Why are you Pro-Choice.


Registered Senior Member
Just a qusetion about why some people are Pro-Choice. I really dont understand being Pro-Choice. I justed figured i'd ask.

Life should be an invitation, not a sentence.

Tiassa :cool:
I'm coming out of retirement to give snow some help. I should be doing my homework, but...

Why I am pro-choice:
· To prevent a domino effect. If abortion is outlawed, then the people who dislike birth control will be encouraged to start a movement, which could outlaw this most basic right in the future.
· The environmental effects of overpopulation are being curved because of abortion
· Outlawing abortion will encourage and support the right wing
· Women should not be forced to raise children they do not want.
Well, the baby is still a part of the mother when an abortion occurs. They aren't seperate people yet. So, its the mothers choice if she should abort the gestation process, drink alcohol, or raise a perfectly healthy baby.

It might not always the best choice since having children is a mitzvah - but the woman still has a right to choose what her fate might be before it has any serious implication on the life of a future child. Plus, its ethically wrong to deny somebody the right to their own freedom when dealing with largely personal issues.

So, the whole shabang boils down to how you classify pregnancy. Is the fetus a person yet? I really don't think so. But some people do. It's a shame we can't even agree on something as simple as that.

Fetus aren't human.
Abortion = less humans
People should be free to do what they want with their bodies, unless and until they interfere with someone else's freedom.
Why I am pro-choice:
· To prevent a domino effect. If abortion is outlawed, then the people who dislike birth control will be encouraged to start a movement, which could outlaw this most basic right in the future.
· The environmental effects of overpopulation are being curved because of abortion
· Outlawing abortion will encourage and support the right wing
· Women should not be forced to raise children they do not want.

I think you have the wrong motivations, Prez. Your saying that it should be legal in spite of negative issues as opposed to its own merits.

Like I said, and Xev later reaffirmed, it's a matter of how you classify a person.
It's not your reasons, but your motivations.

If a fetus was a person, would discouraging the right wing be an acceptable gain for what would be mass murder?
I swear to God (which most of you don't believe in!). NO ONE agrees with me even when we agree that abortion should be legal! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

After I hear snow's response I'm going back into retirement. I might even spam this board with obsence messages so I will be banned and cannot return.

Anyway, I don't "like" abortion. I think it is immoral and evil, but it must be legal.
only if they never try to make it a guys legal responcability to pay (one thing xev and i agree on:p)

cant have it both ways

either it takes 2 to tango or its the womens problem
Because abortion could not realistically be banned today without the public being worse off. I agree with notPresidentAndrew’s first 3 points above. Women would still abort, risking their lives. They’d be forced to have rapists’ babies without redress. If these and many other negative effects of banning abortion were equitably resolved then I would support a ban. I think society is best off when it is fully aware that life is not created to be destroyed.

Originally posted by notPresidentAndrew
Women should not be forced to raise children they do not want.

Even if it’s their child, and post birth?
almost EVERYONE would say that abortion where the mothers life is endanger or in a rape case is not wrong

PERSONALLY i would like to see it be illegal except then and the the dision be what to do with the child once its born or ATLEASE the father have a legal choice in what happens but?
I think when abortion was illegal in the U.S. it was illegal in cases of rape as well. But I’m not sure (too tired to look it up). The protestors hassling the abortion clinics would still think it’s murder but yeah maybe they’d be in the minority. I’d support a ban even in cases of rape, if the negative effects to the mother could be equitably resolved.
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Asguard, let's say the decision is left until the child is born. The parents don't want the child, but they keep it, get married for the child and bring it into an unhappy home, or have the child in a split relationship. Of course there is adoption, but hell, there are far too many children in orphanages around the world as it is. I think abortion should always remain the decision of the female and her partner.
forcing a girl to carry a child in a rape case isnt the same as forcing her because she got drunk and screwed a guy at the pub

if she does that who GIVES what SHE wants (ie oh it will wreck my figure as someone here said)

but in a rape case?
HELL NO, the emotional stress, the reminder that she was abused every day, she couldnt NOT hate the child

if she doesnt want to abort then ok but if she does then no one should stop her

in some ways i think rape cases are more deserving than when lifes in danger because well she accpted that risk already from aids ect but not in a rape case
yeah people who are raped should not have to carry the child. But why should a child suffer in an unloving home because it was a mistake that the parents didn't want?