Who was Jesus talking to when he said...

and the RCC (my opinion) is responsible for all the bad in christianity..didn't they start the dark ages?
The term "Dark Ages" is not used by historians any more for the reason that it is not really accurate. It originally referered to all of European history between the fall of the Roman Empire and the Renaissance, but nowadays when it's used at all it is restricted to the Early Middle Ages, roughly 400-1000CE.

Civilization nearly collapsed in Western Europe, but it was not the Church that was responsible. It was the Roman civil government, which became so corrupt, inept and self-indulgent (i.e., despotic) that the Empire began to weaken both economically and militarily. Eventually it was overrun by various Gothic and other Germanic tribes referred to at the time as "barbarians."

For a time, the very foundation of civilization failed: an organization of agricultural centers trading with each other. However, within a couple of generations Charlemagne arose and began restoring order. Meanwhile the Eastern Roman Empire (now called the Byzantine Empire but that's strictly a modern name) carried the torch of civilization.

By the ninth century CE, scholarship was making a comeback and the knowledge of the ancients found its way back into Western Europe.

The High Middle Ages began at the turn of the millennium. The population began to grow again, boosting the European economy as advances were made in agriculture, science, technology and the arts.
The term "Dark Ages" is not used by historians any more for the reason that it is not really accurate.

sorry i had used the wrong wording..i had meant the inquisition,the time in which the catholic church killed and tortured anyone who didnt line up with what their ideals were..
M*W: To whom was Jesus talking when he allegedly cried out from the cross in Greek, no less, and said, "Eli, eli, lama sabachtheni?" (My god, my god, why have you forsaken me?)

Let me explain... "El" is a shortened form of "Elias," the sun god "Helios," to whom Jesus called out from the cross. "El" is the sun. The "Elohim" also represents the many stars. Also known as the "Ali," who were associated with gods. "Ali" is Egyptian in origin and represents the "Atum," "Aten," and the "Amen," who are all part of "Elohim." "Atum" was later known as "Adam."

Jesus, as the sun of god, was crying out to his heavenly father/creator god, the sun, "Eli" and/or "Helios" who had abandoned him on the cross that day. Then the skies grew dark and stormy as the sun set behind the earth and died.


The internet can be sooo entertaining.
Let's concentrate on the NT for now...

Do you think the very first Christians believed in a story that was in essence a fairytale(according to some here)?

Considering the first Christians are referred to by independant sources at a very early time, it seems more logical to me that they knew someone who (or even witnessed them firsthand) witnessed the things in the gospels happening, this or we had alot of delusional people at the time, in fact you might as well class all the people of all time of all religions delusional which is far fetched.
M*W: Just for the record, what is your opinion of the The Code of Hammurabi and, let's say, as compared to the authenticity of the Ten Commandments.
Which ones?

Edit: Mithra. M*W, I am sure you know as well as i do that Mithra and there being similar events (whatever they may be) is really just made up. Supposedly Mithra came out of a rock as a fyll grown man but how do we even verify that? The same people mention Horus as well but Horus was not even completely human and had a falcon head. Whatever similarities were made up long after though.
M*W: Let me make this simple for you John:

1. Mithra was a myth like all the rest.
2. Horus was a myth like all the rets.
3. All religions are myths.
This is what you have brainwashed yourself to believe, based on researching bogus websites and obscure books.
M*W: This is not brainwashing. No one convinced me of this. I've done quite a bit of reading on the subject, and I came to the conclusion on my on. This is not brainwashing. There is a difference in what you say is brainwashing and what I have come to conclude. You are the one who is brainwashed, because you still continue to believe in a myth. Christianity is a myth. Christians believe in a myth. All religions are myths. I don't believe in any of them. Therefore, I don't believe in religions or myths. How can I be brainwashed?
You are exactly right John, they were made up after, obviously to burn the fuel that resides in the hearts of people like Medicine*Woman.

The internet has caused so much confusion.

If you disagree with what John wrote Medicine*Woman, then link me some books that cover this subject that were published before the inception of the internet, that you have actually read.
M*W: Mithras was a myth that preceded Christianity. Christianity took some characteristics from the Mithras myth. This has nothing to do with the Internet. The Internet just makes it easier to refer to previous scientific documentation in place of a physical library.
yes the RCC was responsible for maintaning and growing christianity through the ages, and it can be considered a christian religion (although i say its more catholic but thats just somantics)..

they are also responsible for creating the pomp and circumstances of religion,IOW they created the routine, the rituals(carried over from paganism) that some christians think that is all they need to do to be closer to god..

the RCC when established carried over pagan rituals into the new religion and to this day still encourages those rituals.
and the RCC (my opinion) is responsible for all the bad in christianity..didn't they start the dark ages?
M*W: There was so much infighting among the early christians. At that time, there was a definite separation of christiains and catholics during the time of Constantine, but they were all the same bunch. After Constantine killed off enough christians, his followers were known as the catholic church (meaning one holy church, not two or twenty churches). The Roman Empire, however, was a different puppy. The fall of the Roman Empire was due to sickness and disease in their sanitation and water systems. They were great at building roads, however. The Dark Ages ensued. The Roman Catholic Church became the biggest organization (and wealthiest one), so it helped perpetuate the christian myth. The RCC did help educate the populace, especially through Charlemagne's efforts.

