Who's on first--God or Jesus?

Originally posted by matnay
God's pre-calculated net result- Guilt, thankfulness, and humbleness- the three ingrediants for the perfect slave. God's purpose and meaning is clear to me- to recruit more followers. This reminds me of those "army of one" commercials.

All these arguments are cyclic. They don't prove anything, and we're back to where we started. It cannot be proven that Jesus ever lived, yet we argue about his sacrifice. If this is truly a scientific forum, why are we arguing about man-made religions? There's nothing scientific about them! Since all religions are man-made, Christians would say that mankind is inherently evil, why wouldn't their religions be evil as well? The non-Christians bash the Christians. The Christians are bashing Islam. The atheists bash those who believe in something, and the free-thinkers get bashed by everyone else. There is absolutely no way to resolve these conflicts, so what are religions for anyway? Since religions can't be proven scientifically, it's a no-win situation. We can't change each other, but we can change how we perceive each other. There are far more important things out there in the world to learn about than to spend our time bickering back and forth about moot points. We can't change the past. We can hope to understand it better. We can't change the future, but we can prepare for it better. We can change the present, and we must at least try. If we all believed in the same thing, it would be a pretty boring world, and we'd be reduced to intellectual robots. There has to be a common denominator of this group. What is it? Can we search for it together? Can we identify it without killing each other? I'll start. I believe we have a positive cyberenergy between us. Let's take it from there.

There has to be a common denominator of this group. What is it? Can we search for it together? Can we identify it without killing each other? I'll start. I believe we have a positive cyberenergy between us. Let's take it from there.

I think the common denominator is that we all enjoy a good bar room brawl. :D Seriously though, I think if there was nothing left to debate here, we'd all get bored and wander off somewhere else.
Originally posted by OverTheStars
sometimes i think of god as this giant ball of fire, and he feeds on our souls...
God provided a simple metaphor as a reminder that that is not the case: the sun.