Who's more holy, Rev. Wright or the Pope ?

he wasnt very brilliant either. he had some moments of creativity but they were drug fueled and short lived so he kept doing drugs and killed himself. seen it to many times before so lets call it what it is and not glamorize it because there is nothing glamourous about it.

Thats you opinion. He was brilliant, and that is my opinion. And what the hell is wrong with doing drugs? I can see where drugs could be bad, but if they fuel inspiration, then why the hell not? H.S.T. lived a long good happy fulfilling life. And he killed himself for what I consider honorable reasons. He didn't want to be a burden to his family and friends, he didn't want to watch himself go down. he let his family know long before hand that he would do that before he did it. Everyone who knew him knew that that was how he was going to go. I think its very glamorous.

Still, the Pope is the personification of Satan on earth. No doubt about that!
This Pope has disappointed me because of his choice of name, Benedict.
The last Pope was called John Paul, why did this one not call himself George Ringo?
Who do you think follows the ways of Christ more closely,
Rev. Wright or the Pope ?

I do not know Rev.Wright. Or what He preaches. But he would have to be very far away from the truth indeed if he was more distant than the pope.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Both have financially prospered from their religious careers. One is a monarch, the other is not. One appears to be very arrogant...the world will understand if only they listen to him, the other appears very humble. One appears to gain power by drawing lines and is does not appear to be constraited by truth...the hillary and Republican syndrome.
Overall, while not a beliver in the Catholic faith, I would have to say the Pope appears to more fully reflect the values of Christ.
Thats you opinion. He was brilliant, and that is my opinion. And what the hell is wrong with doing drugs? I can see where drugs could be bad, but if they fuel inspiration, then why the hell not? H.S.T. lived a long good happy fulfilling life. And he killed himself for what I consider honorable reasons. He didn't want to be a burden to his family and friends, he didn't want to watch himself go down. he let his family know long before hand that he would do that before he did it. Everyone who knew him knew that that was how he was going to go. I think its very glamorous.


Sorry to say but your very foolish. It isnt drugs that make people creative, in fact the opposite is true. I looked up to a great guitar player and after years of abuse he couldnt even play, he was drooling on his guitar...it was sickening. But this guy you idolize was just OK. Thats all. Glamourous? its just the opposite, you become pathetic and people laugh at you, thats all i can say because i should cut my losses.
Sorry to say but your very foolish. It isnt drugs that make people creative, in fact the opposite is true. I looked up to a great guitar player and after years of abuse he couldnt even play, he was drooling on his guitar...it was sickening. But this guy you idolize was just OK. Thats all. Glamourous? its just the opposite, you become pathetic and people laugh at you, thats all i can say because i should cut my losses.

Gah... you are an idiot! How many times must I say it: I DON'T IDOLIZE HIM!!! Jesus man, read my posts.
I do not know Rev.Wright. Or what He preaches. But he would have to be very far away from the truth indeed if he was more distant than the pope.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

The Pope is infallible ! Luther and his successors went astray. Return to the one true church before it's too late ! The Pope will bless you and cleanse you of your sins.
These are but mere men, they have no powers or gifts only the power of persuasion over their flocks. To think that someone is closer to any supernatural power because of their poisition is insane at the least. :mad:
You never know what goes on in a person's personal life. You can never judge anyone; we're all in the same boat here. If you're looking at it from a Christian point of view, we're all sinners deserving of hell, even the pope, but we're all made equal by the sacrifice.
You never know what goes on in a person's personal life. You can never judge anyone; we're all in the same boat here. If you're looking at it from a Christian point of view, we're all sinners deserving of hell, even the pope, but we're all made equal by the sacrifice.

I'm not a sinner !
These are but mere men, they have no powers or gifts only the power of persuasion over their flocks. To think that someone is closer to any supernatural power because of their poisition is insane at the least. :mad:

The hot money is on the Pope. Wise up and turn to Rome or it's the Lake of Fire for you with only Adstar for company.
Who do you think follows the ways of Christ more closely,
Rev. Wright or the Pope ?
Pope, probably. The Rev. is a protestant, and so deviates from classical Christian thought and practice significantly, and is apparently quite ethnicist, and particular to one country (the US) as to where his message is aimed, whereas the Pope has a more universal and multinational outlook on who he is leading and educating, and follows Christian thought and practice to the extent that the official continuation of the original Church requires.

Which one is more "holy" is subjective. If one is protestant, Pope isn't any holier than the average Joe, which is remarkably holy if one goes by the "priesthood of all believers" doctrine of orthodox protestantism. If one is Catholic, the Rev. isn't holy as he's not been ordained by a Bishop, and the Pope is the holiest living human as he is considered by Catholics as the successor to the Roman See as established by Peter, the designated vicar of Jesus' leading position in the Old Church, as stated in Biblical writings.

If one is Wiccan, such as myself, neither is holier than the other, because they both belong to different religions who have no bearing in terms of clerical authority on mine. Thus, it doesn't matter.
Prove it !

ok, i am sorry for being so forward. i just assumed you were like everyone else. if we remove the religious connotation and simply claim that no adult human is innocent then we can assume that you being human and beyond infancy are not innocent either. As a matter of fact there is no claim of innocence in adulthood only not guilty, you will find this applies to legals terms also.
ok, i am sorry for being so forward. i just assumed you were like everyone else. if we remove the religious connotation and simply claim that no adult human is innocent then we can assume that you being human and beyond infancy are not innocent either. As a matter of fact there is no claim of innocence in adulthood only not guilty, you will find this applies to legals terms also.

I'm one of a kind. a very special, warm, lovable person.