Why aren't all animals becoming smarter?

Note, i am not a biologist, however, i would say that it is next to impossible. It is thousands of years of evolution coupled with the complex DNA of homosapains. The SupraC. Nucleus appears to have been able to thrive/evolve easily in human genetical makeup. The only other animals i would presume to develop this gene, is our closest cousins.
We can alter the lifespans now of the 959-celled nematode worm by tinkering with its genes... If so, then we might be able to do the same thing to a chimp... In fact, it wouldn't surprise me if the American Government has already done this in the name of science.
"The suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) is a region of the brain, located in the hypothalamus, that is responsible for controlling endogenous circadian rhythms. The neuronal and hormonal activities it generates regulate many different body functions over a 24-hour period.

The SCN contains several cell types and several different peptides (including vasopressin and vasoactive intestinal peptide) and neurotransmitters, and interacts with many other regions of the brain."

~ wikipedia

I strongly suggest you read the rest of the article as well.. :bugeye:
I do apologize... i realize the mistake i've made here. I'm getting the intelligence gene mixed up with the time awareness gene... OOPS. As i said, i'm not a biologist. These terms are so elongated and worn out.
I do apologize... i realize the mistake i've made here. I'm getting the intelligence gene mixed up with the time awareness gene... OOPS. As i said, i'm not a biologist. These terms are so elongated and worn out.

lol don't worry about it ;)
However, the same principles apply. There are two major intelligence genes right now in humans. I [think] something like 10% of the world actually has it. The impact of this gene will be interesting for the generations.
And whilst 10% of the world have the superintelligence gene, i'm wondering whether it will evolve into a catogory supergene-3.
However, the same principles apply. There are two major intelligence genes right now in humans. I [think] something like 10% of the world actually has it. The impact of this gene will be interesting for the generations.

You mean evolution applies.
I agree it will be interesting if it's true.
And whilst 10% of the world have the superintelligence gene, i'm wondering whether it will evolve into a catogory supergene-3.

If that can happen why can't animals evolve to have the 'supergene-1' ?
Also, humans are animals as well.
I think it has something to do with our genetic structures coupled with our fast abillity to evolve and evaluate our situations. Perhaps the gene is ''excited'' over generations and generations, influenced by small genetic mistakes, characterized by our increasing knowledge and empathy for each other. Otherwise, it would all just be a mistake, and i'm not really sure that would cut it, since chimps are not so far off the evolutionary mark (genetically-wise), and should still exhibit small evolutionary steps just like humans. The gene itself (in this advanced stage) must be intrinsic to the actual system itself... humans in this case - we have simply, very special temples.
I think it has something to do with our genetic structures coupled with our fast abillity to evolve and evaluate our situations. Perhaps the gene is ''excited'' over generations and generations, influenced by small genetic mistakes, characterized by our increasing knowledge and empathy for each other. Otherwise, it would all just be a mistake, and i'm not really sure that would cut it, since chimps are not so far off the evolutionary mark (genetically-wise), and should still exhibit small evolutionary steps just like humans. The gene itself (in this advanced stage) must be intrinsic to the actual system itself... humans in this case - we have simply, very special temples.

Humans do not evolve particularly fast, there are many animals that have the potential to evolve at a much faster rate.
You still haven't provided any evidence of why animals can't evolve the gene in the same way humans did. And I still have to see any evidence for the gene to actually exist as an exclusively human gene.
I would say it is theoretically impossible, but based upon todays present state, i doubt it. I will need to look into other sources if you want to continue this, because my knowledge is very limited concerning biology.
I would say it is theoretically impossible, but based upon todays present state, i doubt it. I will need to look into other sources if you want to continue this, because my knowledge is very limited concerning biology.

As you keep saying that your knowledge is very limited I don't see how you can say that it's theoretically impossible. Please look into the 'other sources' and come up with some evidence :)
Well, i've had a brief frisk through the net, and the bitch aint tellin me anything of interest. Soz.
Well, i've had a brief frisk through the net, and the bitch aint tellin me anything of interest. Soz.

lol take your time, pick up on a little evolution knowledge too while you are at it. I do not mean that in a bad way, it might help you to put your thoughts into perspective.
I might.

