Who would have guessed we may be god.

Want to be, could have been, almost made it, a work in progress or a work completed. There can only be one and that has been done but good luck trying. If I could only get all the parts to work together.
Anyway: FTW, I guessed that I might be god. Looks like the science is finally in place to back me up.
We are immortal just at a certian level, our body was made to live for a long long time... But since todays world is so messed up we can only live for so long... The main problem corporations!! If we were to live without junk food and no polution i know we would live longer of course there are those extra things that we cant avoid like choking but that the only natural death there is no other such type of death thats natural..:bugeye:
Well if you call dying from a heart attack, which is usually caused from over-excessive amount of cholesteral, natural then thats on you but to me there is no natural death. Most of my family members have died from being killed and eating an unhealthy diet so I dont believe in "natural deaths". All deaths are caused by an action which forces a greater or equal reaction which is death.
No natural death? I would suggest that what kills you in the end will be lack of contact with reality.
We die because of the nature of the change in the universe , nothing remains at a constant - not even light (light ends up succumbing to a black hole which is crushed and changed into nanoscopic streams of atomic particals).

And, would we really want to remain the same forever anyways?, we would end up being so bored of the same repetitive life that we would wish that we could just die.

Evolution cannot happen without change, unfortunately, that is a rule of life.
We die because of the nature of the change in the universe , nothing remains at a constant - not even light (light ends up succumbing to a black hole which is crushed and changed into nanoscopic streams of atomic particals).

I have never seen a stream of light flowing into a glalatic globular center have you ?

And, would we really want to remain the same forever anyways?, we would end up being so bored of the same repetitive life that we would wish that we could just die.

how do you remain the same anyway ?

unless you are in an enviroment that is so remote as too have no contact with any outside influences at all

Evolution cannot happen without change, unfortunately, that is a rule of life.

Yes it sounds crazy but this may be true...
We are ran by a source of energy, which is an energy of life in theory. And if to say that the creator created living organisms through energy then we are that creation, well in turn we also produce that energy and create other organisms. So all that being said... "GOD" = Energy = Life = Organisms and mathematically through old school algebra the transitive property states a = b = c , then a = c and vice versa on a = c and c = a... so Organisms = "GOD" and "GOD" = Organisms and we are living organisms. In conclusion we are god..

i guess posts like these are expected in these type of subforums

Yes it sounds crazy but this may be true...[well the sounds crazy part was true] In conclusion we are god.. :eek:

God, despite the way people bandy it about, is an undefined term.

Saying "we are god" requires knowing what "we" you are talking about and what you mean by "god."

But really its a moot point. We are what we are. Calling it "god" doesn't change anything except maybe fluffing your ego a bit. You still get to wipe and pull up your pants god or no god.
Well if you call dying from a heart attack, which is usually caused from over-excessive amount of cholesteral, natural then thats on you but to me there is no natural death. Most of my family members have died from being killed and eating an unhealthy diet so I dont believe in "natural deaths". All deaths are caused by an action which forces a greater or equal reaction which is death.

What ever you are doing, I recommend cutting back a bit.
If I'm God, whay aren't my fuckin' knee joints and gall bladder friggin' immortal ?


Because the OP said we may be God. As in the royal me. He didn't say anything about you, you pretender. :mad:
Because the OP said we may be God. As in the royal me. He didn't say anything about you, you pretender. :mad:
How do you know he didn't mean it as in - Big Daddy, Junior, and The Spook ?
I've long held the opinion that we may also be a bar of chocolate.
Do I qualify for the Nobel Prize?
If we are our own Gods then we can solve all our problems . Of course we all know that the globe is full of problems waiting to be solved .
I guessed that a long time ago. We are solving all our problems, we just don't realise it, because I/GOD made "me" the solution to whatever issue there was to begin with. Curiosity mainly, to explore the unknown. Be a new organism and see what happens. It thinks it has a problem, as a form of creative activity.