Who would have guessed we may be god.


Registered Member
Yes it sounds crazy but this may be true...
We are ran by a source of energy, which is an energy of life in theory. And if to say that the creator created living organisms through energy then we are that creation, well in turn we also produce that energy and create other organisms. So all that being said... "GOD" = Energy = Life = Organisms and mathematically through old school algebra the transitive property states a = b = c , then a = c and vice versa on a = c and c = a... so Organisms = "GOD" and "GOD" = Organisms and we are living organisms. In conclusion we are god.. :eek:
If that's what you want to refer to as god it's as good as any.

Will we consider ourselves gods if we can create life from nothing ?


But we still aren't.
We are ran by a source of energy, which is an energy of life in theory.

Do you eat food? That's where the energy that runs you come from. And most of the food you eat, I'm guessing, is not alive.

And if to say that the creator created living organisms through energy then we are that creation, well in turn we also produce that energy and create other organisms.

All we do is convert energy from one form to another. We don't produce any energy.
Did anyone see "The Ruling Class," a wonderful 1970s British movie starring Peter O'Toole? He's the son of an aristocratic family and they keep him out of the limelight because "he's a little daft." Why? Because he says he's God.

Why does he believe he's God? His own answer to the question:
Because whenever I pray, I find that I'm talking to myself.
i saw o toole hung up on a cross. pretty sure the scene is in the movie you mention. i was young and it blew me away
so any thoughts???:bugeye:

Zueris, I'd agree with you if you're suggesting that our souls come from God, and that sense we are all extensions of the mind of God; in that sense, we (and all the other presumed species of the Universe) are God's way of experiencing life in this dimension...perhaps that's what's meant if we say that God is all-knowing, omnipotent and omnipresent. S/He has those attributes because we exist as extensions of God in all dimensions.
If I'm not mistaken then there are quite a few verses in the Bible that imply such a thing, or could be interpreted as such; us being God. Or at least mildly touch such a notion.

Aaanyway, I'm not sure about your theory, though. If I understood your idea well, then by your logic everything that's alive is godly, or god...
Yes it sounds crazy but this may be true...
We are ran by a source of energy, which is an energy of life in theory. And if to say that the creator created living organisms through energy then we are that creation, well in turn we also produce that energy and create other organisms. So all that being said... "GOD" = Energy = Life = Organisms and mathematically through old school algebra the transitive property states a = b = c , then a = c and vice versa on a = c and c = a... so Organisms = "GOD" and "GOD" = Organisms and we are living organisms. In conclusion we are god.. :eek:

And we share the world with trillions of other gods then.. from bacteria to blue whales.
Egocentric nonsense..
I like this new kind of crazy. All the old dementias were so everyday. But this is a psychosis that's refreshing in its incomprehension. I plan to adopt this into my new religion.
not only do i think its crazy but also true..... I have as well incorperated death into my theory watch this thread for future updates if you are interested because a website is coming our way about this new belief!...:cool:
dude...every one of us humans on this tiny whiny planet of Earth has their own theories with death incorporated into them and afterlife/rebirth/pure darkness and nothingness/heaven/hell and all that jazz. So when you eagerly anticipate us to "watch this thread for future updates" get real man...no one cares. There is enough lunatics.
Did anyone see "The Ruling Class," a wonderful 1970s British movie starring Peter O'Toole? He's the son of an aristocratic family and they keep him out of the limelight because "he's a little daft." Why? Because he says he's God.

Why does he believe he's God? His own answer to the question:

The same thing happened to me too. I would spend hours talking to God, everyday coming nearer to the conclusion that I was just talking to myself. By age 12 I stood up in church and yelled for the preacher to Shut Up. It got me kicked out of the Kingdom Hall and I never had to go back.

After hearing there is a movie on this phenomenon I suppose it is a common happening throughout history. Anyway good information