Why are so many christians converting to Islam ?

That's right...it's like 8 hours later where you are. It must be like 3am. I forgot that no one works in that part of the world.
Originally posted by heflores

We Believe in the ORIGINAL bible that got lost, not in the FALSE one which promotes a MAN as God.

.....So do you hate the current bible because it promotes that man is god? I really want to know your opinion....You're helping me a lot...believe me.
The current bible is full of lies, errors and obscenities, it cant be regarded as vaild book or book that represents the words of God.

parts of the bible are acceptable to us as Muslims, other parts which contradicts Islam are null and void.

Islam is a witness on the Bible. It filters out the truth from falsehood and corruption in the Bible. Anything that agrees 100% with Islam is valid, and anything else that has even the slightest disagreement with Islam is discarded:

......So if you have a very stong grasp on validity...Can you define to me what a valid Muslim person should behave

He should believe in the ONENESS of ALLAH, he should believe that Muhammad is the LAST prophet of ALLAH, he should fast in Ramadan, he should pay his Zakat( 2.5 % of your unused wealth to the poor muslims or otherwise), he should performe haj or pilgrimage to the holy land if he can afford it.
He should treat people nicely, he should respect life.

you need to read more about Islam:

www.islamfortoday.com is very rich site for non-muslims or newly converts or anyone who is interested in Islam.

www.it-is-truth.org talks about the sceintific miracles of the Quran.

www.beconvinced.com is GREAT site, it refutes all misconception about Islam.

www.jesus-or-allah.org this site is by former christian who converted to ISLAM, he compare christianity with Islam.

"Know they not Allah Knoweth what they conceal and what they reveal? And there are among them illiterates, who know not the Book (i.e., the Bible), but (see therein their own) desires, and they do nothing but conjecture. Then woe to those who write the Book with their own hands, and then say: 'This is from Allah,' To traffic with it for a miserable price! Woe to them for what their hands do write, and for the gain they make thereby. (The Noble Quran, 2:79)"

.......This is a very powerfull Sura Green World....Do you mind debating with me the real meaning of it...I want your explanation in lament term

Basicly, Allah almighty in this surah is explaning how the bible got corrupted, he is telling us about those jews and christians who WROTE and ADD sutff from their own minds to the holy books to gain material gains.

"Say: 'O People of the Book (i.e., Jews and Christians)! Come to common terms as between us and you: That we worship none but Allah; that we associate no partners with Him; that we erect not, from among ourselves, Lords and patrons other than Allah.' If then they turn back, say ye: 'Bear witness that we (at least) are Muslims (bowing to Allah's Will).' (The Noble Quran, 3:64)"

....Another powerfull Sura.....tell me in your own words what does it mean
Here Allah almighty is advising us to ask the people of the book( we refer to christians and jews as the people of the book because they have holy books from Allah(the original ones)) to come with agreement with us instead of fighting to worship the one god ALLAH almighty, and to NOT associate anyone with Allah.
and if they did not accept our invitation then we did our best and we shall witness that we are MUSLIMS.

"O Apostle! let not those grieve thee, who race each other into unbelief: (whether it be) among those who say "We believe" with their lips but whose hearts have no faith; or it be among the Jews,- men who will listen to any lie,- will listen even to others who have never so much as come to thee. They change the words from their (right) times and places: they say, 'If ye are given this, take it, but if not, beware!' If any one's trial is intended by God, thou hast no authority in the least for him against God. For such - it is not God's will to purify their hearts. For them there is disgrace in this world, and in the Hereafter a heavy punishment. (The Noble Quran, 5:41)"
.........Also, please explain to me this Sura....I love this Sura very mcuh....

Here Allah almighty is warning the Muslims from those who come and say we believe but they dont in their hearts.
he also talks about the jews and how they change the scripture to suit their gains, he ask the prophet to challenge them by asking them to take their own book(the one they wrote) but they refuse because they know it is FALSE.

Allah almigty has promised them severe punishmet.,

clearly, we see here that Allah almighty has confirmed that the bible is CORRUPT.
Originally posted by Blackstone
it seem that you are mixing up the numbers of muslim immigrates who go to western world to "civilize" it, and think that they are "converts" .:rolleyes:
btw...why did 10,000 people convert out of Islam in one year in Algeria?

why does in every Hour 667 muslims convert out of islam? in every day 16000 ? in every year SIX MILLION?
that was just a touch of reality, to wake you up from your pipe dreams in your green world...my naive friend.

Why you did not post some translation mr LIAR? the article in ALWATAN explains why they left Islam, the article said they left it not because they did not like it but because of the HARD ECONOMIC CIRCUMSTANCES and the PROMISES BY THE MISSIONARIES OF BETTER FUTURE IN EUROPE.

They are like the MUSLIMS in Spain who were forced to convert but they stayed MUSLIMS in their hearts.

and even if we believed this, the number of people who are embracing Islam is FAR much HIGHER than those who leave.

According to "The Almanac Book of Facts", the population increased 137% within the past decade, Christianity increased 46%, while Islam increased 235%.

In a recent poll in the (US), 100,000 people per year in America alone, are converting to Islam. For every 1 male convert to Islam, 4 females convert to Islam, Why?
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Originally posted by Blackstone
Im tired tonight..i wont perform well...lets do this tomorow ok? :D


Italian Ambassador to Saudi Arabia Converts to Islam

RIYADH, November 25, 2001
The Italian ambassador to Saudi Arabia, Torquato Cardeilli, has converted to Islam, the Italian embassy here announced Sunday, news agencies reported.

Following a close reading of the Holy Qur'an and study of Islamic culture, Cardeilli embraced Islam to become the first ambassador to convert to Islam in Saudi Arabia, home to Islam's holiest sites in Mecca and Medina, according to an office which handles conversions to Islam.

Sheikh Nouh bin Nasser's office said the Italian ambassador converted to Islam on Nov. 15, the day before the start of the Muslim holy fasting month of Ramadan.

"He came to the office and read the two testimonies [necessary to declare faith: 'I proclaim that there is no God but Allah, and I proclaim that Mohammad is His Prophet and Messenger'] and then prayed with us," Nasser told Agence France-Presse (AFP).

During his 34-year diplomatic career, Arabic-speaking Cardeilli, a graduate in linguistics and Oriental civilization, has been posted to several Arab countries and took up his current post in Riyadh in November 2000.

Cardeilli, 59, a father of two, was not available for comment as he left Riyadh for Rome on Saturday.

Saudi Arabia has in the past few years witnessed the conversion of more than 50,000 foreigners to Islam, the Saudi daily newspaper Oqaz reported.

According to Nouh, an average of three to four people convert to Islam at his office every day, and the number rises to five during Ramadan. Twenty similar offices operate in Riyadh and many more in other cities.