serving us well as a species if the trends are real.
Remember to continue to seek an ideal in rules and laws.

If you have found God, you are an idol worshiper. Your bible or holy book condemns such an action.
As said in Candid, we are in the best of all possible worlds, because this is the only possible world. The world evolves and our political Gods as well as our religious Gods and masters must also all evolve.

We all seek a Monotheistic God and we all want him or her to be us. We do look outwardly though for the role model, --- and that is what makes the search worthy. It is what makes us more fully human.

The thinking shown below is the Gnostic Christian’s goal as taught by Jesus but know that any belief can be internalized.


This method and mind set is how you become I am and brethren to Jesus.


When you can name your God, I am, and mean yourself, then you will begin to know the only God you will ever find. God is that part of you that is more fully human.

I believe when realized mankind is a pantheon of unique nature gods. I also believe Love is referred to as the Father God.
That is likely just pussy envy as we know that women know how to love a lot better than most men..

That is likely just pussy envy as we know that women know how to love a lot better than most men..


In the relationship Love is the dominant trait and the dominant coupling is man and woman. It gets us all our kisses. Our girls are good by nature and receive the kisses. When our lady has been a good girl for a long enough time we the man ask the lady to marry us. Only when he is loving and becomes a man, and she is good and becomes a lady will they be ready for marriage.
@DL- if you are a sincere questioner of matters theological, I suggest you present yourself to the pastor of the denomination of your choice and quite littering these threads with your scat.

If you are not a sincere questioner of matters theological than you obviously instigate the threads you do just to bait the religious-minded. If you don't believe in any of this stuff why constantly talk about it? You really ought to take a good hard look at yourself and your true feelings.

To wit: http://www.sciforums.com/search/22460/, http://www.sciforums.com/search/22460/?page=2, http://www.sciforums.com/search/22460/?page=3 .These are just the first three pages of ten!!! of threads that you have started wherein you provocatively question monotheistic beliefs, primarily Christian ones.

I notice too that very few 'believers' are dumb enough to respond to your baiting. Mostly the respondents are like-minded agnostic individuals. So what is the point of you continually coming up with new ways to ask the same thing: is religion hypocritical? You all pat each other's backs and agree that it's ignorant, and it is putting the rest of us right to sleep.

I know, I know... I don't have to read your threads if I don't want to, and I won't. Good bye.
Why, believer or not, you seek a Monotheistic God.

Because that God is you. Instinctively speaking.

Our hiving or groupish natures and desire for friendship and fellowship lead us and statistics are showing how well our selfishness is working in terms of rapprochement for each of us to the whole world.



This tribalism is both a blessing and a curse. The hive/you, seeks to unite with the other hives, --- is everyone's basic hive mind's number one desire. This is your base driving force for survival.

We desire one God and human master above all other desires. We all crave a monotheistic world while wanting that God to be ourselves. We call that freedom. We are all in this together while all wishing to stand alone and above. Some call this our selfish gene and without it we would go extinct.

Note the wisdom of the first few self-centred commandments. Like that God, we are all quite self-centered. Not near as barbaric as the bible God in most cases though, --- and our recognition of duty sends that self-centeredness to duty and love, --- when it turns outwardly or towards others.

If I was to define God as, --- ( just the best set of rules to live life by ), --- then the statement, --- believer or not, you seek a Monotheistic God, --- becomes truth.

That God, --- described as rules and laws, --- is what believers seek.

Non-believers seek the same thing, but with an ideal that is a human leader (s), and not a supernatural being.
It seems that our natural selfishness turned duty is serving us well as a species if the trends are real.
Remember to continue to seek an ideal in rules and laws.

If you have found God, you are an idol worshiper. Your bible or holy book condemns such an action.
As said in Candid, we are in the best of all possible worlds, because this is the only possible world. The world evolves and our political Gods as well as our religious Gods and masters must also all evolve.

We all seek a Monotheistic God and we all want him or her to be us. We do look outwardly though for the role model, --- and that is what makes the search worthy. It is what makes us more fully human.

The thinking shown below is the Gnostic Christian’s goal as taught by Jesus but know that any belief can be internalized.


This method and mind set is how you become I am and brethren to Jesus.


When you can name your God, I am, and mean yourself, then you will begin to know the only God you will ever find. God is that part of you that is more fully human.


The only god is Humanity
In the relationship Love is the dominant trait and the dominant coupling is man and woman. It gets us all our kisses. Our girls are good by nature and receive the kisses. When our lady has been a good girl for a long enough time we the man ask the lady to marry us. Only when he is loving and becomes a man, and she is good and becomes a lady will they be ready for marriage.

Dominant only if you are a heterosexual.

There are many types where the opposite sex is not dominant. Those with homophobia should seek help though.

@DL- if you are a sincere questioner of matters theological, I suggest you present yourself to the pastor of the denomination of your choice and quite littering these threads with your scat.

If you are not a sincere questioner of matters theological than you obviously instigate the threads you do just to bait the religious-minded. If you don't believe in any of this stuff why constantly talk about it? You really ought to take a good hard look at yourself and your true feelings.

To wit: http://www.sciforums.com/search/22460/, http://www.sciforums.com/search/22460/?page=2, http://www.sciforums.com/search/22460/?page=3 .These are just the first three pages of ten!!! of threads that you have started wherein you provocatively question monotheistic beliefs, primarily Christian ones.

