Who wrote the Bible

Just Curious

Registered Senior Member
If you took all references to God and Jesus out of the Bible and just used the teachings as a model on how to be a good citizen would you still have a code of conduct which has lasted for over 2000yrs? Who can argue that the 10 commandments are a perfect way to conduct yourself? Perhaps the authors decided to wrap the whole thing up in religious dogma and fear so that people would follow these rules without question. It even begs the question of whether mankind was smart enough 2000yrs ago to invent such a sustaining rule book. Non believers say the Bible was written by man for man but I wonder whether the ancients had the intelligence to invent the 10 commandments. No one to date has ever challenged whether they make sense even in a modern environment. I am still left wondering whether the Bible is the word of God or just a very good roadmap for living a decent life.
Who wrote the Bible

Humans wrote it. They used common sense to get a message accross. Then they found they can control others with it and behold...religions were formed.
A little too simplistic for me. Polititians do the same but they don't make a religion out of their manifestos. Interestingly though, there's hardly an American or British high ranking polititian who isn't a God fearing person. Maybe there is power in their message.
But Bush and Blair both asked God if it was OK to go to war and the answer was Yes. Millions of people took this as a sign of their power. If they had just tossed a coin I don't think people would have been impressed.
But Bush and Blair both asked God if it was OK to go to war and the answer was Yes. Millions of people took this as a sign of their power. If they had just tossed a coin I don't think people would have been impressed.

But they were misled by their own military in order for the military/industrial complex to make billions of dollars once again.:mad:
Onward Christian soldiers. Has there ever been a book written that encourages or inspires the willingness of man to wage war than that dubious parchment along with all the other evil tomes similar in content?
I am still left wondering whether the Bible is the word of God or just a very good roadmap for living a decent life.

Neither. It's older than 2000 years, the Old Testament precedes the Christian era. It's a terrible guide to life, it tells people all sorts of arcane rules. It lasted because humans are dumb and fearful.
A little too simplistic for me. Polititians do the same but they don't make a religion out of their manifestos. Interestingly though, there's hardly an American or British high ranking polititian who isn't a God fearing person. Maybe there is power in their message.

God-fearing people ? They are a bunch of bloody liars wherever they come from. "Give that young lady a cigar, as Bill Clinton said.
Non believers say the Bible was written by man for man but I wonder whether the ancients had the intelligence to invent the 10 commandments. No one to date has ever challenged whether they make sense even in a modern environment. I am still left wondering whether the Bible is the word of God or just a very good roadmap for living a decent life.

Are you serious? They wrote "Thou shall not kill" hence it must be written by a non-existent entity?

Don't you think that people 2,000 years ago realized that murder was a bad thing? You make it sound like people 2,000 years ago were ape-like creatures who didn't have any idea what they were doing. They knew exactly what they were doing.
Man wrote it, but it has a meaning behind it. The Ten Commandments are actually a near perfect moral code.

Atheists make it sound like the people who created religion specifically did so to control others, like they sat around one day and said "hmm, let me create this entire book of things just to control others"
No, it evolved over time, the beliefs

and they also try to make it sound like theists are some mindless drones

That's not the case because most great men have been theists. George Washington wasn't a mindless drone
People 2,000 years ago were not "the ancients" nor were they stupid.
There are some works that are far older which are easily as complex and far more beautiful.
You have a skewed perception of man 2,000 years ago if you picture him as some backward, unevolved dolt.
People 2,000 years ago were not "the ancients" nor were they stupid.
There are some works that are far older which are easily as complex and far more beautiful.
You have a skewed perception of man 2,000 years ago if you picture him as some backward, unevolved dolt.

I don't. That's what I'm saying. atheists make it seem like ancient man was mindless and stupid

On the contrary, ancient man was wiser and more artistic than man today! Today we care only for money and consumerism
Sorry for the confusion, Norsefire.
I was addressing the opening post, not you.
Who can argue that the 10 commandments are a perfect way to conduct yourself? Perhaps the authors decided to wrap the whole thing up in religious dogma and fear so that people would follow these rules without question.

It's worked well so far. We have no murder, disrespect of parents, theft, gods apart from Yahweh, or adultery.
It's worked well so far. We have no murder, disrespect of parents, theft, gods apart from Yahweh, or adultery.

I sense the sarcasm. However it is invalid. It did indeed work quite well in the era where religion stood strong.
So before the ten commandments people just went around killing people as though it was like taking a shower?

No, before civilization they did. Before established rules they did. Religion plays a role in establishing rules.

By what shall we base our morality? Religion has played an important role in establishing morality. But by what else can we even base our morality off of?