Who's Your Favorite Saint?


OH JOY!!!!
Valued Senior Member
Who's your Favorite Saint? And if you don't have one, look down the list and find one. And if it offends your atheistic sensibilities, pretend they are superheros, and then, who is your favorite superhero. :D

List of Saints

I like Pope St Cletus, just for the name alone. He sounds like my kind of Pope.
I can't choose, no pics. Which is the looker? which is the most handsomest, mostest buuutiful?
There's a statue in front of a church near my house of a man in a standard monk outfit holding a very large frog in the crook of his arm.

It's labeled "Saint Albert". I don't know which of them is the saint. If it's the monk guy, he's being kind to the world's biggest frog. If it's the other, I don't know what's going on.

A lot of saints and monks were kind to animals, or could talk to animals, or take animal form maybe, in legend. That's one aspect of the Catholic Christian faith that always appealed to me.
She was a saint? What did she do to deserve that?

People get made into Saints for all kinds of stupid reasons. There were at least 3 Saints (I think one is no longer a Saint) who got the title becuase people alleged they were victims of Jewish human sacrafice.