Why are our best Prophets ancient?

This is basicly a time of noninterference by God. Israel failed and was thus abandon.

So you're telling me that man, that tends to fail and mess up quite often, are "abandoned" by god? Would you also claim this being as a loving being, like a parent?

Abandoned heh... Hmmm.
Why are the major religions of today based on ancient teachers, i.e. Jesus, Moses, Mohammed, Buddha? Has the well run dry?

Actually there is to be an Elijah like one in these last days. I doubt he would be in any religion cause they are all based on dogmas that are not in the Bible imposed by their false prophets.
Why are the major religions of today based on ancient teachers, i.e. Jesus, Moses, Mohammed, Buddha? Has the well run dry?

Because no one would possibly fall for all that superstitious bullshit now. Believing and old bullshit story, well of course we would.
Why are the major religions of today based on ancient teachers, i.e. Jesus, Moses, Mohammed, Buddha? Has the well run dry?

The thing is, there have always been prophets, including current day. The problem is that people have this idea of a prophet, making it difficult to accept new prophets that don´t fit their standards.

Samael Aun Weor was recent, and he started a huge movement, very cool views by the way.
Rajneesh Chandra Mohan Jain (a.k.a. Osho) also had his set of thousands of followers, with incredible speeches that still dazzles minds.
U.G. Krishnamurti was a modern day Christ, as well as Jiddu Krishnamurti.
Sai Baba performs MANY miracles today and has thousands of followers.
There are many others, these are just some recent ones...
These are just gurus. They're not the big names. Practically everybody has heard of Jesus, Mohammed and Buddha. I've never heard of any of the guys you mentioned. Christainity also has its gurus, except they are called saints. For example, St. Padre Pio is a very popular 20th Century saint. But, he's not one of the big guys.
These are just gurus. They're not the big names. Practically everybody has heard of Jesus, Mohammed and Buddha. I've never heard of any of the guys you mentioned. Christainity also has its gurus, except they are called saints. For example, St. Padre Pio is a very popular 20th Century saint. But, he's not one of the big guys.

Samael started a religion, and Osho a HUGE worldwide movement.
The real reason is that ancient prophets are more respected simply for being ancient. There are plenty of smart, enlightened, visionary "prophets", scientists, and writers who are better then the ancient figures people tend to admire. Belive me, a thousand years from now, people will worship Arthur C. Clarke as a prophet.

It's the same reason artists don't get really famous until they are dead.
I think in a thousand years no one will care diddly about Arthur C. Clarke. His ideas will have long become obsolete. Nor is he known for founding any new theories of nature. Just an inventor and sci-fi writer, really. Better chance they will remember L. Ron Hubbard.
Prophets by definition should exist in the past...if one of them had the foresight to write down a few insightful comments, their import multiplies by the year...

L Ron would be remembered as an eccentric old swindler, we humans are getting a little smarter with time you know...most of us know Scientology for the profit generator it is.

Arthur C. Clarke would be remembered along the lines of H.G. Wells I figure.
What about Bahá'u'lláh, from the 19th century. The Bahá'í apparently have about 6 million followers around the world. (from wikipedia)
Scientology claims to have more members than Bahaullah. That would mean L. Ron Hubbard is a major prophet? Ha!

L. Ron Hubbard is the Lord and Tom Cruise is his first prime..I mean "prophet".

p.s (Welcome back Ice ) ;)
I could see another reason. To be a prophet, you not only have to make predictions, but they have to come true. Given enough time, almost anything can happen, so ancient prophecies have more of a chance to come about.
I could see another reason. To be a prophet, you not only have to make predictions, but they have to come true. Given enough time, almost anything can happen, so ancient prophecies have more of a chance to come about.

Ok. I predict that you'll meet someone new over the next decade.

If it comes true, am I a prophet?