Why are planets fairly round?

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Where does it say in the article "the gas has to be constantly inhaled, and then exhaled,"?

Where in the article does it say, "It can just be pulled apart by any form of orbit to become an object with a trail behind it."?

It doesn't. I don't think they got as far as adding the orbit. I think they spent so much time figuring out the shape that they forgot about the orbit. Then they never really got a satisfactory resolution to the shape either. Anyway, where is the centre of gravity? It should be leading the orbit, therefore not spherical. The speed of Gravity surely isn't instant, there should be a leading edge, unless gravity is so fast that the leading edge is almost central.. that's really fast. But another problem is the maintaining of the patterns on the surface. Surely gravity isn't fast enough to not only keep a gas fairly spherical, or oblique, but also to allow the patterns on the surface to maintain a shape with no plasma type deterioration?

The flame, and the Sun have advantages, they have an explosion to counter the pull. Jupiter has no explosion force otherwise it would burn up. No counter force.. surely has to be Aether as the counter force.
I don't think they got as far as adding the orbit. I think they spent so much time figuring out the shape that they forgot about the orbit.
In other words you've no idea what they've looked at and you're inventing specious objections to cover your cluelessness.

The speed of Gravity surely isn't instant
It's C, as far as we know at the moment.

The flame, and the Sun have advantages, they have an explosion to counter the pull.
What "explosion"?

surely has to be Aether as the counter force.
There is no aether.
A few posts back you said this:

For example: Read this link. It works fine with Aether, but with Gravity it creates problems....

So I ask where you think the article makes a claim that gravity creates problems.

Instead of answering you post nonsense. Then we all call you on it.

Are you now stating that the article you referenced does not have a gravity problem?
A few posts back you said this:

So I ask where you think the article makes a claim that gravity creates problems.

Instead of answering you post nonsense. Then we all call you on it.

Are you now stating that the article you referenced does not have a gravity problem?

An alternative theory has a gas giant collapsing out of a knot of gas. This method can form the seed of a Jupiter-like planet in just 1,000 years or so. But the theory hasn't allowed full modeling of a finished planet so far, Saumon said, and only a handful of researchers embrace it.

But these researchers that do not embrace it, already embrace Gravity. So I do not embrace it, or Gravity. That's twofold.

I have thought some more about your current gravity model. It seems to include infinite Gravitons (whatever they are)

They fly outwards to pull stuff in from every direction at C. Not only every direction, but almost infinitely outwards from the source. For example.. Earth's gravitational pull effects Jupiter actually as a push. Now compare this with the Aether..

No need for speed it is already there. It is both at Jupiter, and at Earth, so the push is a wave.
Infinate energy not required, has been building up since day 1 of the Universe, and doesn't require energy to move matter, it takes it from another source, the electrons.
Builds Gas giants easily, just like a bubble in the sea.

Speed required for a 2 way journey. The speed is C to and from Jupiter.
Infinite energy usage per second per second, as no limit in distance or direction.
To keep a Gas giant in shape requires millions of journeys each tick, possibly more power than the sun has to burn from its core.
For example.. Earth's gravitational pull effects Jupiter actually as a push.

Speed required for a 2 way journey. The speed is C to and from Jupiter.
Infinite energy usage per second per second, as no limit in distance or direction.
To keep a Gas giant in shape requires millions of journeys each tick, possibly more power than the sun has to burn from its core.
Also rubbish.
What makes you think gravity isn't already there?
No "journeys" required.
But these researchers that do not embrace it, already embrace Gravity. So I do not embrace it, or Gravity. That's twofold.

Don't try and fool me. You can't.

You have no idea what the knot is about do you? It does not have any problem with gravity.

The BS comparing aether and gravity I won't read because we are still back at the issue of why did you claim that article suggested there was a problem with gravity.

So far it seems you were unable to read and comprehend the article.
But tea isn't.

Maybe that's why we haven't all been consumed in a great conflagration - because the Ether is actually Tea.

Which begs the question of which provence it's from...

My money is on Darjeeling, gravity is too weak for it to be anything else.
I'm still waiting for science to finally understand where energy actually comes from.

It's a function of Entrained Entropy. Specifically, it's found from the coefficient of that.
Yes folks, if you want more energy all you need is....

I'm still waiting for science to finally understand where energy actually comes from.

It's a function of Entrained Entropy. Specifically, it's found from the coefficient of that.
Yes folks, if you want more energy all you need is....


But underlying your coefficient of (the) function of entrained entropy is the transitional entropy aspiration, yet further proof that space time is composed entirely of Darjeeling.
Was that discovered deGrey?
I think he was ennobled and given the rank of Earl by the Queen for finding that.
Was that discovered deGrey?
I think he was ennobled and given the rank of Earl by the Queen for finding that.

Naww, Dr Campbell.

Earl Grey Tea was named after the second earl of Grey (Chucky-G), member of the Whig party, and instrumental in the Reform Act of 1832.
I've been to Dharjeeling on Dwali of all times and I did not notice any aether there. Thus I must stay the course with gravity.
A fun part of Dharjeeling is getting up really early in the morning and listening to all of the pressure cookers whistling as they make chai.

Speed required for a 2 way journey. The speed is C to and from Jupiter.
Infinite energy usage per second per second, as no limit in distance or direction.
To keep a Gas giant in shape requires millions of journeys each tick, possibly more power than the sun has to burn from its core.
Someone has been eating too often at McD's and has a serious case of Mc-tumors.
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