Why all of this?


Registered Member
If a person seeks confort in the ideal of God, then why try and disprove them just cause we dont see any confort in this i deal? Just draw your own conclusion and dont try and force your ideals on others.
Comfort in the ideal of god is not the issue. If someone posts here, they want a response. To remain comfortable, all one has to do is limit one's interactions to those who agree with them.
spidergoat said:
Comfort in the ideal of god is not the issue. If someone posts here, they want a response. To remain comfortable, all one has to do is limit one's interactions to those who agree with them.
But doesnt the christian religon encourage interaction between its fellow believers aswell as other religions?
There's no comfort in ideals unless they're real, or at least possible. You need to figure out what is most likely to be true, then find the good in it, rather than the other way around.
Alaric said:
There's no comfort in ideals unless they're real, or at least possible. You need to figure out what is most likely to be true, then find the good in it, rather than the other way around.
But that would make most religions obsolete becausethe ideal of a greater being can never be proven unless you die. I have know many people that have taken refuge in the thought that God is watching over them and will see them through the hard times.
But doesnt the christian religon encourage interaction between its fellow believers aswell as other religions?

Probably, but interaction, in this context, is the opposite of conclusion and consensus. If you open yourself and your ideas up to discussion, be prepared to address uncomfortable issues. I don't feel that comfort is even the highest critera by which to judge religious issues. Much comfort can be found in opium, too.
Perhaps God is not found in religious ideas, or ideals, but in the imperfection of everyday life.
spidergoat said:
Religion is not a matter of proof, but faith.
But what is faith? Is it believing in somthing with such conviction that you think your right and every one else is wrong or just "miss guided"? That seems to me to be a little bit big headed of current religions.
roscann said:
But that would make most religions obsolete becausethe ideal of a greater being can never be proven unless you die. I have know many people that have taken refuge in the thought that God is watching over them and will see them through the hard times.
But you can only take refuge in this idea if you actually believe it. If its not true, you need to find out so you can change your life accordingly to handle reality as it actually is. The more unsure you are of a fact, the less comfort you can derive from it. That's not just my opinion, that's simple common sense.
If a person seeks confort in the ideal of God, then why try and disprove them just cause we dont see any confort in this i deal? Just draw your own conclusion and dont try and force your ideals on others.

~Be illuminated by the light. See. Know. Feel. Exist.
~Shake off the shackles of shadows.
~The light is the truth. We live in truth and truth in us.
~To deny truth is to deny ourselves.

This is my signiture on some other forums. It is a small thing I wrote up one day, and I believe it. To believe in falsehoods is bad. A hindrance. And, I find many dotrines of religion to be very immoral.

I have know many people that have taken refuge in the thought that God is watching over them and will see them through the hard times.
Yes, just as cutting has helped some people. Or drugs. That doesn't make it healthy.

I started my journey into religion from the jumping point of suicidal depression. I know hard times. But, to be truly happy and free, one should try and rid himself of deception, especially self-deception. I am still continuing on, trying to find Truth, and dispelling ignorance. And I am happy.

Perhaps God is not found in religious ideas, or ideals, but in the imperfection of everyday life.
ooh, I agree (though I wouldn't call it "God"). I've found that I have a small existialist gene in me...I find I'm most alive when facing hardships, I define myself in the face of danger. I can't stand the thought of eternal happiness, as the religious would say. This is my happiness, and it's more better since I know I only have one shot. One day this ego will be no more, so I've got to make sure that I do what I truly want to do with this time I have.
Belief, as I use the word here, is the insistence that the truth is what one would "lief" or wish it to be. The believer will open his mind to the truth on condition that it fits in with his preconceived ideas and wishes. Faith, on the other hand, is an unreserved opening of the mind to the truth, whatever it may turn out to be. Faith has no preconceptions; it is a plunge into the unknown. Belief clings, but faith lets go.--Alan Watts, The Wisdom of Insecurity

"And there is very slight distinction, if any, between complete, conscious faith and love."
roscann said:
If a person seeks confort in the ideal of God, then why try and disprove them just cause we dont see any confort in this i deal? Just draw your own conclusion and dont try and force your ideals on others.
yeah I wish all the believers took your advice and stoped proselityze and push their God ideas onto those who dont share their POV.we would have no probs then, ;)
my guess is they do this in the belief that saving your soul by joining their religion will earn them some points with the imaginary skydude who will assure them a comfy place in heaven
to someone who uses reason/logic in their thinking, beliefs in gods are just rediculous and stupid.
Q25 said:
yeah I wish all the believers took your advice and stoped proselityze and push their God ideas onto those who dont share their POV.we would have no probs then, ;)
my guess is they do this in the belief that saving your soul by joining their religion will earn them some points with the imaginary skydude who will assure them a comfy place in heaven
to someone who uses reason/logic in their thinking, beliefs in gods are just rediculous and stupid.
What would be cool is if all the Christians went back to living as secret cannibal/incest-uisers in the dank caves by the graveyards of Rome. You can't deny it'd be cool.
roscann said:
If a person seeks confort in the ideal of God, then why try and disprove them just cause we dont see any confort in this i deal? Just draw your own conclusion and dont try and force your ideals on others.

Because those people have no faith in anything and thus no feet to stand on, they therefore need to prove people wrong so that they can feel a tiny bit better about themselves in their empty lives. They need to find comfort in the knowledge that they are smarter than idiots who have faith, whereas people who have faith couldn't care less.
:) Yo Dudies,

Methinks, this being a debating board, it is all about learning and totally voluntary to boot. I think debating religious doctrine is a healthy way to expose potential or existing flaws in any religion. This can lead to greater or lesser faith. Ultimately honest truth will stand up to honest debate.

spidergoat said:
Belief, as I use the word here, is the insistence that the truth is what one would "lief" or wish it to be. The believer will open his mind to the truth on condition that it fits in with his preconceived ideas and wishes. Faith, on the other hand, is an unreserved opening of the mind to the truth, whatever it may turn out to be. Faith has no preconceptions; it is a plunge into the unknown. Belief clings, but faith lets go.--Alan Watts, The Wisdom of Insecurity
This Watts fellow is just changing the English language to make faith sound admirable. He needs to consult a dictionary.
roscann said:
If a person seeks confort in the ideal of God, then why try and disprove them just cause we dont see any confort in this i deal? Just draw your own conclusion and dont try and force your ideals on others.

Nobody is disproving the idea of God. In fact I think one of the definitions of God includes that he cannot be disproven! Therefore nobody is forcing their ideals on others either. End of story.
John Connellan said:
Nobody is disproving the idea of God. In fact I think one of the definitions of God includes that he cannot be disproven! Therefore nobody is forcing their ideals on others either. End of story.
thats not what I hear from people living in the USA,
especialy the bible belt,
atheists are thought of to be worse than fng antichrist,in fact in many if not most states you have to declare your belief in god if you ever want to get elected into a public office.
prez Bush the older even said that atheists arent patriots/citizens since this country is one under god! :eek: