Why are Africans so violent, as populations?

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Originally posted by CaptainCaper
Tribal lines and such were all mixed up by the intervention of "the white man" and all of Africa has just become sort of a land of survivors.

I wonder how the "Diversity is our strength!" lobby will explain away that little factoid?
Those examples were all poor people killing rich people?

Wesmorris is about to get a bloody nose, metaphorically speaking.
Originally posted by prozak
Those examples were all poor people killing rich people?

Wesmorris is about to get a bloody nose, metaphorically speaking.

What the hell does that mean?
Re: Re: Why are Africans so violent, as populations?

Originally posted by Grey Seal

1 - well, considering segregation only ended..what 30-40 years ago?

2 - As for rape, white males are the prime perpetrators, along with incest and child molestaion.

3 - the african continent is violent because that's how people are naturally.

1 - In some areas, it ended 30-40 years ago; in most, it was gone long before that.

2 - Only in areas where the white population is more than seven times that of the black population.

3 - So Europe would be the same way?
isn't this entire premise a little to non-specific to enable rational debate?

let me ask a question: from what statistical reference can you cite that africans are violent as populations? did I miss a link? i will need credible numbers side by side. preferably with cool little dots and lines and stuff.
Okay, its because the little white boys.The little white boys screwed them up. Allot of white influencesw spread through africa including greed and power hunger. It wasnt so bad thier until the slave trade.
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Besides...blacks arent dumber than whites and asains. Perhaps they remained primitive becuase they were HAPPY with the way they lived. I mean just because you dont advance in techonology doesnt mean your a dumbass.
Originally posted by prozak
Why is it that these ideas are so threatening people cannot respond with reasoned arguments?
You have recieved several reasonable responses. Your inability to comprehend that fact is not the fault of your opponents.
Originally posted by prozak

I'd like to see at least one credible counterargument, please.


You're the person who said "I'm still waiting for someone who understands debate to arrive." That is an assenine statement as there are clearly a number of posters who are clearly quite talented regarding debate. Your refusal or inability to percieve this is telling.

It seems as if you are amused by telling everyone "yeah well that's stupid" and then complaining that no one has a point. Have you considered that you have as of yet to present a compelling argument? You've simply made rash generalizations and cited no evidence. Who is lacking credible arguments?


Further contemplation led me to hypothesize that you are attempting the lazy man's argument. You claim outrageous bullshit and get the other side to do all your legwork to find statistics you need for something... or you enjoy that you can control other people in such a manner. This is probably not relevant though right?
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Re: Re: Re: Why are Africans so violent, as populations?

Originally posted by prozak

3 - So Europe would be the same way?

we had our share of violence in europe...

and slaughtered millions of africans too.
Originally posted by edgar
Besides...blacks arent dumber than whites and asains.

I recall reading that Asians generally had higher IQs than whites and that both tended to have higher IQs than blacks. But I think that the importance of IQ is exagerated. It is culture that makes a nation successful. Asians tend to have higher IQs than whites, yet the average predominantly white nation is nicer than the average predominantly Asian nation.

Originally posted by edgar
Perhaps they remained primitive becuase they were HAPPY with the way they lived.

If third worlders were happy with their way of life they wouldn't be trying to relocate to first world nations.

Originally posted by edgar
I mean just because you dont advance in techonology doesnt mean your a dumbass.

If you don't advance in technology but then demand that advanced nations provide food and medicine to save you from yourself, it is pretty safe to assume that you're a dumbass.
Heres something along the same lines;
Why do asians hate animals?
a great quote from the simpsons;
"Is there anyway we could improve your dining experience by hurting an animal?"- chinese waiter.
It is so true, they eat animals alive, put live snakes in their alcohol and have a multitude of other pasttimes that revolve around animal torture.
Also as soon as news spread that sars might have come from animals the police went around beating stray dogs to death with metal bars.
What the hell is with these cultures? Any excuse and they will be finding the cruelest way to kill creatures they can. I've seen footage of a group of asian men herd dolphins into the shallows and then dispatch all of them by way of pick axes.
Plus they are still whaling despite the fact all the resources one can get from a whale can now be made artificially for much cheaper. What I can gather from this? They love killing whales and forcing grief onto whale families.

This is kind of beyond a stereotype, its just a fact that asians love hurting animals for some reason.
I'm fighting back my urge to be angry at them in this post because I would sound racist and that is not the intention, its a legit question,
This race difference is very noticable and impossible to deny so maybe there are many race differences that political correctness is curving us away from noticing.
it is a culture thing Dr Lou, not a race thing. Asian people brought up in a western family don't go around hurting animals.

And changing a culture is difficult (unless you expose them to MTV and McDonalds to numb them)
Yes I agree with that.
Although I still see a race difference, I know many people of oriental origin and they seem to like animals more than white people I know. There are exceptions but most asian people I have seen have a higher interest(be it admiration or hatred) in animals than your average white or black for some reason.
When you think about how different races came about it makes sense they would be different in some ways. The physical differences we see in races is the beginnings of the makings of new species. So afro-humans might be closer to orientals than they are to chimpanzees but they are still different none the less.
Different members of the human species went in different directions meaning different gene pools formed for each group branching out. Its natural each group would end up different, not only physically but (maybe even more so) mentally as well. Just because a white man goes to africa doesn't mean he will lose the traits that were bred into the entire white race through years of evolution.