I know the basics of evolution... and where it stemmed from; but i can never spell it right... galapo... neh i give up. Strange remote island with active volcanoes. That's all i know of that.
I actually read up on Darwins book concerning that island. It was very interesting, but i was eager to run back to physics. Total Nerd aren't I? I sware... You wouldn't think i was one if you met me in the flesh... sware!
I might.

I know the basics of evolution... and where it stemmed from; ...
Not correct for at least two reasons:

(1) The ship Beagle did not enter the Pacific for more than 6 months after extensive studies along the coast of Brazil, where Darwin's began to question that what he had been taught (He studied to become a priest, and I think was one just wanting to see the world before being stuck in a parish for the rest of his life.) about God making each animal type "as it is."

(2) several years earlier Walace had described evolution in many letters and some paper. Walace also had visited Brazil and collected more specimens than Darwin, but the boat they were on sank. He also had the bad luck of not being well connected socially as Darwin was. Infact the reason Darwin decided to publish (risk his social position etc.) was he learned that Walace already had. Fortunately for Darwin, Darwin was able to supress the works of Walace via his good connections and no one heard of Walace until science historians years later began to give him at least part of the credit he deserves.

Do not mis-understand. Darwin stole nothing but fame, from Walace. Darwin developed the theory of evolution entirely independently, but was not the first to do so. His social standing probably delayed his publication. Without that potential loss, Darwin probably would have published before Walace.
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Why wouldn't they? Why would we be special in this respect?

I theory the older an animal has to be to reproduce the slower it will potentially evolve. Therefore insects and micro-organisms in particular can evolve at a much faster rate then any long-living mammal.

Also, Reiku made the claim that humans have a "fast abillity to evolve". So he is the one that thinks humans are special in that regard not me.
I theory the older an animal has to be to reproduce the slower it will potentially evolve. Therefore insects and micro-organisms in particular can evolve at a much faster rate then any long-living mammal.

Also, Reiku made the claim that humans have a "fast abillity to evolve". So he is the one that thinks humans are special in that regard not me.

all animals have the ability to evolve fast. And fast is relative to the geological time scale of course.

There is the theory that the human species went through a genetic bottleneck not too long ago. About 70.000 years ago leaving only 15,000 individuals for the mating game.

It accounts for the lack of genetic variation within the human population.

However, certain genes have probably evolved rapidly after this event. (and i use probably only because I am a scientist. You could just as well leave it out).

Generation times might be longer for creatures such as elephants but on a relative scale they evolve fast. In fact the evolution is accomplished with each generation.

One generation can already be enough under new pressures of selection. Something that can be build upon.

A change in behaviour can put evolution into overdrive. And we humans are good at changing behaviour due to cultural evolution.

Hence i wanted to know what was meant with fast. All organisms can evolve fast.
all animals have the ability to evolve fast. And fast is relative to the geological time scale of course.

There is the theory that the human species went through a genetic bottleneck not too long ago. About 70.000 years ago leaving only 15,000 individuals for the mating game.

It accounts for the lack of genetic variation within the human population.

However, certain genes have probably evolved rapidly after this event. (and i use probably only because I am a scientist. You could just as well leave it out).

Generation times might be longer for creatures such as elephants but on a relative scale they evolve fast. In fact the evolution is accomplished with each generation.

One generation can already be enough under new pressures of selection. Something that can be build upon.

A change in behaviour can put evolution into overdrive. And we humans are good at changing behaviour due to cultural evolution.

Hence i wanted to know what was meant with fast. All organisms can evolve fast.

I know all that, but bacteria can probably evolve into an entirely new subspecies in the timespan between your birth and your age of sexual maturity. Hence they can evolve faster than humans, simply because they produce many more generations in a particular timespan than humans do.