Why, are we here?


Originally posted by Jan Ardena
Originally posted by Xelios
Ok, so why doesn't he do the same for adults that he does for children?

Adults have a developed consciousness, this is why we are human beings. It is an opportunity to regain our original consciousness, rather like a test. If you fail the test, we accept another body, on account of our perverted consciousness. If we go to a hellish planet, due to gross ignorance, the body required would be suited to that particular condition, we would not realise we were in hell due to our (ignorance) conditioned state, we would accept it as normal, we would have no memory of this life, and would still believe this life is all there is.

If he can see the universe in its entirety, past present and future, he can see every single choice we make in our lives.

We make choices according to our state of mind, when we act we produce energy. If we act in accordance with God, then the energy we produce is spiritual and therefore perfect, that being the case, there is no karmic reaction, because your actions would be perfectly in line (oneness) with the Supreme Perfect.
If you act, only in accordance with material nature, that is utilising your intelligence and mind, in pursuit only of bodily sense gratification, thereby disregarding your higher spiritual nature, then you will be at all times creating karmic reactions, even unknowingly, whether good or bad. These karmic reactions can be likened to debt, failure to pay debts result in more debt and possibly prison, depending on the gravity of the situation.
When we incur these reactions, we are bound by the laws of material nature to receive or repay (as a man sows so shall he reap). The reaction needn’t be a (impious) bad one, even if it is (pious) good karma, you still have to return, either in the earthly realm, or the heavenly realm, to reap the reward.
In this way it is almost, if not entirely mathematical, each and every action performed for some personal gratification, has an opposite and equal reaction, according to time, so it can actually be calculated, by someone who understand mathematics at that level.

This life would have no purpose at all, because no matter what we do on earth god already knows whether we will devote our lives to good or evil.

The purpose of this life is reawaken our spiritual identity and therefore awaken our dorment love for the Supreme Being, who is a Person.
At present, we have chosen to become independent, rather like teenagers who think they can make it in this world without the love and guidance of their parents.
If you look at the nature of loving parents, they sometimes have to allow the child to have these tantrums, in the hope that they will learn, sometimes they have to punish the child. But everything is done out of love. The idea is, that one day the child will realise that the parents aren’t bad, and carry this love into the next generation.
God created this whole material manifestation, for his children (all living entities) so they can get their desire to lord it over material nature, to try and be God by enjoying (Gods activity) like God.
But God always wants us to return to Him, but it has to be out of pure love, hence freewill, because pure, unconditional love is actually the Absolute Truth. Love is based on relationships, the lover and the beloved, it has to involve at least two people, no matter how much money, good looks etc you have, you cannot make somebody love you, therefore true, unconditional love is not of this world, it is transcendental to this world, therefore spiritual.


Jan Ardena.

Do you actually believe that load of crap your trying to feed us?

Where is the evidence of your accertions?
Where is the evidence of those other planets you speak of?
Do you have any emperical evidence at all?

Or is it just plain "blind faith"?
Re: Jan....

Originally posted by Godless
Do you actually believe that load of crap your trying to feed us?
Where is the evidence of your accertions?
Where is the evidence of those other planets you speak of?
Do you have any emperical evidence at all?
Or is it just plain "blind faith"?

Chill my friend,
like you, I am free to give my account. If you do not agree with what I say, then why don’t you debate the matter in a civilised way, instead of this hoggish manner you seem comfortable with?


Jan Ardena.

Why are we here?

Are we?
Definitely, well very probably, probably, possibly, maybe, ummm not sure, maybe not, doubtful, seems improbable, no of course not you idiot, neither of us exist.

I’d sign here but since I don’t exist I don’t think my signarure would make sense.
perhaps we should define where exactly we are.
on earth, solar system, 4dimension spacetime place?;)

perhaps we should define where exactly we are.
on earth, solar system, 4dimension spacetime place?
Ah there is the problem.

My subspace internet connection puts me some 20 light years from my Silicon Valley connection.

and parts of me are all over the world, located in different servers, of course also @ sciforums. so am I located in Latvia while speaking to you? :confused: my thought are tht not;)
Is our body always our location, location of our personality, mind.

I see a nice thread could be made out of this one:) right after I'll return from school tomorrow(oops, it's today already:eek: )


Ok!! Ok!! Perhaps a little rude of me, :rolleyes:

However I apolegize of "load of crap your trying to feed us"

But do you have any emperical evidence of your accertions?

Or is it "just blind FAITH"?
Where is here?

Here for me, is a blue shiny planet we call earth, aliens call it the "blue dot" gods call it "experiment #1"

And depending of how one may be leading their lives this is "hell, chaos, or blisfull happiness"

For me is a little of all three, a little chaotic, a bit of blissfull happiness, and sometimes a somewhat hell on earth, if you catch my drift!!.:bugeye:

I'm at 40% of my life, I'm looking forward for a at least the next 20-30% of my life in better cituations than now, however who the heck knows right?

Considering life can be over whithin seconds by this chaotic, hellish world we live in. Correct?

I'm somewhat doubtfull of the future, considering the US's F**ked up foreign policies, and wanting to attack Irag, of which we don't have the support of any Arab nation. We'r alone on this one, we've only got the Jews, and considering how hellish thier lives have been I've kind of suspect it will be the same here in the future..But!!! ha!! hell I'm going off topic... Never mind....:eek:
Re: Jan...

Originally posted by Godless
Ok!! Ok!! Perhaps a little rude of me, :rolleyes:

Nice apology.

What good would evidence be to you, you are demoniac by your very nature, and you have chosen a most appropriate name which describes you true nature.
The said article was obviously not intended for you, otherwise you wouldn’t of acted so dense, in both your responses. It was actually intended for people who use their higher intelligence, as opposed to people who only use machine code, brain function intelligence.
I am not surprised at your response, its just that I know your intention, so I believe it would be a waste of time presenting evidence of truth, as you obviously are oblivious to the concept of God and His creation, and would only present a nonsensical argument.
However, if you wish to analyse what I have said, I will answer your specific questions, and if you like, we can debate the matter in the hope of coming to some conclusion.


Jan Ardena.
Nice one :D :D

Whats this about 4d?

Can't you sdee I only exist in 2d from my picture shown on the left? :D
Truly Jan as expected....

Avoid the issue, the straw man rutine, seen it, done it, been there, you know it OOOOOH!!! so well!!

There's no freaking evidence, so you totally avoid the issue, and begin by responding insulting my intelegence!!! Hey!!!! Look in the freaking mirror!!! I was not the one asking if "air" was real, nor if "gravity" exists!!.
Re: Truly Jan as expected....

Originally posted by Godless
There's no freaking evidence, so you totally avoid the issue, and begin by responding insulting my intelegence!!! Hey!!!! Look in the freaking mirror!!! I was not the one asking if "air" was real, nor if "gravity" exists!!.

Thats cool.

We'll leave it a that then, shall we.


Jan Ardena.