Who wrote the Bible

No, before civilization they did. Before established rules they did. Religion plays a role in establishing rules.

There were always rules... even going back to before civilization. They just changed and got more complicated with our growing brain. Murder was never something that that our ancestors did any easier than how we do it now.

By what shall we base our morality? Religion has played an important role in establishing morality. But by what else can we even base our morality off of?

Morality predates religion. Apes are capable of showing morality... is that because of religion?
There were always rules... even going back to before civilization. They just changed and got more complicated with our growing brain. Murder was never something that that our ancestors did any easier than how we do it now.
Until civilization it was basically every man for himself.

There were packs, yes, and herds, yes, but it was usually for survival that they stuck together and didn't attack each other. However there were likely no repurcussions for kiling someone back then.

Morality predates religion. Apes are capable of showing morality... is that because of religion?

Apes are animals only of instinct
Until civilization it was basically every man for himself.

There were packs, yes, and herds, yes, but it was usually for survival that they stuck together and didn't attack each other. However there were likely no repurcussions for kiling someone back then.

Apes are animals only of instinct

The packs have been re-named. We now talk of nation states, going to war in the national interest and so on. We still stick together for survival. It has always been that way, I cannot see that the Commandments have made a scrap of difference to the way we live. Can evidence be adduced to show that human nature has changed ? I think not.

Humans are essentially driven by instinct. What distinguishes us from the other animals is our ability to rationalize our behaviour.
I wrote the bible.

who wrote the bible.
The Essenes
Just Curious said:
If you took all references to God and Jesus out of the Bible and just used the teachings as a model on how to be a good citizen would you still have a code of conduct which has lasted for over 2000yrs?
There are 3.892 references to God in the bible, and 942 references to Jesus, there 31,173 scriptural verses, so roughly 10% would be discarded, there are 613 actual commandments, you will lose all but 6, and those are, 5-10 of the main ten these being the only ones without a reference to a God.
Being human, the 6 are what we do anyway, being the social animals we are that is, and following the basic innate morality we are born with, IE the golden rule. So whats the use of the bible(or any holy book), whats the use of a deity.
Apes are animals only of instinct
Wrong, most animals are only sentient, meaning to feel unaware of themselves, as individuals. Whereas apes like us come under sapient meaning to know self-aware, there is a huge difference between the two.
If you took all references to God and Jesus out of the Bible and just used the teachings as a model on how to be a good citizen would you still have a code of conduct which has lasted for over 2000yrs? Who can argue that the 10 commandments are a perfect way to conduct yourself? Perhaps the authors decided to wrap the whole thing up in religious dogma and fear so that people would follow these rules without question. It even begs the question of whether mankind was smart enough 2000yrs ago to invent such a sustaining rule book. Non believers say the Bible was written by man for man but I wonder whether the ancients had the intelligence to invent the 10 commandments. No one to date has ever challenged whether they make sense even in a modern environment. I am still left wondering whether the Bible is the word of God or just a very good roadmap for living a decent life.

It is believed that 44 human authors wrote the Bible.