Why are planets fairly round?

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A reference frame is a mathematical concept, not a reality. It's something we use to construct a representation. Your desire for an aether does not make it so. If there is no aether in the world, then there is no aether.

Lots of people have considered the need for an ether. No experiments detected an aether. For all known phenomena there is no need to consider the existence of an aether.

You can't detect it and it has no effect on the universe we observe. Therefore, no aether.
No a reference frame tells a photon, or electron, or atom its location. They have to know that they have moved a certain distance, maybe just a energy pulse will do. But to have an orbit, or wave you have to follow a none mathematical path, it has to be physical. The pull of gravity has to be based on local reference. It has mass, and distance, and in reality is not a mathematical formula, it is a distance based on substance.
No a reference frame tells a photon, or electron, or atom its location. They have to know that they have moved a certain distance, maybe just a energy pulse will do. But to have an orbit, or wave you have to follow a none mathematical path, it has to be physical. The pull of gravity has to be based on local reference. It has mass, and distance, and in reality is not a mathematical formula, it is a distance based on substance.

None of this is true. These are speculations that have been shown to be wrong.

It's fine to be wrong. That is often a good way to learn.

I see an important statement here. You say "in reality is not a mathematical formula". That is correct. Reality is reality. Math is used to model reality. So we observe something like Newton did. He understood that the reason the moon moved as it did was the same reason that objects fall on earth. He applied math to observations.
None of this is true. These are speculations that have been shown to be wrong.

It's fine to be wrong. That is often a good way to learn.

I see an important statement here. You say "in reality is not a mathematical formula". That is correct. Reality is reality. Math is used to model reality. So we observe something like Newton did. He understood that the reason the moon moved as it did was the same reason that objects fall on earth. He applied math to observations.

Mathematics are just very precise words. they are an explanation to the extreme of possible explanations. Ok so Newton used extreme explanations. When you use such an extreme form of explanation nobody wants to mess with the possibility that it is wrong. But Newton's explanation is only part of a sentence required for a whole story. He had not heard all of the information that we have now. What would he say about Dark matter? Would he even bother writing the formula if he knew about Dark Matter? He would be contradicting his own formula, and nobody would listen to him.
"I am writing a formula that says that gravity is a constant!"
"A waste of time mate, gravity in distant galaxies does not obey your formula."
"Oh yes, I forgot about that." puts pen down.

Then you might have an Aether formula instead.
It's also (and this very important) a self-consistent logic.
And that's why it's used.

Extreme possible explanations?

Surely there is a lot of binned self consistent logic? Are you telling me that a formula has never been trashed before? I know a lot of reworked self consisten logic at least.
Which has got exactly what to do with it?
I merely pointed out that your comment that "mathematics is just very precise words" was incomplete, and therefore incorrect.
Which has got exactly what to do with it?
I merely pointed out that your comment that "mathematics is just very precise words" was incomplete, and therefore incorrect.

OK thanks! Finally, does a Vortex push, or does it pull materials together? I was reading about Einstein's theory, and it didn't actually work properly with Vortex.
What sort of "vortex"?
Was his work intended to work "properly" with a vortex?
Which part of his work?
No a reference frame tells a photon, or electron, or atom its location. They have to know that they have moved a certain distance
Utterly false. A set of coordinates is a conceptual construction which allows us to quantify the dynamics of things. An electron doesn't 'know' anything, it doesn't say "What's my location in terms of these coordinates", it just follows the forces acting upon it. If you jumped off a bridge you don't need to know any mechanics for your body to fall to the ground, you don't need to know the laws of nature to obey them.

Relativity is specifically formulated such that two points of view can disagree about things such as length or time but they predict the same physical outcome. Physics should be independent of choice we make to describe it. For instance, it is an historical convention that 1 metre was defined as one ten millionth the distance from the Equator to the North pole through Paris. Would the universe behave differently if we'd picked Cairo or Moscow or Sydney? Nope. There's plenty of other examples, is the Earth rotating clockwise or anticlockwise on its axis? Depends of you're standing on the North or South Pole, you'd get different answers but the two points of view are equally valid.

Surely there is a lot of binned self consistent logic? Are you telling me that a formula has never been trashed before? I know a lot of reworked self consisten logic at least.
There's a difference between a physics model being 'trashed' and a mathematical result. F=ma or E=mc^2 are attempts to describe the behaviour of Nature. They could be proven wrong by experiment. It doesn't mean the maths is wrong, it means we're using the wrong point of view in our models. 1+1=2 is true given the axioms of arithmetic. In mathematics once something is proven it is true, absolutely and permenantly. You never prove a physics model, you only demonstrate it's not false for particular domains.

And I'm certain you don't know any kind of logic theory as you're extremely lacking in basic rationality.
Utterly false. A set of coordinates is a conceptual construction which allows us to quantify the dynamics of things. An electron doesn't 'know' anything, it doesn't say "What's my location in terms of these coordinates", it just follows the forces acting upon it. If you jumped off a bridge you don't need to know any mechanics for your body to fall to the ground, you don't need to know the laws of nature to obey them.

