Why are you Pro-Choice.

do you know how many couples (gay AND straight) want kids?

for starters it would solve the "we need IVF cause we are lesbians" bull (IVF has ONE purpose and its not that you cant sleep with a guy because its icky)
yeah I do, but there is obviously more supply than demand at the moment or the orphanages wouldn't have so many unwanted children around the world.
a question for all those people who have shitty parents

how many would trade it all to not be born? (and its ONLY if you hate life because of your parents)
Originally posted by Xev
If a fetus was a person, would discouraging the right wing be an acceptable gain for what would be mass murder?

Yes, if the ends justify the means all things considered. I would support the murder of one million to stop the oppression of a hundred million, if no better solution existed.

Society should be optimized like a game of chess. The best players see umpteen moves ahead and sacrifice pieces to increases the odds of winning. Likewise, society should consider every conceivable ramification of a move and sacrifice to achieve long-term goals. The public naturally does this, such as a military draft that kills healthy young males to win a war, or imprisoning the innocent for being guilty beyond reasonable doubt because proving guilt absolutely is impossible.
Originally posted by RichardJA
But why should a child suffer in an unloving home because it was a mistake that the parents didn't want?

A good point. This is one of the negative effects of banning abortion that would need to be resolved before I’d support a ban. A corollary to this is the higher odds of the unloved child becoming a criminal and the negative effects resulting from that (as I said before, consider every conceivable ramification). The public won’t pay or otherwise help to give these kids a reasonable chance for a loving home. Given that, abortion might be the best option.
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do you know how many couples (gay AND straight) want kids?

So a woman has to carry a child for nine months, give birth to it, and pay the hospital just because some straight/gay people want kids? No one should be forced to do something that they dont want to.
A fetus is not yet a human. It could become one, but that does not make it one. Therefore, it is up to the woman carrying and the decision should be left to her.
ok im back hmm I see maybe some ok reasons for Pro-choice.
1 Rape in this case I can see the motive for it and the reason for abortion,ill think about that as im not sure
2 saving the mother over the baby,this actually is a diffrent kind of abortion born out of a necessary need and is not wrong.

things I dont agree with lets see if I can remember them

1 That a fetus isnt a person,how is a fetus not a person?
ill reply when that is answered
2 Its her boby she can do what she wants,say she wants to snort coacaine and shoot heroine right into her eye ball,she cant do that its illegal
3 the baby growing up in a unloving family might grow up to be a crimanil,there is no such evidence of this it seems that a criminal may become that way for any number of reasons.

I dont know if this issue was raised,
4 A woman got pregant she shouldent have to let the pregancy intrud on her life,what if irresponsibly she charges up to lets say 20,000 dollars on her credit card,the bill intruds on her lifestyle why should she have to pay the bill?

"1 That a fetus isnt a person,how is a fetus not a person?"

Please define what constitutes a human. The last sentance is probably one of the most debated topics in physical and social anthropology. At one point we defined humans be the conscienceness we have. However, that definition was really tossed aside after we realized that chimps and such have more realization of the self and the world than many physically/mentally impaired humans. That leaves basically our physical make-up to define us as human; namely, our brain. A fetus does not fit the physical definition of a human being.

"Its her boby she can do what she wants,say she wants to snort coacaine and shoot heroine right into her eye ball,she cant do that its illegal"

For starters, many sciforumers are pro-legalization of all drugs. Second, heroin and cocaine often inflict on other people's freedoms besides the person shooting/snorting. This is another debate altogether and one which is very tired at this site.

"the baby growing up in a unloving family might grow up to be a crimanil,there is no such evidence of this it seems that a criminal may become that way for any number of reasons"

This is not an arguement for pro-choice. Just a reply to the stupid pro-life arguement about "You could kill the next Gandhi!:mad:" Yeah, well, we could kill the next Hitler, too.

"A woman got pregant she shouldent have to let the pregancy intrud on her life,what if irresponsibly she charges up to lets say 20,000 dollars on her credit card,the bill intruds on her lifestyle why should she have to pay the bill?"

Many people suffer if humans were not forced to pay their bills. Many, many humans suffer if the economy is not an economy. No human suffers during abortion. Your point is 100% mute.
i have a very simple argument to this debate

there are 3 partys

2 CHOSE what happens and one does not

the one who does not dies while the other 2 walk away?


you open your legs SUFFER, same with the father
Originally posted by Tyler
"1 That a fetus isnt a person,how is a fetus not a person?"

Please define what constitutes a human. The last sentance is probably one of the most debated topics in physical and social anthropology. At one point we defined humans be the conscienceness we have. However, that definition was really tossed aside after we realized that chimps and such have more realization of the self and the world than many physically/mentally impaired humans. That leaves basically our physical make-up to define us as human; namely, our brain. A fetus does not fit the physical definition of a human being.

Brain power defines a human...well I guess we should kill all the people who cant mentally function since they take up resources and such.

"the baby growing up in a unloving family might grow up to be a crimanil,there is no such evidence of this it seems that a criminal may become that way for any number of reasons"

This is not an arguement for pro-choice. Just a reply to the stupid pro-life arguement about "You could kill the next Gandhi!:mad:" Yeah, well, we could kill the next Hitler, too.

I was just replying to what someone said I didnt mean you could kill the next Gandhi....Never actually heard that before.

"A woman got pregant she shouldent have to let the pregancy intrud on her life,what if irresponsibly she charges up to lets say 20,000 dollars on her credit card,the bill intruds on her lifestyle why should she have to pay the bill?"

Many people suffer if humans were not forced to pay their bills. Many, many humans suffer if the economy is not an economy. No human suffers during abortion. Your point is 100% mute.

I'd say the baby suffers,but you'd say that fetuses arent persons,I'd also say that the father if he i'nst behind the abortaion would suffer mentally,also there is a small chance that the mother could suffer the abortion process has sometimes failed,the mother gets dameged,the fetus may actually still be born,ive seen a woman who was aborted but it failed she was born premature and her living ability was limited.So she was affected.
Originally posted by Asguard
i have a very simple argument to this debate

there are 3 partys

2 CHOSE what happens and one does not

the one who does not dies while the other 2 walk away?


you open your legs SUFFER, same with the father

Good point Asguard
Like I said earlier, if abortion is made illegal the right wingers and anti-birth control people such as the Catholic church will be encouraged to force their morality on everyone else. In a few years we will all die of overpopulation. snow is avoiding that point.
"Brain power defines a human...well I guess we should kill all the people who cant mentally function since they take up resources and such."

Please note I asked you to define a human. I'd like you try before I get too into this.

"I was just replying to what someone said I didnt mean you could kill the next Gandhi....Never actually heard that before."

Actually the common arguement is the next Beethovan. As Ludwig grew up in a terrible family situation.

"the father if he i'nst behind the abortaion would suffer mentally"

That's antoher debate altogether. I wont touch on it here.
seems to me the 2 arguments boil down to "population control" vs the "right for a child to live"

im interested to hear if those on the other side are against IVF?