Who will be left behind?


Cranky old fool
Registered Senior Member
Who will be left behind when the rapture comes? Holy Ghost filled Christian believers have no doubt that the rapture is coming and possibly soon. We have prepared ourselves for this occasion. Anyone else may have doubt that the rapture is a true event to transpire. The question is where do you stand?

Do yourself a blessing. Study the book of proverbs and pray for the Holy Spirit to guide your decision.

Prov13:20 He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.
Three men report the following:

Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled. (Matthew 24:34)

Verily I say unto you, that this generation shall not pass, till all these things be done.(Mark 13:30)

Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass away, till all be fulfilled. (Luke 21:32)

Please explain.
stanleyg said:
Who will be left behind when the rapture comes? Holy Ghost filled Christian believers have no doubt that the rapture is coming and possibly soon. We have prepared ourselves for this occasion. Anyone else may have doubt that the rapture is a true event to transpire. The question is where do you stand?

Do yourself a blessing. Study the book of proverbs and pray for the Holy Spirit to guide your decision.

Prov13:20 He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.

As an atheist, your post regarding the rapture is of no concern to me, nor should it be to anyone sane.
you make me proud, (this is not sarcasm) it's nice to see someone willing to say what he thinks, which in my opinion is the truth, so sir I salute you.

oh and stanley, get a life.
Stanley's posts always follow the same pattern:

Post Bilbe quote > Vanish

(I've decided to keep the typo - I like it better than way. 'The Holy Bilbe'. Has a ring to it..)
stanleyg said:
Who will be left behind when the rapture comes? Holy Ghost filled Christian believers have no doubt that the rapture is coming and possibly soon. We have prepared ourselves for this occasion. Anyone else may have doubt that the rapture is a true event to transpire. The question is where do you stand?

Do yourself a blessing. Study the book of proverbs and pray for the Holy Spirit to guide your decision.

Prov13:20 He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.

Oh, yes! Harping on people's bad conscience, eh?
stanleyg said:
Who will be left behind when the rapture comes? Holy Ghost filled Christian believers have no doubt that the rapture is coming and possibly soon. We have prepared ourselves for this occasion. Anyone else may have doubt that the rapture is a true event to transpire. The question is where do you stand?

Do yourself a blessing. Study the book of proverbs and pray for the Holy Spirit to guide your decision.

Prov13:20 He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.

You might as well tell me to wear a helmet incase my goldfish smacks me over the head with a hammer.
KJV, Prov13:20.5 he that walketh with the wise, may appear wise even though he be as thicketh as a plank of wood/y, he do'th not know whether, the wise men he be with, are wise, or do'eth the same as he, be thicketh. he could be amongst fools and be destroyed
the holy spirit, doth guide my hand, to writeth this message.

if you wisheth I can kicketh you in the plums, and giveth you the rapture, sorryeth my badeth, thats rupture.
Who will be left behind when the rapture comes? Holy Ghost filled Christian believers have no doubt that the rapture is coming and possibly soon.
Wasn't the last generally agreed-upon "rapture" in 1260? Hence the hastily-finished cathedrals &c. Joachim Fiore got that wrong, and I've little doubt this one will turn out be a another damp squib.
Eschatology - a philosophy that doesn't even get to "I told you so" if it turns out to be right....
There will be no "Rapture", at least not in the form you are thinking of...
God wants matyrs from this world, not refugees.
If you are faithful and holy enough,
eventually someone will want to cut off your head.

It is an honor from heaven!!

Discover the truth about the demise of Sorcery: read my novel listed on my webpage! (click on Lawdog's Sciforums bio for link)
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Lawdog said:
God wants matyrs from this world, not refugees.
If you are faithful and holy enough,
eventually someone will want to cut off your head.

It is an honor from heaven!!

Another enjoyable quote from Lawdog that just made my day :D
gendanken said:
Three men report the following:

Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled. (Matthew 24:34)

Verily I say unto you, that this generation shall not pass, till all these things be done.(Mark 13:30)

Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass away, till all be fulfilled. (Luke 21:32)

Please explain.

M*W: Mark, whoever that really was, was first to quote that statement. Matthew and Luke copied Mark. It's highly doubtful that these three "men" were the authors. Most likely, they represent all things cosmological, Ma'at Theo, Mars, Lucifer.
wsionynw said:
As an atheist, your post regarding the rapture is of no concern to me, nor should it be to anyone sane.

M*W: I like to look at it this way: If there is a rapture, we'll finally be rid of all those annoying christians.
Lawdog said:
There will be no "Rapture", at least not in the form you are thinking of...
God wants matyrs from this world, not refugees.
If you are faithful and holy enough,
eventually someone will want to cut off your head.

It is an honor from heaven!!

Discover the truth about the demise of Sorcery: read my novel listed on my webpage! (click on Lawdog's Sciforums bio for link)

Lawdog, if Christians can't agree on these subjects then why should anybody else be concerned or take religion seriously?
If I was to decide to follow a particular religion then which one would I choose (rhetorical question)? If I wanted to be safe then I'd have no choice but to follow all religions!!
the preacher said:
you make me proud, (this is not sarcasm) it's nice to see someone willing to say what he thinks, which in my opinion is the truth, so sir I salute you.

oh and stanley, get a life.

Thank you, and notice that I didn't need to paste hundreds of lines of esoteric quotes from a holy book or otherwise,to make my point. :m:
wsionynw said:
Lawdog, if Christians can't agree on these subjects then why should anybody else be concerned or take religion seriously?
If I was to decide to follow a particular religion then which one would I choose (rhetorical question)? If I wanted to be safe then I'd have no choice but to follow all religions!!
thats like saying that if rock musicians cant agree on what is the real beat of Rock and Roll, then I should just not listen to the music at all, or any music!
Lawdog said:
thats like saying that if rock musicians cant agree on what is the real beat of Rock and Roll, then I should just not listen to the music at all, or any music!

Poor analogy, but I take your point anyway. Religion isn't about a certain taste in music, film, food, etc, it's not like choosing a career based on ambition, money, love for your work, etc. It's about dedicating your life to worshipping something that may or probably does not exist. This is my view as an atheist. I'm sure you firmly believe in God, which is fair enough and good luck to you.
Rock on. :cool: