Why are good-looking people treated better?

Why are good-looking people treated better than not so good-looking people? What is the biological or genetic basis for this behavior?

Many people think good-looking people are better at everything, that they are nicer, more generous and more intelligent in general. Surveys also prove that good-looking people earn higher incomes, are favored at jobs and are treated better by the authorities. Also babies often stare at beautiful people much more.

What is the biological and genetic reason for our superior treatment of good-looking people?

Not true.

Some bad looking people treat good looking people badly... haha
To argue that attractiveness doesn't make a difference would just be plain perverse. It's a well known phenomenon sometimes called the Halo Effect. Why else are celebrities used to endorse products that they lack the expertise to judge, or have no prior link to at all?
Why are top film stars all attractive, despite the fact that their good looks are no indication of their acting talent?
Why are the most popular people in all schools, amongst either sex, usually good looking and athletic?

For some reason, we seem to think that beauty can't only be skin deep. In fact, it usually is.