Why am I not banned?

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I've previously recommended physicsforums.com, to similar queries. It's basically what this site would be, if it took its pretensions to maturity and productivity seriously. If you want a place that does more politicized topics well, I'd recommend metafilter.com (although you have to pay a nominal fee and endure a waiting period to begin posting there - one of their mechanisms for keeping the trolls at bay).
Thanks. I am familiar with physicsforums.com but will check out metafilter.com as well. Thanks again for the info...
No need to continue arguing with a troll. He has no opinion to contrast so its a circular argument.
Another moderator note: thread closed. 242 posts, most of them used to insult someone else. Closing it is a given, the only decision to be made is whether it gets Cesspooled.
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