The internet can be sooo entertaining.
M*W: The night skies with all its stars, planets and constellations, was entertaining to the ancient nomads who wandered by night. The followed the stars in their journeys, but in their free time, they created ancient stories, myths and legends, that linger today. So the night skies were kinda like ancient video games. Religions were created for entertainment purposes only.
sorry i had used the wrong wording..i had meant the inquisition,the time in which the catholic church killed and tortured anyone who didnt line up with what their ideals were..
M*W: Yeah, the folks down at the inquisition didn't think it was the Dark Ages either.

Fraggle: What is the more preferred term for the time period formerly referred to as the Dark Ages?
M*W: Mithras was a myth that preceded Christianity. Christianity took some characteristics from the Mithras myth. This has nothing to do with the Internet. The Internet just makes it easier to refer to previous scientific documentation in place of a physical library.

Really. What was the first record of this similar myth?
M*W: Just for the record, what is your opinion of the The Code of Hammurabi and, let's say, as compared to the authenticity of the Ten Commandments.

I *think* what you mean is "do I think the TCOH is as authentic as the TC"...

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'll answer as if I'm right.

I see no reason as to believe TCOH is not authentic. Whether it was used or not, or what the hell the point of it was, I cannot say. But as an item it is authentic I believe.

Considering the actual stones of the TC have not been found, then they cannot be authenticated. These laws are used today, so they are certainly applicable to the world we live in now, right or wrong.

I see no reason for the TC to not be authentic as they are logical and not imaginative.

In conclusion, I don't think there is a winner, unless you are talking about physical evidence, but that is pointless as it would be illogical to think that the Jews didn't use this information during the time they did as it would go against history and subject the Jews to be potentially called delusional with no history.
Really. What was the first record of this similar myth?
M*W: Personally, I don't know, but you can look it up on the Internet. One of the most thorough current day writers on this subject is Acharaya S. She's done the research that I am too lazy to do.
I *think* what you mean is "do I think the TCOH is as authentic as the TC"...

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'll answer as if I'm right.

I see no reason as to believe TCOH is not authentic. Whether it was used or not, or what the hell the point of it was, I cannot say. But as an item it is authentic I believe.

Considering the actual stones of the TC have not been found, then they cannot be authenticated. These laws are used today, so they are certainly applicable to the world we live in now, right or wrong.

I see no reason for the TC to not be authentic as they are logical and not imaginative.

In conclusion, I don't think there is a winner, unless you are talking about physical evidence, but that is pointless as it would be illogical to think that the Jews didn't use this information during the time they did as it would go against history and subject the Jews to be potentially called delusional with no history.
M*W: The *point* of it was, that the TC came out of TCOH.

The TC certainly do offer good living standards even today.

Whether the Jews (I'm assuming you are referring to the ancient Hibiri at the time of Moses aka Akhenaten). I believe the ancient Hibiri (and later the Jews) did actually use TC (The Code), or most of them did anyway when they were in exile. The question is, which exile? Which Moses? Which code?
M*W: The *point* of it was, that the TC came out of TCOH.

The TC certainly do offer good living standards even today.

Whether the Jews (I'm assuming you are referring to the ancient Hibiri at the time of Moses aka Akhenaten). I believe the ancient Hibiri (and later the Jews) did actually use TC (The Code), or most of them did anyway when they were in exile. The question is, which exile? Which Moses? Which code?

I'm sometimes guilty of getting speculation mixed up with facts. It is pure speculation that the TC were influenced by the TCOH by you.

You have a distinct habit of continually stating that this and that is factual when in fact it is pure speculation. Like stating that Jesus, Jehovah and all the key figures of most if not all religions are mythical, you don't know this and the sooner you realise the better.
M*W: Personally, I don't know, but you can look it up on the Internet. One of the most thorough current day writers on this subject is Acharaya S. She's done the research that I am too lazy to do.

If you want to validate your point regarding Mithras, then produce the evidence instead of sporadically spouting out random names and so called facts.
M*W.. YOU are no way lazy ... hope the leg <legs> is better
M*W: Thanks for your comment. I've tried to stay off my leg. Apparently it was a pulled calf muscle, and it is getting better now that I've rested it. I'm starting to get around a little bit on my own now.
I'm sometimes guilty of getting speculation mixed up with facts. It is pure speculation that the TC were influenced by the TCOH by you.

You have a distinct habit of continually stating that this and that is factual when in fact it is pure speculation. Like stating that Jesus, Jehovah and all the key figures of most if not all religions are mythical, you don't know this and the sooner you realise the better.
M*W: This is not my speculation. It has been documented by people smarter than me. It's documentation, the scientific peer-reviewed kind, can be found online or in libraries. For now, we'll have to use the online kind where information on this subject is rife.