I notice too that very few 'believers' are dumb enough to respond to your baiting. Mostly the respondents are like-minded agnostic individuals. So what is the point of you continually coming up with new ways to ask the same thing: is religion hypocritical? You all pat each other's backs and agree that it's ignorant, and it is putting the rest of us right to sleep.

I know, I know... I don't have to read your threads if I don't want to, and I won't. Good bye.

Christians stay away because they have no worthy arguments and know it.

All those who rely on woo are going down.

As to why I do what I do. Call it revenge from ancient Gnostic Christians who were murdered by Christians who wanted to end free thinking and accomplished it with the Dark Ages and Inquisitions.

But I do not stop there.

For the evils of religion to grow, read any scripture literally.

Any and all harmless beliefs are allowed by Gnostic Christians. We know that any myth can be internalized for good results and as esoteric ecumenists, we enjoy knowledge of all the myths that man has created about Gods.


When there is a victim is when that view changes. Then you see why Christianity annihilated Gnostic Christianity. We do not let the evils of forced literalism go unopposed. To a tyrant like Constantine, we were poison. One of his first commands to his new Church was to kill off the free thinkers and of course, his new tool, his Church, did as bid. It was quite a ride for free thought for the next 1,000 years.

How can a Gnostic Christian, --- and any other free thinking moral person, --- not judge other's morals when seeing someone hurt other because of the same Church's teachings today?

Can you ignore such things if you have decent morals? Impossible. Especially with Islam pulling the same murderous, freedom stifling ****.

We must discriminate and judge constantly. Every law is a compulsion on all of us to judge.

It is my view that all right wing literalists and fundamentals hurt all of us who are moral religionists, --- as well as those who do not believe. Literalists hurt their parent religions --- and everyone else, be he a believer or not. Literalists and the right wing of religions make us all into laughing stocks. Their God of talking animals, genocidal floods and retribution has got to go. So must beliefs in fantasy, miracles and magic. These are all evil.


They also do much harm to their own fellow adherents.

African witches and Jesus
Jesus Camp 1of 3
Death to Gays.

For evil to grow my friend, all good people need do is nothing. Fight literalism when you can. It is your duty to our fellow man.

The only god is Humanity

That is what Gnostic Christians believe.

1. The only proper religion for mankind is humanity itself, for it is from this humanity that God first evolved. God, who is our future, came from humans, who are Their past.
2. God is a glorified and exalted human being.


Not all on this list applies to me but 1 and 2 do.

If you're pushing gnosticism, I'm afraid you've been to subtle (like a snake), I took you for a scoffing atheist. Whatever you are and whatever you want to sell is your affair. However, you ought to make it clearer that Gnosticism is your thing, I think. Based on your post just before this, are you sure you're not a Humanist? What's the difference then between Humanism and Gnosticism?
Then I bless thee. Go in peace my disciple and spread the sacred gospel: "

Ill take your blessing, kind sir. But see that we are all little kings. No one is leader if we we all aren't. Everyone gets a turn. Happy happy happy
Yes, I realize we need a president.

Then what you are doing is seeking the ideal in rules and laws just like a theist will who seeks a God. Those who have found a God have become idol worshipers and no longer seek the best rules as they have settled for draconian laws.

If you're pushing gnosticism, I'm afraid you've been to subtle (like a snake), I took you for a scoffing atheist. Whatever you are and whatever you want to sell is your affair. However, you ought to make it clearer that Gnosticism is your thing, I think. Based on your post just before this, are you sure you're not a Humanist? What's the difference then between Humanism and Gnosticism?

Any label carries it's own baggage and that would include Gnostic Christianity.

This O.P. is all inclusive, people wise, so I had no need to label myself.

I'd like to put in a good word for "that old-time religion" The original version, in all societies.

For example in northern lands, it was Thor who made the lightning when you displeased him. The Greeks and Romans had it right: Specialization. Running the world is too much for any one god to do and still be responsive to everyone's request. For example, if you need luck in the hunt, ask Diana, A safe voyage at sea, ask Neptune, feeling bad: Bacchus can help, etc. These were Gods you could believe in. They had human characteristics, like mutual envy, jealousy, played tricks, rage, etc. but most important, if you were desperate, they would take bribes. (Yes that last is true the Christian God - give up things for Lent, or big gift to the church, etc.)

All together now, lets sing:
Give me that old time religion; Give me that old time religion! It worked for Greeks and Romans and its working fine for me!

PS: Who needs a Hell? - I'll tell you: A terrorists god, that's who.
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Why, believer or not, you seek a Monotheistic God.

That's a pretty presumptuous statement.

It's also a false statement in my opinion. I certainly am not seeking a monotheist god.

Because that God is you. Instinctively speaking.

So you're saying that I want to be the master of the universe? I don't think so.

We desire one God and human master above all other desires. We all crave a monotheistic world while wanting that God to be ourselves. We call that freedom.

How do you make the move from individual freedom, which would seem to imply recognizing others' freedom as well as our own, to what you seemingly believe is everyone's secret inner desire to be master of everyone and everything else?

And how in the world would actually finding a monotheistic god satisfy our supposed universal human desire for absolute power, if the god isn't us? Jews, Christians and Muslims talk about fearing god, obeying god and submission to god. That would seem to be the exact opposite of the personal apotheosis that you suggest.

It's true that there are religions out there that talk about human beings being fragments of divinity, about their ultimately merging with the godhead, or even that we are already one with god without realizing it. But these traditions also typically stress that our individual personal selves are just illusions. The goal then isn't to expand ourselves into divinities, but to transcend our selves entirely.