Relativity is specifically formulated such that two points of view can disagree about things such as length or time but they predict the same physical outcome. Physics should be independent of choice we make to describe it. For instance, it is an historical convention that 1 metre was defined as one ten millionth the distance from the Equator to the North pole through Paris. Would the universe behave differently if we'd picked Cairo or Moscow or Sydney? Nope. There's plenty of other examples, is the Earth rotating clockwise or anticlockwise on its axis? Depends of you're standing on the North or South Pole, you'd get different answers but the two points of view are equally valid.

There's a difference between a physics model being 'trashed' and a mathematical result. F=ma or E=mc^2 are attempts to describe the behaviour of Nature. They could be proven wrong by experiment. It doesn't mean the maths is wrong, it means we're using the wrong point of view in our models. 1+1=2 is true given the axioms of arithmetic. In mathematics once something is proven it is true, absolutely and permenantly. You never prove a physics model, you only demonstrate it's not false for particular domains.

And I'm certain you don't know any kind of logic theory as you're extremely lacking in basic rationality.

Because you totally ignore logic, and replace it with approximations of event with pseudo cause. Most of your examples like.. "Liquids become spherical, because that is a natural state for a liquid to take." are pseudo logical. That isn't an explanation of anything. You could be talking about the Aether, you could be talking about membrane tension, but then you add "I am talking about Gravity." which is also a pseudo logic, as nobody knows what Gravity is, it could be Aether, it could be Vortex, it could be Bosons, it could be Photons. Then you talk about Waves, and you have a formula for them so they exist. You never actually know that you are constantly side-stepping logic.

If I said to you "Why does a rocket booster work in a vacuum?" You would say "I have a formula, Newton's 3rd rule." or something. You never stop to analyse a formula. "Does it really work?" Did Newton accidentally use the Aether in his formula? With the Aether being such a weak force that it may have been classified as a Vacuum then of course Newton will appear to be right. Such a weak force would not mess up his formula by very much, it would be tiny.

But the wave from a Photon is a very weak mass, but travelling very fast. this amplifies a weak force by thousands. All of those theories that work could be off by just a fraction, but a photon wave will show their failings. The two slit experiment will show their failings. I am very logical, I have to analyse everything down to the amplification of a very weak force that causes a wave to occur. I have to get the last ounce out of those rocket boosters. I have to see if they are pushing on their own gasses. I have to come up with examples that include both a Vacuum, and an Aether, and see if there is a error in the logic. I have to put a wall next to the rocket boosters, and see if the wall makes a huge difference with the centre of mass, and wonder why the wall makes a difference.
But no questions asked, and we get particle wave duality. So it's logical not to question it? That's not logical, that's just ignoring it.
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Rather than refute your post point by ridiculous point:
There is no aether.
You're back to talking bollocks again.
Suddenly I'm reminded of my Suicidal Homunculus powered star-drive (that is, a star drive powered by suicidal homunculi leaping to their dooms - I can expound further if neccessary) the point being that rocket engines don't need anything to 'push against' to generate thrust. The exhaust gasses push against the engine bell to generate the thrust, and thats it (My homunculus drive is the ultimate extension of this idea).
Suddenly I'm reminded of my Suicidal Homunculus powered star-drive (that is, a star drive powered by suicidal homunculi leaping to their dooms - I can expound further if neccessary) the point being that rocket engines don't need anything to 'push against' to generate thrust. The exhaust gasses push against the engine bell to generate the thrust, and thats it (My homunculus drive is the ultimate extension of this idea).

Then why not just make a bell with a really large fringe on it? An inward triangular fringe.
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The point that you apparently miss is that in my Homunculus drive, there is no room for ether, and ether plays no role in it's operation.

And here's the kicker.

I know that my Suicidal Homunculus Drive will work.

Then why not just make a bell with a really large fringe on it? An inward triangular fringe. But that's not the point. I knew that something about the thrusters worked... the gasses pushing against their own substance. The centre of mass also makes sense, but I wanted to see if that accounted for all of the thrust.
Then why not just make a bell with a really large fringe on it?

My understanding is that yes, that's the ideal shape, but, it's impractical (hang on a minute, you've edited your post again do you have any idea how annoying that gets. I'm no longer sure that what you meant is what I thought you meant)..

Enclosed rocket engines (such as the 'bell' design) suffer from the drawback that they have a maximum thrust at a certain altitude. It's to do with the shape of the bell. Bell designs that work well in the atmosphere don't work so well in a vacuum, and vice versa.

That's why so much effort is being put into things like aerospike engines, because to some degree they self correct for altitude, and there's engineering issues around cooling.
Then why not just make a bell with a really large fringe on it? An inward triangular fringe.

Then why not just make a bell with a really large fringe on it? An inward triangular fringe. But that's not the point. I knew that something about the thrusters worked... the gasses pushing against their own substance. The centre of mass also makes sense, but I wanted to see if that accounted for all of the thrust.


You're not making any sense.

Again, consider a starship propelled by suicidal homunculi leaping to their doom.
The gasses don't "push against their own substance" and centre of what mass?
(Fringe? Where and why?)
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