So yes I definately think the saying "our differences are only skin deep" is flawed. This is no cause for racism though, even though that saying is often used to try and refute it. It is easy to not hate something just because it is different. At least I think so, some people seem to struggle with the concept.

All humans are of african descent, and we are all violent. We are a violent species. All animals of african origin are actually. It is the cruelest continent without a doubt, without even bringing humans into the equation. For some reason violent lifestyles work in africa, particularly in social animals.
African cape hunting dogs live more violently than wolves for example.
Perhaps our violent streak was just our way of fitting in. Africas eco-systems don't screw around.
Now maybe as groups of humans travelled away from africa our violent tendencies started to curb slightly, they were no longer needed. They did not dissappear but became less prominent.
So yeah africans are more violent, but to stick your nose up at them is the height of ignorance when you take into account the reasons for this. We are the slow ones for not completely abandoning that trait yet. They are still living in the thick of it.
There are alot of wars going on in africa everyday, no denying that, some are human wars, some are lion wars, some are hyena wars etc. Africas animals evolved this inner-species behaviour and its pretty damn successful.
Scoff at it all you want.
We all happen to be african animals, some of us have been non-african for longer than others so the "war gene" shines a little softer inside us.
I don't count the wars america and england have recently been involved in as legit wars. Its more like confused animals acting on left over instincts. They are laughably pointless wars. African tribes(and animals) have wars for real reasons, like over land and food.
Its pretty intelligent really even if it is just instincts in action. We are going to feel the consequences of not having these wars when there is no food or land left.
I have a feeling it was a mistake that humans ever made it out of africa in the first place.
Thats where it all started to go wrong. Africa was an eco-system that could have harboured us for aeons without ill-affects. We would have instinctually regulated our own population and been at a balance with nature. Africa is action packed, we never would have had time to sit around dreaming up technology, we would have been out there hunting and gathering, dying to survive 24/7. But then we introduced ourselves into environments not designed for us and we destroyed them, that officially makes us a "pest" by our own standards. Boy has it snowballed from there.

It might seem like I'm going off-topic but I am just driving home how ridiculous it is that prozak has developed this "better than them" idea of himself. When you see why we are different you realise that we are just lousy at being homo-sapiens. Your "ill-view" of their culture is ironic because that is what we were supposed to be, instead we are worthless out of place pests that would be culled like cane toads if an animal more advanced than us happened to evolve.
Sometimes I wish one had...
naw, prozak is just one of those types. feels like that neo-southern metal/goth superiority complex:p anyone else get the vibe that he doesn't fair well with the opposite sex in reality? his posts scream it and quite frankly, my ears hurt.

this is the 3rd or 4th post I remember readin about this type of thing. as long as there continue to be paint chips and glue cans "in reach of children" we'll continue to get posts like these. also as long as long there are dads like prozak's around too. just like gandpa's old shotgun, it gets passed down. right cletus?
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Originally posted by apendrapew
A.) When you say "We", who/what group are you talking about? Do you think I'm white?
I don't care who you are! You used "they" for Africans (Blacks) so I have to use "we" for the others (including me and you).
B.) Behavior might not be "coded" in DNA in the way you may be thinking, but saying that DNA doesn't affect behavior is simply wrong.
C.) I agree that races have different strengths, but saying that there's no IQ difference is quite a bold thing to say when you have nothing to back it up with. Can you back it up with undisputable evidence? No. So don't say it.
You don't have any undisputable evidences for your first statment (agressivity linked to DNA/Race) but I should give an evidence about IQ... :bugeye:
A clue for you : whatever you'll say, IQ tests are based on knowledges and depends on both school training (first years) and "real" IQ (the one that is checked). Thus you can't compare the European/US results to the African ones.
Originally posted by Galt
If you don't advance in technology but then demand that advanced nations provide food and medicine to save you from yourself, it is pretty safe to assume that you're a dumbass.
Or maybe that you're living in a third world country that use it's small amount of money to buy food and medicine to very rich medical companies. Possible too, no?
heyya all

just a small point about 2 things

I.Q tests are only good for those who made them!
anyone for a spacial judgement test of 10 year-old children?
a little research goes along way
what good is advanced algerbra to a child lost in the bush?
reality check 101 .... "HELLO"!

if we are all animals out of control why do we have laws in almost every country and why is it that the more civilised the nature of the inhabitants then the more intellectualy advanced is the genral population.... ?
(thats for u Dr L)

and if you are raised in a country that has had the population of
friendly people kulled the strongest and fittest enslaved and the inttelgent hijacked and alienated over many GENERATIONS then it is more unlikely to have an enviroment that is nurturing to reasonable discusion and non violent problem resolution
it is no different in the slums of USA doesnt matter what colour you are in the slums its all gun law and survival of the most violent.
so the nature of nature is to over come the odds for survival
and so the most violent servive

WHICH IS SOO OBVIOUSE TO ANYONE who actualy cares about people!
those who do not care about people will continue to rant and rave about things like this generating hatred amoung the children
and are infact not much better than pedophiles and rapists!
they pollute the minds of children and should not be tollerated!
teaching not preaching!

groove on all :)

peace light truth love
the path to that we hold above
and so in spite abandon love
and so in deed so the seed
to spawn your own worste nightmare
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