Who or what was called "the whore of Babylon?"

Not really...

It's an assumption you've grown to trust. Did you establish the period of time between the two writings to be sure that you could account for the unlikely hood of cross cultural polination? Or did you simply take this information on trust?
Not really...

It's an assumption you've grown to trust. Did you establish the period of time between the two writings to be sure that you could account for the unlikely hood of cross cultural polination? Or did you simply take this information on trust?

We have different opinions, but after all, I don´t really care about this really.

So lets drop this subject and get back to the original topic.

For me, the whore of babylon is what buddhists call "Unwise sexual behaviour"... proceed.
I require elaboration on your point.

We have life. Life has an energy, is an energy inside us, and inside every living creature, the same energy that keeps us alive...
Life has a very basic way of survival, like in animals, without conscience, the energy is manifested in the sexual way. This is obvious if you think about it; the main purpose of life energy is to survive, and since you are not going to live forever, the energy is concentrated in creating more life...

Life energy can be focused on conscience, during meditation, your life energy is focused on your brain.
Once a person is awaken, this energy is focused on conscience 24/7, and this person becomes a bramacharya. The energy no longer goes to the sexual aspect, it is all manifested in consciousness. This is the ideal of every religion, they just got it a little twisted.

Take christianity for example, sex is prohibited for priests. Obviously they want bramacharyas, but you cannot deny your sexual energy. What priests do is to repress that energy, but if you repress your sexual energy and don´t focus on meditation to convert that energy into consciousness; the sexual energy is manifested in a more aggresive way.
That is why most priests are homosexual, pedophiles, and I bet more than one proffesional masturbators. You cannot deny the sexual energy, you can only convert it into consciousness, and until this happens, the bramacharya cannot take place.

Most people are not aware of this, and handle this energy in a wastefull way, and in other ways that provoke others to get hurt.

Wise sexual behaviour is mostly to have sex only in a situation on which nobody is going to be harmed. Not you, not your sexual partner, nor a third party...

Why do you wonder sex is the most lucrative business there is?
You seem very philsophical.
I'm more of a ...scientist than philospher. Philosphy is the most intangible ideology there is. It makes me feel unsecure.

I've have develed into the curiosities of philosphy once or twice. But I've found I'm impatient as it offers no concrete answers or guide lines and I'm far too litteral and factual to ponder such abstract views for an extended period.
You seem very philsophical.
I'm more of a ...scientist than philospher. Philosphy is the most intangible ideology there is. It makes me feel unsecure.

I've have develed into the curiosities of philosphy once or twice. But I've found I'm impatient as it offers no concrete answers or guide lines and I'm far too litteral and factual to ponder such abstract views for an extended period.

I will take that as a compliment (=.

So you hang on to a belief you don´t trust? That is what many people do, out of fear.

I say put your life in the hands of existence, and existence will carry you on its arms.